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Great Tree village

At present, Moon Wish village holds the distinction of being the most distant human settlement, but it will not stay that way for much longer. Within a few years, after a drought and a rebellion, a band of exiled women will leave to settle a new village and plant the seeds of future civilizations.


Great Tree has the title of Woman Woman, although that is not the same thing as it is in the women's villages. With no knowledge of the secret first-girl elites who chose Woman Woman from their number, the exiled women take her role to be that of a mother of all villagers.


Ordinarily a new village is founded when an existing village reaches an unsustainable population. A small pack of boys first scouts for likely sites, then a few women join them on a second expedition to visit the likeliest and decide where to place the new village. After that a mixed group of 10-15 women, girls, and boys travels to the chosen location, which is always within a two- or three-day walk, and begins the work of building houses and tidying the local wild forest.   But Great Tree village will be founded by exiles. This group of more than 100 fleeing famine and unrest sets up many temporary camps along their way, but won't build a permanent structure until five years after they leave.


The women will build their first houses exactly the way they were built in the other villages: a pipe tree framework covered in thatching from ground to smokehole, with an elevated thatch cap allowing smoke to escape while keeping the rain out. Almost immediately this standard proves incompatible with the new climate. The elevated humidity makes it impossible to escape the heat by retreating indoors. The next generation of homes raises the edge of the thatching above the ground, leaving open walls to allow air to flow through the structure while pipe tree scaffolding within the house keeps storage and sleeping quarters out of the way of the weather.


The climate of Great Tree village is much hotter and wetter than the one the women come from. There is less rain in the dry season, but this is offset by the frequent pouring deluges of the wettest months of the year. An average winter day is warmer than an average summer day in the mountains.
Owning Organization

View from the future

12,000 years, The Ocean
The site of Great Tree village is upstream from the waterfall complex that marks the farthest extent of the present-day settled vastland. Its existence and history is unknown, although stories about the journey that the exiles undertook are still told.

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