Greatmother Klaxas

Public sentientologic record
Property of the Royal Atheneum of Hövnís, Eörpe

'Greatmother Klaxas' is the first and only known sapient planet, but relatively little research has been conducted about this entity due to the difficulties involved with studying it and other skethal organisms.  

Recent Events

Greatmother Klaxas hasn't returned to the Kritak System after it tore itself from its orbit in response to the joint effort of The Ascendancy, The Agalon's Reach, The Plovian Run Coalition, The Rin Sovereignty and The Thöll Collective to cleanse Sketh-infested worlds circa 50 years ago.   It's been observed creating rifts into the Darkverse and back at will, making it capable of traversing lightyears worth of distance in a very short time. Attempts to find out exactly how the entity manages this feat have not yielded any conclusive answers yet.  


Circa 290 years ago, Greatmother Klaxas was born out of the marrowblight-infested world of Klaxas under the careful nurture of several Sketh hives. Once fully formed it assumed the role of an omnimind capable of assuming control of all agglamus- and marrowblight-base life at will, which it has used to shepherd and protect the infestation within the Skethern Confluence.  

Physical Characteristics

The entity loosely follows a similar configuration as the planet it was born from with a mostly spheroid main body divided into four layers: atmosphere, crust, mantle and core. What the core consists of or its function and interaction with the whole is unknown. But the upper mantle is made from a porous and vesicular bone-like mass, that gradually grows firmer and denser deeper down. The crust primarily consist of soil, ossified fungal matter and coral, and veins of agglamus matter.   Several multi-jointed appendages and tentacles sprout from its surface and reaches far past the atmosphere, their bases connected to the mantle like limbs. Some of these appendages feature chitinous plates, barbs of varying thickness, sparse long hairs, or sheaths of sinewy membrane. And most of the tentacles are supported by a length of vertebrae.  
There isn't close to enough data available to form sensible theories on what kind of ecological and biological processes would allow this entity to exist in the capacity it does.   While it'd make sense for it to require some form of sustenance from an external sorce to support its energy need, it doesn't have a recognizable digestive system or any signs of an apparatus for feeding.
— Notation by Dr. Tybulus Svilen

The "Moons"

In the last fifty years, it's gained two objects that observes steady orbits similarly to moons. One of them is known to be the overgrown wreck of the Vhrosju locus. The origin of the second object is unknown and during the last attempt of survey by drone appeared as an irregular lump of fungoid flesh.  

Mental Characteristics

Similarly to Sketh hives, Greatmother Klaxas primary concern is the preservation of the Sketh and the spread of the biota they live within and off of. It's shown to be sapient and highly intelligent, capable of making predictions and planning ahead based on past experience, observation, and logic deduction. It's ability to adapt to new or unexpected situations, find and exploit weaknesses, and change tactics to take advantage of its environment gives it a large advantage — especially in space combat.  

Omnimind Formation

'Greatmother' was a titling given to the entity to distinguishing it from the hivemothers — the highest caste within a Sketh hive, held by a single individual at a time.   Though it's only been demonstrated when the Skethern Confluence is under threat, Greatmother Klaxas is capable of overriding Sketh hiveminds and merge them into a unified omnimind under their full control. Typically the hivemother, prime consort, larva, and a number of worker drones will be left behind while the rest of the hive's population is rallied. Once control is relinquished, Sketh attempt to return to their hives as soon as possible.

Identity Data

~300 years

Astrographic Data

Skethern Confluence
Kritak System (Originally)
Orbital Position
Vhrosju locus wreck
Unidentified Fungoid Object

Planetary Data

Type I (Oxygen)
Primary Solvent
Water (H20)
Mesogravital (0.9 Standard)
Axial Tilt
Rotation Speed
31 Standard Hours
Orbital Period
Equatorial Radius
6440.64 Kilometers
Mean Temperature
Temperate (~30°C)
Humid Temperate
Primary Terrain

Cover image: by geralt


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Jul 28, 2024 23:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well, that's terrifying, but fascinating. I love the idea of the moons.

Aug 12, 2024 13:24 by Nimin N

Thank you! :D

Jul 29, 2024 17:10

This is a very cool creature and concepts. Good layout that is easy to read without "wall of text". Great that it is rich in links to follow to find out more of the 'verse.

Aug 12, 2024 13:27 by Nimin N

Thank you, I appreciate it. Glad to hear the format is good and easy to read, I normally tend to end up with very long articles so I try to find ways to break it up and make it more digestible with formatting and css. :)

Aug 10, 2024 21:17 by Aster Blackwell

A living planet! Obsessed with the concept and the execution.

Aug 12, 2024 13:27 by Nimin N

Thank you! Glad to hear you like it.

Aug 12, 2024 01:45 by E. Christopher Clark

The idea of a sapient planet is one I wish I had room for in my world. From Unicron in The Transformers: The Movie to Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, I just love the concept. And you have created a character who is just as memorable. From the physical description to the fact that Greatmother Klaxas has now attracted a couple of “moons”—this is just chef’s kiss.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Aug 12, 2024 13:45 by Nimin N

Thank you! That makes me so happy to hear. I've also long found the idea of living planets fascinating, and decided to go for it when I saw it'd work well with the plans I had for the sketh. :)   Unicron that you mention was one source of inspiration, as was Zonama Sekot/Indobok/Solanus/D'vouran from Star Wars, and the Brethren Moons from Dead Space.

Aug 17, 2024 18:24

Well this is one of the coolest articles I've read on this site. Reminds me of some kind of outer god from the Cthulhu mythos.

Aug 18, 2024 12:12 by Nimin N

Wow, that comparison is such a huge compliment to me, thank you!

Aug 19, 2024 21:05 by Rin Garnett

This is such a creepy entity, entirely unknowable and clearly doesn't want to be known. The flesh moon is equally endearing and terrifying.   As you know, I loved this article so much I included it in my Reading Challenge for this year :D