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2024 Summer Camp - Reading Challenge

After big events like Summer Camp comes the Reading Challenge: Read other writers' entries and choose a selection to highlight and recommend. I have limited reading time this year, so I focused on articles from worlds I already follow.   My first 10 are below, but I plan to add more later this month. Don't forget to browse other reading challenges and see what new things you might uncover!
Check out Satrium's compilation of all reading list mentions for more cool stuff to read!
Reading Challenge - Summercamp 2024
Generic article | Sep 1, 2024


This year, I focused on defining what made me more or less interested in reading any particular article. Why did some articles grab and keep my interest while others were more of a struggle to focus on? Can I use this to improve my own articles? Some of this is personal preference and may not relate to you, but still be worth considering.  
Hook your reader early
With your notification, with your first line, with a foreward. Show me why I should read your article instead of any other one.
Keep paragraphs short
Dense paragraphs that go on for 10, 15, 20 lines are hard to read. Shorten them or split them up for a better reader experience.
Lead with action
I want to know the purpose this article serves to the story you're trying to tell with this world. What does it do?

Selection Process

How I decided what to read:
Author I already love
Enticing title or message
No food articles
None with certain other content warnings (rare)   How I decided what to link:
Has a non-obvious response to the prompt
Used exceptional styling to convey information
Has some sort of drama, conflict, or story to them


Wholesome Reads

Building / Landmark | Jul 19, 2024

Take the glide of faith into the largest library on Bahrid.

Nearing the outer sides of the library, one can hear the whispering honks of other Pingus...
I'm surprised I didn't see more libraries as refuges among the worlds I follow (I haven't checked the submitted entries, I hope there are lots more!). How could I possibly not feature a penguin library??
Character | Jul 15, 2024
In the time between sleeping and waking, Lirra provides that which cannot be found elsewhere; a place of fearlessness even amongst fear itself.
Love this soft goddess of sleep. I can imagine people speaking of her only in hushed tones, as if being too loud would frighten her away and sleep may never come. Or she'll make you fall asleep for months...
Floating Islands
Geographic Location | Aug 13, 2024

Floating islands are giant rocks held aloft by the whirling winds of the Aer. Over the course of dozens to a few hundred years they descend into the depths of Uranus. Despite their ephemeral existence, the islands form the bedrock of Uranian life.

Despite their ephemeral existence, the islands form the bedrock of Uranian life.
I love transience. There's something endlessly romantic about walking across a floating island that will fall to the depths in a few years. Rarely does the land we walk upon have a comparable lifespan to our own.


Dramatic Flair

Item | Sep 3, 2024

Massive crater-marks left behind from Codod's sorrowful hammer strikes. They've in turn began to symbolize the emptiness inside that humanity is always seeking to fill.

In terrible sorrow Codod mindlessly slams her hammer into the ground, desperate to spark forth fire that once warmed her heart and land.
The different meanings of Hammermarks in jewelry particularly stood out to me in this one. I also wanted to comment on the postcard design - a great way to present these bite-sized articles.
Vehicle | Sep 6, 2024

A haphazard vehicle to travel between floating islands in Adea.

The Cloudraft is a poorly constructed type of vehicle, built out of necessity with barely enough materials and in a hasty manner.
Reading about these rickety and makeshift rafts that traverse floating islands in a void activated my fear of heights.
Greatmother Klaxas
Character | Jul 27, 2024

A skethal world and superorganism patrolling the Skethern Confluence.

Attempts to find out exactly how the entity manages this feat have not yielded any conclusive answers yet.
This unknowable sentient planet traverses lightyears of space with self-made rifts, uses advanced intelligence to evade harm, and can take over hiveminds as an omnimind. Goals, honestly.
Sky Pirates
Ethnicity | Jul 7, 2024

Scandalously strategic sailors of the sky.

In the moment that airships became advanced enough for transporting cargo, the whispers turned into rumours and then the rumours turned into truths...
I originally started my own space pirates article as an ethnicity, and realized partway through my approach was better suiting to a profession. So I was particularly drawn to these sky pirates, written as an ethnicity.
Farrow Hargrove
Character | Jul 2, 2024

The middle child of the current High Lord Hargrove, Farrow is torn between his duty to his family and the desire to be his true self.

It is a tumultuous time for him, as he is torn between doing his duty to his family - and burying his true self forever - or refusing.
You didn't think I'd get through this reading challenge without sharing an article responding to the trans prompt, did you? This one showcases a brilliant way to convey that a character is trans without spelling it out.


Heavy Hitters

Galanti-Karkhala War
Military Conflict | Sep 1, 2024

A horrific series of conflicts between the Galanti League and Karkhala.

Her sacrifice could have saved billions. Could have.
This is my kind of military conflict article. It includes tactics, yes, but more importantly, it tells a story. The point is the people involved and the lasting effects the conflict had on the galaxy. The sad ending sets the stage for big stories.
Nano-Theropic Wasting
Condition | Aug 3, 2024
But, as anyone who has worked with a virus knows, you can never really kill all of them...
How do you make a medical condition that affects mechanical beings? Turn the mechanical beings into flesh beings. An example of how tech made for good can go horribly wrong.


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Aug 8, 2024 18:59 by Mochi

Thank you so much for including the Galanti-Karkhala War! And in the heavy hitters section, wow! I'm really glad you enjoyed the article, it was a challenge for me to write a conflict, but I'm really proud of the result <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 12, 2024 17:53 by Rin Garnett

As you should be! It's a fantastic article with some A+ worldbuilding :D

Aug 8, 2024 19:23 by Nimin N

Thank you, I appreciate the feature! Should you end up becoming a traveling space orb too, I hope you'll be a kinder and less angry one.

Aug 12, 2024 17:55 by Rin Garnett

I'd certainly do my best, but I'd probably cause accidental mass destruction by getting too close to another space orb and messing up their gravity :(

Aug 8, 2024 22:23 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Some great picks here! <3 Thank you so much for including Farrow, he is very important to me. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Aug 12, 2024 17:56 by Rin Garnett

I can see why! I hope to read more about him some day :D

Aug 8, 2024 22:38 by Chase

Ooh, gives me some good stuff to read. Though I failed to complete my SC goals due to extenuating circumstances, I hope I'll be able to do the reading challenge! Thanks for highlighting some interesting articles!

Aug 12, 2024 17:57 by Rin Garnett
Aug 20, 2024 00:26 by Stormbril

Thank you so much for the inclusion!! I'm honored :D

Sep 5, 2024 13:12 by TJ Trewin

Thank you so much for reading my article! :D <3

Journals of Yesteryear

I just finished some new art in my latest article: Pinecrest College of Aviation!
Sep 21, 2024 21:26 by Rin Garnett

It was a pleasure to read! Thank you for stopping by :D