
Dragons were hard enough to kill when they were alive; how are you supposed to kill them when they're already dead? - Dwarf Sentinel
  One of the more dreadful types of undead that have made their appearance upon the world, the Dracolich is a creature created from the corpse of a dragon using Necromancy to be used as a weapon by the necromancer that is controlling it. In doing so, this unholy resurrection leads to death and destruction to all in its wake, being harder to destroy and bestowed the powers of dark magic to make it even more powerful.

Basic Information


The skeletal remains of a dragon with four legs with three toes. Two large wings allow for flight, along with a tail at the end, to allow for flight control. Very little flesh remains, and dark magic now animates the body with its power.

Biological Traits

Undead: Due to being undead, it is unaffected by all things that the living are affected by; sleep, fatigue, and sickness are not possible for them to achieve, and they can feel anything allowing them to continue fighting until they are destroyed.   Dark Aura: Due to the Dark Magic placed on them, a Dracolich is much stronger than a normal dragon, they can regain all of their abilities, but become much more powerful being fuel by that same magic.   Necrotic Flame : Like all dragons, Dracolichs can breathe fire, but due to their dark magic infusion, that fire is fused with the powers of necromancy. Being more powerful than a normal dragon fire, this fire becomes more lethal as necrotic energies flow through, making it more effective against magic and absorbing the life energy of anything that comes in contact with it and transferring it to the Dracolich to give it more power.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Dracolich, once reanimated, will become a fused with dark magic binding the corpse of a dragon together to keep it bound to the physical world as long as possible.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to being undead, the Draoclich is not affected by the environment it finds itself in. It will often destroy its surroundings at the command of the Necromancer that controls it.


A Droclich under the command of a Necromancer has no free will and obeys their commands, often being used to destroy anything that gets in their way. However, there have been some cases that a Dracolich can remain animated without being bound to one, and their minds only desire to kill the living and destroy everything in their path.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dracolichs require the corpse of a dragon to be created, though these corpses are hard to find in most parts of the world since Dragons have long since been extinct.

Average Intelligence

Dracolichs lack any intelligence despite the desire to kill and destroy the living.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Excellent   Sound: Good   Smell: None
Scientific Name
Class: Undead
Conservation Status
It is unknown if any are active in the world.
Average Height
18 ft - 20 ft
Average Weight
1 ton - 3 tons
Average Length
20 ft - 50 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black and grey

Bringer of Destruction

I was there when the last of those abominations were brought down, but the damage was already done; entire cities were destroyed, and countless armies were crushed, all to bring down one monster. I only hope I never see another for the rest of my days. - Lore Master Telan'run Sehvel
  When the dragons roam the world, they destroy all that gets in their way to satisfy their desire for riches and dominate, for they have reasons to do so. However, a dracolich is far worse than any dragon, for they lack the reason to do what they do and are controlled by anyone who seeks power to destroy all that stand against them. A Dracolich unleashed on the world will only bring death to all that cross its path with very little chance of survival.  

Death Unchained

Death surrounds us, and in it, the form takes the form of fire and shadow - Survivor of Dracolich Attack
  Unlike most undead, when the Necromancer dies, so do the undead that they control; however, that is not always the case with a dracolich do the amount of power it has; in most cases, they were set free and mindless, going on a killing spree without end until it is destroyed or another necromancer takes control of it which takes one as highly skilled as the one that created it. It can grow stronger from the destruction and life it takes away the longer it continues, making it difficult to defeat.


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