Junction Expanse

The Junction Expanse is a grouping of free worlds located on the trailing edge of the Sagittarius Cluster. A group of worlds, some highly populated, some relatively technologically advanced, some just coming into their own, have grouped together for mutual protection and survival. While it takes it's name from Junction, other than mutual trade and protection agreements, there is little binding this group of planets together besides location and a shared culture of being on the edge of the cluster.   A group of worlds with Class A starworts are all one jump apart near the "center" of the expanse and while they are able to provide high quality ships and other technology to many of the other worlds they have aligned with, several other worlds provide vital supplies including food, most especially for Junction, and minerals to keep the production lines going.   Mutual protection agreements are also in place and serve to the protector and the protected, at least for now. With over 5% of the total cluster population, the expanse is well protected by their ships and manned generally by citizens of Junction who are drawn to service.    The Rangers also represent a prominent career both within and without the Expanse. While they are more of a civilian patrol group, they have a network that stretches well beyond the borders and some say throughout much of the cluster. Rangers are also recruited from other parts of the cluster, but the Junction Expanse is a recipient of much of the information allowing them to form partnerships and trade alliances throughout a large part of the cluster.   While some worlds in the Expanse are wary of Junction's ultimate plan and nominal authority, for the most part the give and take required to survive in this part of the cluster continues to drive allegiances and colonization that is generally for the greater good.
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names

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