
Junction (2723 Sagittarius Cluster) is the world that serves as the nominal capital of the Junction Expanse, an area of worlds sharing an edge of the Sagittarius Cluster. A very large world of nearly 16,000 km diameter, it supports a tremendous population of four trillion, both on planet and in large orbiting stations. The tech level of 13 supports most high tech industry, most especially starship production that is highly praised in the trailing areas of the cluster. The dense, tainted atmosphere is primarily caused by the industrialization of the surface. With a hydrosphere of 67% water, it supports many plants and animals to provide some food for the population, although most is imported as trade for the high tech manufactured here.   A white dwarf star is the main star in the system, with a companion M class red star in orbit. Junction orbits the M3 V red star. The Junction system includes an asteroid belt with intensive active mining and a gas giant which is able to support refueling. No refueling is allowed directly from Junction as it is too dangerous with the population.
by Vaclav G. Ujcik
Included Organizations


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