The Felsoren Proof Readers

The Felsoren Proof Readers is a scholars guild. It's well established, and the quite small faction has a quite poor reputation, and is motivated by power. They are rumoured to employ dangerous criminals.   Felsoren is policed by The Felsoren Proof Readers, rather than a separate guard. The guard is slightly underfunded, and their equipment sometimes falls into slight disrepair. Their officers are held accountable for their actions, though The Felsoren Proof Readers does not have the funding to perform regular training exercises.   One can recognise a member of The Felsoren Proof Readers by the their attention to detail.   Law in Felsoren is very much punitive based, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labour, incarceration, or sometimes public execution. Crime is an ugly stain on humanity, to be punished.   Members of The Felsoren Proof Readers are identifiable by their attention to detail. Membership requires a display of skill, and costs two hundred gold pieces, provided there's an empty slot. The initiation into The Felsoren Proof Readers involves an oath to be taken.


It's ruled by a board of 9, who were the strongest of the group. They are somewhat incompetent, and their positions on the board are quite unstable due to internal power struggles. Their meetings are held once a fortnight, and are closed to all. Bribes to the board are uncommon, and frowned upon.


They have limitless resources. A significant number of artefacts are part of those resources. Also at their disposal are a handful of gems, one or two favours, a drawer of blackmail material, and a handful of magical weapons.   The Felsoren Proof Readers have few allies;   Some nobles are the only others they can rely on. The Felsoren Proof Readers have a handful of rivals; A guild of commoners and a guild of commoners are the only that wish The Felsoren Proof Readers ill.
Military Order


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