Unvera Nackle

Unvera Nackle is a young adult female gnome. She is barely a metre and bony, and has yellow eyes with pale skin. The most notable physical trait of Unvera is that she has eyes like a hawk.   Unvera drinks too much. She is careful, constantly thinking lusty thoughts, and equitable. When she is relaxed, she is artistic. In moments of stress, she becomes meticulous.   Despite sexism against her, Unvera has been having mild success as a merchant, with a background of being a noble. She belongs to the commoner social class.   Unvera currently has a deck of tarot cards in her pockets, and 5 Silver 7 Copper to her name. She lives on Court Plaza. Unvera knows Common and Gnomish.   Unvera currently earns 1 Gold 2 Silver per day.
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