The Dependable Earth

You make your way down Abbott Road, and enter a shabby gypsum general store with a straw roof and see that inside, the average sized building is very tidy. You notice a monkey that follows you and tries to hand you merchandise. The store's shopkeeper is currently talking with a merchant about a new shipment.   The shopkeeper raises a hand with a wave after finishing with another customer. She introduces herself as Unvera Nackle, the proud owner of the General Store, and lets you know that the store is currently having a buy one get one free deal. Unvera looks like a beggar, but speaks like a noble.   Item:
Adventuring Gear:
Crowbar- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Grappling Hook- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Hammer- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Manacles- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Pick, Miner's- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Piton- 5 Copper
Pot, Iron- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Backpack- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Bedroll- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Blanket- 4 Silver 8 Copper
Block and Tackle- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Book- 2 Gold 4 Silver
Bottle, Glass- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Bucket- 5 Copper
Candle- 1 Copper
Case, Crossbow Bolt- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Case, Map or Scroll- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Chain, 10 feet- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Chest- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Climbers Kit- 24 Gold
Clothes, Traveller's- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Component Pouch- 24 Gold
Fishing Tackle- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Flask or tankard- 2 Copper
Hourglass- 24 Gold
Hunting Trap- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Ink (1 ounce)- 9 Gold 6 Silver
Ink Pen- 2 Copper
Ladder, 10ft.- 1 Silver
Lantern, Bullseye- 9 Gold 6 Silver
Lantern, Hooded- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Magnifying Glass- 96 Gold
Mess Kit- 1 Silver 9 Copper
Steel Mirror- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Oil, flask- 1 Silver
Parchment (one sheet)- 1 Silver
Pole (10 ft.)- 5 Copper
Pouch- 4 Silver 8 Copper
Quiver- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Rope, Hemp (50ft)- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Sack- 1 Copper
Shovel- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Signal whistle- 5 Copper
Spikes, Iron (10)- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Two person tent- 1 Gold 9 Silver 2 Copper
Tinderbox- 4 Silver 8 Copper
Torch- 1 Copper
Vial- 9 Silver 6 Copper
Waterskin- 1 Silver 9 Copper
Mason's Tools- 9 Gold 6 Silver
Tinker's Tools- 48 Gold
Cartographer's Tools- 14 Gold 4 Silver
Herbalism Kit- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Healer's Kit- 4 Gold 8 Silver
Navigator's Tools- 24 Gold
Painter's Supplies- 9 Gold 6 Silver
Potter's Tools- 9 Gold 6 Silver
Dice Set- 1 Silver
Playing Card Set- 4 Silver 8 Copper
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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