
Gnoll Lady Yeenoghu (a.k.a. Beast Of Butchery, The Lady of Savagery)

The Beast of Butchery appears as a great battle-scarred gnoll, towering 14 feet tall. Yeenoghu is the Gnoll Lady, and her creations are made in her twisted image. When the demon lady hunted across the Material Plane, packs of hyenas followed in her wake. Those that ate of great Yeenoghu’s kills became gnolls, emulating their mistress’s ways. Few others worship the Beast of Butchery, but those who do tend to take on a gnoll-like aspect, hunched over, and filing their teeth down to points.   Yeenoghu wants nothing more than slaughter and senseless destruction. The gnolls are her instruments, and she drives them to ever-greater atrocities in her name. Yeenoghu takes pleasure in causing fear before death, and she sows sorrow and despair through destroying beloved things. She doesn’t parlay; to meet her is to do battle with her — unless she becomes bored.   The Gnoll Lady is covered in matted fur and taut, leathery hide, her face like a grinning predator’s skull. Patchwork armour made of discarded shields and breastplates is lashed onto her body with heavy chains, decorated by the flayed skins of her foes. She wields a triple-headed flail called the Butcher, which she can summon into her hand at will, although she is as likely to tear her prey apart with her bare hands before ripping out its throat with her teeth. (   Personality-
Yeenoghu's desires were savage in nature, wanting slaughter and destruction above all else. She took great pleasure in inflicting terror and sorrow before her victims' deaths, destroying treasured possessions and crushing their hopes. She despised civilization and if she were to conquer other realms, abyssal or otherwise, she would not attempt to rebuild their former structures.   To the Beast of Butchery, the gnolls were both her instruments and children, whom she sought to use to bring her ideal world to fruition. Such a world would be one of endless combat and brutality, where gnolls ruled supreme and all other creatures would be either slaves or food. Ultimately when the mortal world possessed one final champion she would challenge them to battle, slay them, and preside victoriously in her version of paradise; a wasteland of decaying corpses, in an absolutely ruined world.   Despite her savage nature, Yeenoghu was not stupid, being capable of subtlety and trickery, but merely choosing not to use it in most circumstances. She actively encouraged the arrival of new races into her followers, recognizing the lack of his people's unity. Counting among the Lady of Savagery's favourite demons were barlguras, dretches, hezrous, manes, and especially maw demons, all appreciated for their bestial natures. With any entity that did not serve her she would not waste any time on discourse, leaping boldly into battle unless she became bored. (,him%20and%20his%20rabid%20slaughter.)

Divine Domains

Chaos, Corruption, Demonic, and Evil

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Triple-headed flail

Tenets of Faith

Her servants were commanded to conduct live sacrifices in wilderness regions upon stone altars. Dress code of her shamans involved dark brown robes with manged yellow fur outlines. These clothes were not allowed to be cleaned, resulting in an incredible stench hanging off her worshipers. Yeenoghu implanted a constant nagging need for intelligent flesh in the minds of her creations and devoted, as only through its consumption could she find complacency for her hunger. Thus, the devouring of human flesh was also an important ritual within her cults. Many gnolls also participated in other rituals involving self-mutilation and various acts of depravity.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Slaughter and destruction above all else.



Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Yeenoghu




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Baphomet




Baphomet hated Yeenoghu, and the two were bitter enemies. They'd warred against each other for as long as they could remember, and both forgot the origin of their feud. The hatred between Baphomet and Yeenoghu started with an alliance. Both lords had allied to invade Aeros, but were eventually pushed back by the elves and Sagittarius. Both demon ladies blamed the other for the defeat.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The Abyss

Shared Acquaintances

The other demon ladies.


Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Elrith




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Yeenoghu




Yeenoghu loathed Elrith, Queen of Succubi, because the Queen destroyed a number of Yeenoghu's material plane cultists.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The other demon ladies.


Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Yeenoghu




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Zariel




She and Yeenoghu, Demon Princess of Gnolls, had some history before her transformation into an archduke, for it was her slaughter of a village under Zariel protection before she knocked her back into the Abyss that was potentially the final straw that led to her descent. Yeenoghu, for her part, hated Zariel with a passion and would love to destroy her.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Outer Planes

Shared Acquaintances

The blood war.

Divine Classification
Demon Lady
Chaotic Evil
Current Residence


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