Ridric People Ethnicity in The Seal | World Anvil
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Ridric People

The Ridric people are a warrior people that hark back to the Earldom of Ridria. Many of the Ridirc people stay loyal to the old ways, some still following the Warmothers path in secret, others following a much more ritualistic interpretation of the Crown Cult. All Ridric people belive in trail by combat, wether thats in the literal sense, settling diffrences with axe and shield, or in the metaphorical sense fighting oponents in there studies.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Some example Feminine names are Freya, Alina, Maja, Eowyn, Anna, Tyra, Inga, Freja and Frida

Masculine names

Some example Masculine names are Harrold, Hardrada, Sven, Eorl, Thengar, William, Ulfrik, Theoden and Undvig

Family names

Ridric family names will often refrance the most prominant parent.
Angie Harrolddaughter for example or Vndvarg Freyason
This will be replaced when & if the person does somthing legend worth, then there last name will refrance that deed.
Angie Harrolddaughter may become Angie Dragonbreath and Vndvarg Freyason may become Vndvarg peacebringer


Major language groups and dialects


Funerary and Memorial customs

the dead are burn upon a pyre or the longship they fought upon.

Common Myths and Legends

They belive the world was made by the the Warmother so her flock could gallop across the world.


Beauty Ideals

Braides, warpaint and strength, these are the pillars of Ridric beauty.

Gender Ideals

It is belived the gods set expectations for parential roles with the first born, should they be male, the father has the honour of raising the pack, should they be female it will be the mother who raises the family.

Courtship Ideals

One hoping to court the other, regardless of gender must, with nothing but a bow, arrows and axe hunt and kill a great stag and present the pealt, antlers and meat to the one they wish to court.
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