Warmothers path Organization in The Seal | World Anvil
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Warmothers path

The Warmothers path is the Ridric order dedicated to the old gods, wildy practiced in Donsteed (athough now in secret), Idria, mainland Riftweed and south Nochi. They worship animal totem gods dedicated to far older rites and ways of worship.

They worship:
- Equus the Warmother, horse god of war and glory
- Undvik the Guardian bear, bear god of watchfullness, protection and rage.
- Falki daughter of the wind, falcon godess of wind speed and agility
- Torak riverseal, seal godess of water, sailing and raiding
- Stelvela the guide, wolf god of the afterlife
- Merlin the Trickster, Human god of magic and trickery
and belive the enemy of the gods, anthisis of all that is natural, and he whom they will join the gods in fighting when Ragnarock comes to be Dom-Zar son of darkness.

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