Stelvela the guide Character in The Seal | World Anvil
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Stelvela the guide

The god of the afterlife, loyalty, and pack mentality. Stelvela is associated with the wolf and is often depicted with a pack of wolves or a wolf's head. He is known for his loyalty and his fierce protection of his followers. Stelvela guides the energys of the dead to the heavens where there spirits sit in the constelations of there slayer and there sould fight for the rest of eternity in Stelvor.

The faithful of Stelvela lay blessings of thyme and the belongings of those recently passed at the base of her shrines. Ridic culture dictates that when you strike your foes down there spirit is guided to the heavens where they make up a constelation of your deeds, great warriors have constelations of thousands of spirits but, at the end of hte day even the greatest will become just a part of anothers story.

Divine Classification
Old God


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