"Vice" in Malfa

Gambling and prostitution are both legal in Malfa. Gambling is frowned upon, but sex work is just a part of life (and less gendered than in the real world).   Games of chance are widely believed to attract a type of spirit called luckeaters. If your luck is eaten by a luckeater, you’ll never have good luck again. Pure-chance games like craps are therefore a bad idea, but not strictly illegal. Games of skill are different—races are especially popular—but combining luck and skill, as in card games, is still pretty iffy. Of course some people get a kick out of that kind of thing.  
  Prostitution isn’t a crime at all, but like any other occupation there are classier and less classy sex workers. Some sex workers are also criminals, but the sex itself isn’t the crime; a sex worker might steal their clients’ money, or be con artists or blackmailers, etc.   Side note: in a world in which magic is so common, magical contraception must be fairly common as well. Probably every village healer knows the Abortion cantrip.  
  About drugs: nobody really cares what you put in your body, as long as you don’t become a problem for other people. Maveren disapprove of substance abuse amongst themselves, and might punish it in their thralls if it interferes with their jobs, but otherwise, whatever.