Dramatis Personae

This is mostly people the PCs have met; people they’ve only heard of so far are in italics.



The Fun Bunch - level 3 Love & Death in Malfa - level 2
  • Oswald (human rogue), a rich kid determined to swashbuckle
  • Örm (dwarf cleric), warrior-priest of the Obsidian God, also a cranky alcoholic
  • Tevik (dwarf fighter/monk), who is monkish

The Fun Bunch are currently ghost-hunting in the mountains, partly because they’re working for Nykomin and partly because Örm has been told to by his god

  • Lorenzo (goblin paladin), a goblin in the Vaceni navy
  • Orian Stonekeeper (elf ranger), a mountain elf and incipient monster-hunter
  • Alltafri Oska (elf/tabaxi bard), an elegant courtesan, and also a spy for the nuns of Paratti when she remembers
  • Virik (human rogue), a street kid from Malfa who wonders what he’s doing with these people

The L&D crew are still figuring out their raison d’être


NPCs who’ve gone along on adventures

NPC in boldface are currently along for the ride

The Fun Bunch Love & Death in Malfa
  • Ed – a draft horse, works for the Fun Bunch. Can talk for some reason
  • Puddle – a frog, currently
  • Tjeli – arcane investigator, ex-PC
  • Vingjar – seaweed merchant, ranger, ex-PC
  • Gally – magical engineer at the fish farm
  • Clara (briefly) – retired swordswoman
  • Madhu – Oska’s companion, a ranger-slash-beekeeper

Other people (non-Maveren) In Malfa

  • Billy – a goblin urchin
  • Gally, the water engineer, briefly met Love & Death at the baths party
The Fun Bunch Love & Death in Malfa
  • Hrigga – a merchant/crime boss
  • Kethel – muscle for the Gentles
  • Hye – Billy’s older sister
  • Finch – a sex worker

Fey persons who’ve popped up in Malfa

The Fun Bunch Love & Death in Malfa (Virik and Lorenzo only)
  • Fran – a witch, maybe, or worse. Probably worse
  • The tall bony person who was looking for the blink dog
  • The annoying little nilbog who was interested in the person who was looking for the blink dog
  • The blink dog

In the mountains

This doesn’t include Glannock and Bal Mallard, because I’m not sure we’ll go back there

The Fun Bunch Love & Death in Malfa
  • Mossevel – a wood-elf druid, very senior
  • Ennik – a Hewellen monk, her husband
  • Jabom – an orcish druid
  • Baron Udens - ruler of the Skilly, the westernmost valley in the Forges

The opera company

Will they turn out to be important? Who knows?

The Fun Bunch Love & Death in Malfa

Members of the Malfa Houses

Out of all of these, the Fun Bunch have only met Valdas Nykomin and a few people in her orbit

Alltrafri House
Maveren thralls
  • Esthris, the seniormost Alltafri in Malfa
  • Oska, technically
Erling House
Maveren thralls
  • Jasper
  • Sattr ("Saturday")
  • Erling, the head of Erling House
  • Brea Stewart – retired skald
  • Junah Wade – Saturday’s personal thrall
  • Lorenzo – Saturday’s personal thrall
Grimvatten House
Maveren thralls
  • Cestjiane (“Cece”), 17-year-old entry-level fighter
  • Rothvik (“Rod”), 16-year-old entry-level wizard
Leidh House
Maveren thralls
  • ??
Sjolfri House
Maveren thralls
Valdas House
Maveren thralls
Both campaigns: Love & Death:
  • The weird person from the party with the too-long arms and the odd smile – Nykomin’s personal thrall
Fun Bunch:
  • The water mephit – works for Nykomin personally, might not be a thrall
  • The nanny you rescued from the mirror in Valdas Manor
  • Hirokki Fisk, exposed embezzler – probably no longer a thrall, might be dead