A level 0 rogue's gallery

Some randomly-generated level 0 characters! Click the text link to see the character page; clicking on the image just leads to the image, but bigger.   I rolled stats for all these characters, so if any look appealing to play I'm happy to hand them over. Otherwise they might pop up as NPCs (or not).  
A cocky young orcish poet on the traditional orcish poet's wanderjahr. They accompany themselves on the musical bow.
The noir character! A human revenant—a streetwise urchin/bounty hunter in life, now determined to solve his own murder. Also he has a pet mouse.
Lemon Grim
The drawing-room detective character! A goblin from a noble family, a tragedy in Lemon's past has caused her to devote her life to the art of investigation. Her name is more elegant in the original Goblin.