Alltafri Esthris

Alltafri Esthris

Esthris is the only dragonborn Maver. They were born on a small island far to the west; signed onto a Maveren ship as crew; impressed everybody with their fighting skills, and eventually was made one of the famously eclectic Alltafri House. Now they're the seniormost Alltafri in Malfa, and wishes they weren't because they have no talent for politics whatsoever. Alltafri is one of the Houses that has no official head, but Esthris is at least supposed to have opinions about things, and they just don't. They'd be keen to make Alltafri independent enough to have no leverage or importance in politics at all, but how? Esthris knows they're not smart enough for this stuff.   Esthris is easy-going and quiet, a bit of a loner. They're also a murder machine, the Maveren equivalent of a strikeforce commando. They have been MVP in dozens of explorations, anti-pirate wars, etc. Any Maver who has been to sea with Esthris respects them very highly.

The only dragonborn Maver; born on a small island far to the west, brought onto a Maveren ship and impressed everybody. Now they're the seniormost member of Alltafri House in Malfa, and wishes they weren't because they have no head for politics. They'd be keen to get their whole House out of politics, but how?

Current Location
Alltafri House
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