Bombinato Fasso

brownie | tinker, he/him/they/them

Genderfluid brownie1 (homebrew race from Pointy Hat, with alterations).   Bombinato Fasso (Bombi) was summoned from the Feywild by a Maver wizard who liked the idea of having a magical helper. The wizard discovered, as so many wizards have, that brownies are helpful in the manner of a toddler who has both ADHD and superpowers. In a desperate attempt to stop Bombi helping so much, the wizard suggested Bombi take his repair skills on the road, helping out anyone in Malfa who needs a bit of tinkering. Bombi is a bit timid about new experiences, but very enthusiastic when he gets into them. So enthusiastic. He turned out to enjoy meeting new people, so it’s working out.   Bombinato Fasso is, unbeknownst to Bombi, the name of a comic character in traditional Vaceni operettas—a prank-playing monkey, usually portrayed by a human acrobat.   1 - Brownies are not actually genderfluid so much as sexfluid: after every long rest they can decide what sex they're going to be that day. Genderfluidity doesn't mean that much for brownies, since unless they're naked, they look and act exactly the same all the time. Bell uses he/him because, when he learned to speak Common from a book, he/him were first in the list of third-person pronouns. If someone tries to use other pronouns, Bell will be agreeable and enthusiastic and then never quite know who they're talking about (even if they go back to he/him).
