Chapter 0.5: I've Accidentally Made a Hole in the World, and I Think It Ate Billy

Events so far (and later)

  1. The level 0 mini-scenes Wednesday-Friday
  2. Virik and Lorenzo Walk Into a Bar Thursday or Friday evening
  3. Saturday’s Bath Party Saturday, obv
  4. ?? — you are here. Sunday lunchtime
  5. The Swallowtail Warehouse Caper (in progress) Monday or Tuesday morning

The Setup

  • Our scene opens at Erling Saturday’s townhouse, in Erling’s holding near Trader’s Plaza. It’s brunchtime, the day after the baths party.
  • Saturday isn’t there, having gone off early in the morning—presumably to find out something about who sabotaged his party
  • Lorenzo and Junah, Saturday’s thralls, are being visited by Brea Steward, the retired thrall of Erling House whom you met at the party (she used to be the skald of Erling House). Brea and Junah obviously know each other quite well.
  • Virik worked the party in a professional capacity, despite having had some weird encounter with Saturday a day or two earlier—this is why he stayed out of the way and missed all the action. This morning, Virik decides to toddle over to Saturday’s to make sure he didn’t get clocked at the party, and because he’s curious what all the noise was about. Might as well work that new connection.
  • Lorenzo recognises Virik, and invites him to stay for thrall brunch.
  • At this point, Oska shows up with Madhu in tow, paying a call on Saturday to thank him for such an entertaining party. Since he isn’t around, Junah (at Brea’s prompting) invites Oska to have some of their brunch.
  • Suddenly, a young Maver bursts in—it’s one of the Grummvatten teenagers! “Saturday,” he cries, “you’ve got to help me!...oh, you’re not here.”

Articles under Chapter 0.5: I've Accidentally Made a Hole in the World, and I Think It Ate Billy