
The world and other worlds

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The world inhabited by mortals is a hemisphere; the other half of the world is the Feywild.   Does this mean the Feywild is a hemisphere also? Since the Feywild is the place where nothing is stable, including geometry and geography, its shape and extent is unknown. The Feywild in this setting is both a geographical place and a different dimension. This doesn't make any sense and shouldn't be expected to.  
  Things get weirder in the mortal world as you get closer to the Feywild; magical theories differ, but the general feeling is that there are pockets of the Feywild here and there, like tunnels. Malfa is in an area with an unusual number of fey pockets for how far noonward it is.  
  There are two ways of measuring direction: the points of the compass, and towards or away from the Feywild (noonward vs. feyward). There are three poles: the North, the South, and the Noon Pole.   Since most people think of the Feywild being underneath the mortal world, maps are generally oriented with noonward at the top.  
  (note: this was done so that no particular direction is associated with the Other. The shortest route to Feywild might be in any direction, depending on where you are)  
Celestial mechanics
  The sun is a fiery orb circling the hemisphere, as does the moon. What happens to them as they go through the Feywild? Do they become sun and moon gods? Who knows?   Other stars and planets are hanging in an etherlike substance that can be navigated by magic, Spelljammer style—though this is so rare it might never have happened yet. What are those other planets like? Do they each have their own feywild? What does this world look like from a distance? Nobody knows.