Criminal punishment

Long-term prison isn't really a thing in Maveren society, or amongst the Peoples of the Forges. The most common punishments are hard labour, exile, and death.   For Maveren, exile consists of being stripped of their rights as Maver—a huge deal for the person and their descendants. They're essentially becoming non-people. For thralls, exile is less dramatic, but it means all your possessions wil be seized and you will be forbidden from being a thrall in any Maveren household again. For labourers this isn't so bad, but for high-level civil servants born into privileged service, it's usually disastrous.   In neither case is the criminal technically required to leave Malfa, but they almost always do. An ex-Maver in particular would be treated very harshly by other Maveren if they stuck around.   In the past, Maveren were also sometimes punished by being made thrall to some other House. This has fallen out of practice, though.   Hard labour is mostly for autonomies (non-thralls), though occasionally a thrall will be sentenced to it. Outside of Malfa, this is the most common form of criminal punishment in the entire region. In Malfa, it works like this: the convict is marked with a magical "tattoo," which causes them physical discomfort if they get too far from the sigil that bears the same symbol. This isn't a true tattoo; it fades over time, as its magical potency weakens. When the tattoo's power has vanished completely, the convict's sentence is over. This generally takes several years, though it varies with the symbol used, the conditions of labour (e.g. working in the sun a lot), and even the convict's skin tone. Sentences can thus be quite inconsistent for people convicted of the same crime, but the Maveren, as a whole, don't care.   This is also a means of being conscripted into military service for various Maveren expeditions overseas; convicts serve as cannon fodder.   The sigil is an object carried by the person in charge of that particular work crew/military force; this is generally a thrall. This is a custom adopted by the Maveren from the Hewellen, who also practice it although in a slightly different form.   A faded tattoo is still faintly visible after the sentences has been served; convicted criminals, if they return to Malfa, can be recognised as such, though the tattoos are generally placed somewhere that can be covered with clothing. The Maveren consider that, once you've served your time, it's over, you've paid your debt. They're big on paying debts.   Execution is relatively rare, and never a public ritual. If the Maveren vote that someone is guilty of a capital crime, they just kill them privately. This is much more likely to involve a Maver criminal; non-Maver are sentenced to a long term of hard labour, on the general understanding that they'll be worked to death.