Hal Foote

Male river dwarf. Runs the lumberyard in Bal Mallard, and the logging up on the mountain.   The last time Tevik was in Bal Mallard, he helpfully introduced some fungus to the timber in Foote's yard, thinking, who doesn't like mushrooms? The entire batch of timber was spoiled.

Male river dwarf. Runs the lumberyard in Bal Mallard, and the logging up on the mountain. You have yet to meet Hal (this time, for Tevik) but he’s now the centre of your lives apparently. Everybody you’ve encountered in Bal Mallard so far seems not to like him much. The last time Tevik was in Bal Mallard, he helpfully introduced some fungus to the timber in Foote's yard, thinking, who doesn't like mushrooms? The entire batch of timber was spoiled.

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