Hewellen - Dwarves

The main dwarven culture of the inland mountain range called the Forges. The Hewellen are famous artificers, and Malfa’s main trading partners. They are the ones who created the river to Malfa by building the Deeping, enabling access to the interior (or from their point of view, the coast). They are a clan of hill dwarves, with a strong strain of tiefling amongst them—there are some demon ancestors back there. Not many Hewellen come to Malfa, but they have a lot of influence.   Everyone who spends time with the Hewellen thinks they’re not quite regular dwarves, there’s something strange about them. They have a lot of magic, and seem to work with it the way other people work metal. Not much is known about them in Malfa and they aren’t very communicative; many people think of them, and by extension the entire interior, as fey and dangerous.   There are also some non-Hewellen dwarves in the Forges and in Malfa, and they also think the Hewellen are weird. The Hewellen name for these other dwarves is "Okunnen," literally "others," which has a slight derogatory connotation. Non-dwarves in Malfa have taken to using the name Okunnen for the Hewellen themselves, with the additional connotation of "strangers" or "weirdos." Actual Okunnen in Malfa might or might not find this amusing.   Many Hewellen, though not all of them, have horns. This is widely seen as a sign of mixed heritage with otherworldly creatures.   Hewellen are ethnically hill dwarves, and use the same stats.