Lemon Grim

goblin | investigator, she/her

Lemon is a scion of the Grim family, a powerful noble clan in the goblin peoples. They are on the currently-winning side of the multifactional civil war that is currently rampaging deep underground, in the Five Bells.   A Grim cousin was assassinated, in what was clearly a political strike, and a member of a rival family was accused of the murder. Lemon surprised everyone by insisting on investigating the crime. Eventually she managed to prove that the victim was in fact murdered by member of the Grim family, in a crime of passion.   This triumph has caused many in the Grim clan, and throughout the Five Bells, to be impressed with Lemon and not to like her very much. ("One admires her cleverness, but really, in all other ways one wishes she were other than she is," said her mother.) Lemon doesn't particularly care about other people's bad opinions, but it does mean she's somewhat at loose ends at home.   In the underground kingdoms, lemons are rare and expensive; their combination of sourness and brightness plays a symbolic role in goblin, orcish, and dwarven poetry. Lemon is quite an elegant name.