Maveren as a playable race


Maveren (mixed human and sea elf)

Technically, Maveren is a social/cultural identity, not a racial one; it’s possible for anyone to become Maver (though it's hard, and hasn’t happened in more than a hundred years). However most Maveren are descended in part from the original settlers/raiders, who were of mixed human and sea elf heritage; also, there are some people with sea-elf ancestry in Malfa who are from families that stopped being Maver years ago. Some of them are Maveren's thralls.
ability score increase: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +1
age: varied, ca. 400
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Elvish, Aquan
race features:
Trance. Like elves, Maveren don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day.   Weapons Training. All Maveren are proficient in the longsword, battleaxe, javelin, and spear.   Keen Senses. Maveren have proficiency in Perception.   Choose one of the following two features:   Friend of the Sea. A few Maveren have inherited the ability to communicate simple ideas to any Beast that has a swimming speed. This feature is rarer amongst Maveren than Fey Ancestry, but it pops up occasionally.   Fey Ancestry. Maveren have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Sea-elf descendants tend to be thinner than humans, with elongated ears and a greenish tinge to the skin. Hair tends to be very pale, with a bluish or greenish tint as well.