Maveren identity

A person becomes Maver when they're taken in by a House. Usually, if one or more of their parents is Maveren, this happens shortly after birth; sometimes it happens later in life, by earning it. (The latter happens maybe once a generation.)
  Upon "adoption", the skald of the new Maver's House writes a person-poem, describing them, their lineage (if a hereditary Maver) and/or their past deeds (if being made a Maver). This person-poem is remembered by the House skalds, who pass it on to each other. It's also summarised as a sigil combining several of the key runes in the poem. This sigil is etched into two identical gems, the House's badge; the House keeps one, and the new Maver keeps the other. These gems, and the sigils on them, are also called person-poems.
  The person-poem is a Maveren passport; it's how you prove who you are, if required, to Maveren you haven't yet met. A Maver is expected both to have their physical person-poem on them, and to know their long-form person-poem by heart. Because of this, many person-poem gems are heavily magicked, for instance so that they literally can't get more than twenty feet from their owner.