Mountain elves as a playable race

homebrew (not mine)

Mountain elf

elves from the mountains! More details to follow.
ability score increase: Strength +1, Dex +2
age: 700 years
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Elvish
race features:
Mountain Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the short sword, longsword, handaxe, greataxe, battleaxe, spear, and glaive.   Roughland Runner. When moving on your turn, you may ignore 10 feet of difficult terrain.   Natural Climber. You have proficiency in the Athletics skill, and a climb speed equal to your normal movement speed minus 10 feet.
Elves! Mountains!   Unruly, unkempt, and entirely wild at heart, mountain elves (often derisively called "feral elves" by their more refined kin) are at home amongst stony crags and cracked badlands where life is hard and very little grows. True survivalists, mountain elves know how to find the necessities of life when they are almost impossible to be found, and enjoy thriving in lands that would kill their less hearty brethren.   Mountain elves tend to have reddish skin.