Sea elves

Sea elves (Sjofrennen) are an aquatic people; they can breathe both air and water, but they rarely come to the surface world. Sjofrennen communities are of variable size, and many of them are semi-nomadic, hunting large game over long, long distances. There are epics about the years-long quest to bring down a specific sea creature, which might be the entire raison d’être for a community.   Sometimes when communities meet they will merge for a while, or some individuals will drift from one to the other. There are also several Sjofrennen “cities,” often carved into a coral reef. This is where they meet for trade and other exchanges; it’s also where they give birth and rear their (infrequent) children. A single Sjofrennen might over the course of their lives be part of several different communities.   Despite the apparently casual, anarchic nature of Sjofrennen communities, their society as a whole is one enormous, complex hierarchy, which every individual sea elf seems to have memorised. An individual always knows their position relative to other sea elves.   The Sjofrennen mostly live in feyward waters; very rarely do they come as far noonward as the Hallic Seas. However they do trade sometimes with the Maveren, including for sea silk. The Sjofrennen treat their Maveren descendants/cousins with genial condescension, as they do most surface-dwellers. They think the Maveren's arrogance is amusing and childish.