ships in the Sealands

This is a rundown of the types of ships you'll see around in The Sealands—especially in the Lesser Hallic Sea, upon which Malfa sits.

Common ships in the Hallic Seas (coastal and island countries)

These are inspirations/close real-world parallels. The fictional versions might be a different.

  • Standard-issue cargo ships in the Lesser Hallic Sea, also used in war: Cogs
  • Workaday ships (fishing, light cargo, etc.): Dhows
  • Traditional Sealand warships: Birlinns (light and fast galleys, mostly for raiding)
  • Long-distance exploration and trade: Caravels. These are less common in the Lesser Hallic Sea, but caravels and carracks are the backbone of the Vaceni merchant and naval fleets
Maveren ships (fictional)
  • The most traditional Maveren warship: the jago ("yago," from the same source as yacht), a light, shallow, single-masted cutter-built vessel.
  • A larger Maveren warship: the farrel, a two-masted schooner-rigged vessel.

Maveren ships are fast, maneuverable, and not really suited to the tempestuous, rocky Hallic Seas unless you have a) tremendous sailing skill and b) some magical assistance. The Maveren's famous mastery at seacraft extends to their shipbuilding.

(Slight etymology: jago comes from jaght, the same source as "yacht." It means "hunter." Farrel comes from the word for "bull"; as the name of a larger but still speedy ship, it's meant to inspire thoughts of a big ferocious creature bearing down on you at horrfying speed.

This is real-word etymology, but also what the names mean to the Maveren.)