
A part-orc, part-human paladin, of the Oath of the Watchers. Watchers are relatively well-known in the mountains, amongst underground peoples; they protect society against otherworldly things that come up from Further Down.   Tagni is a distant cousin of Baron Udens, who recently consolidated the valley of Scailte (Skilly) into a new-minted barony. Tagni is his vassal (or the equivalent; this isn't exactly feudalism) but as a Watcher, has no estate.   Before Tagni entered her cousin's service, she grew up poor, despite her noblish heritage; her branch of the family was impoverished and made homeless by war and natural disaster. Tagni herself has a variety pack of tragic backstories, including a year doing hard labour for an underground Valni settlement in her teens. It's rumoured that she saw things down there that made her want to become a Watcher—and later, they say, she encountered them again, and it drove her mad. It was during this time that Udens took her in, and became her patron once she'd regained (most of) her senses. She's still got a hair trigger and is quick to take offense. In Skilly, she is respected, but warily.   Her squire is her youngest brother. Another brother is also in Udens' service, as a builder/engineer.