The Feywater War

Some time ago—probably 150-200 years ago, but the Maveren follow their elvish ancestors in not paying attention to dates—the Feywater War was a conflict fought between the Maveren and fey creatures who were native to both the Feywaters and The Feywild itself. There are different versions of how the conflict started; possibly fey creatures were interfering with Maveren trade, or maybe some especially daring Maveren tried to raid the fey dominions. Eventually, the Queen of the Green Court took an interest, in a series of bloody and very strange battles along the border of the Feywild.


In retrospect, the Feywater War is often used as an example of Maveren hubris, though stories of the War are often told with admiration. Najateïme, a famous semi-historical hero of the Maveren, was a main player in the Feywater War.