The Stone Mother's Children

This is a metaphorical title for a group of earth spirits, each of whom is the god of a) a type of stone, and b) a kind of death. For instance, the Obsidian God is the god of the stillness after violent death. These spirits do manifest from time to time. Many dwarves will occasionally pay tribute to one god or another, and they will be the subject of small mystery cults or individual devotees. The Basalt God, the god of peaceful death, is especially popular in the (volcanic) inland mountains.   Most dwarves know of and respect the Stone Mother's Children, but they have few priests and no temples. Individuals will pay their respects when they pass a vein of a particular stone, but otherwise the interaction between dwarves and the Children is generally done by the Stone Mother's priests. They might be closest to Catholic saints in that way.   Every once in a while a mystery cult will spring up around one stone god or another, or a single person will dedicate themselves to one of the Children. Usually this is an eremitic meditative practice, but occasionally it gets a bit weird.