The Three Undying Enemies

The Three Undying Enemies of the Maveren is a children's story that all Maveren are told, and many non-Maveren in Malfa as well. It's generally considered a parable of the weaknesses Maveren are prone to. They may also be parables about different kinds of undead, and thus the dangers of necromancy.   The three enemies are called Grief, Rage, and Solutide. In the story, they are all women who were wronged by the Maveren in some way. Grief was a Maver who was unjustly killed by the other Maveren, and in her grief at her betrayal she could not bring herself to fully die. Rage was not killed at all, but the Maveren killed everyone around her; in her anger, she refused to die, but carried on transformed by violence into a more dangerous creature. Solitude was a non-Maveren who was executed by the Maveren for something they considered a crime, but she did not; out of both anger and grief, she began a new life after death, nursing her resentment in unending life, alone.   Everyone who grew up in Malfa knows this story; it is frequently retold in various forms, from skaldic sagas to puppet shows. Occasionally people try to tie some real historical person to one of the Undying Enemies, but it's never very convincing. More usually, it's taken as a parable telling Maveren not to stew in their own emotional juices.