The Tinkers

The Hewellen, the main cultural group of dwarves in the nearby mountains, are famous magical artificers, and Malfa is the main route for their goods to non-mountain markets. There are a number of artifacts and artificers in Malfa, of all races. The Tinkers are a guild-like structure for artificers that do everything from making sure artificers’ neighbourhoods are safe, to making sure magical/trade secrets remain secret. (For instance, if Gally was really in danger at the piscatorium, other Tinkers would find her a place to sleep.)   The Tinkers tend to be possessive of magical artifacts—the best magical items in Malfa are almost all Hewellen in origin, and some Tinkers might think that artifacts that outlive their owner should return to the mountains. They might also be a source of commissions, like tracking down ingredients or lost items.
Guild, Craftsmen