Thrall roles (HRALL)

household thrall roles

"Upper" thralls

Committur - also called commissary, seneschal, or steward; runs the household. This generally means the specific estate, not the larger holding within Malfa.   Husman – Sits in judgment on infractions within the entire holding, both thralls and free people. In most holdings, the committur and the husman are the same person, but they’re separate roles.   Rettman – Sheriff/bailiff; keeps the peace within the holding. Each rettman reports to the husman, but they also communicate with each other across holdings, and with the rapparandur.   Skald – Resident poet/historian/messenger. This is the most likely thrall role to be hereditary.  

"Lower" thralls

Pickets – The holding's guards, under the rettman’s command. In times of war, they would also be the holding’s soldiers.   Other skalds – There are generally some apprentices under the official Skald, who do the actual running of errands and such.   House and body servants   Labourers  
Individual thrall roles
Not all individual Maver have thralls; many do, but only one to a handful. They’re generally bodyguards, personal servants, ship’s crew, farmhands, or all of the above.  
Government/infrastructure thrall roles
By tradition, thralls in some households perform roles for all of Malfa. See the Government in Malfa.
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