
Wehalleck is a village of about 250 people on the southern side of the Skiffy. It was previously the manor village of Taafe manor, which fell into disrepair 30 years ago; since then Wehalleck has shrunk, and has been through some hard times, but the people there seem fairly cheerful nonetheless.

People & Places

The Magpie is the tiny local inn, run by Gertrim ("Gertie"), a wiry, shrewd-looking human woman of about 40. It contains three tables, two stools, and usually, Nab, the town drunk. Upstairs are two small rooms for rent.   Reeve Farrin is the local government and sherriff, a human in his late 40s. He is a war veteran, and walks with a limp. He saw Wehalleck through some tough times, leading its defense against raids in lean years.