
Argo is a warlock-bard fire genasi played by Hibberto.   As of two weeks ago: Astrella, an outcast astronomer noticed an anomaly with the telescope she had just managed to get her hands on. A streak of fire, almost unnoticeable to the naked eye, erupted from Argona. This anomaly she noted hastily, had landed somewhere in the outskirts of a town located on the same stalagmite as her. To her delight, this discovery seemed to belong to her alone as she discovered the crash site. A man, seemingly made of fire, lay arms crossed in the center of a small, scorched crater. Not having a place to stay, much less one to house a burning man, Astrella decided to set up camp next to the site. Her notes regarding the event can be found here:
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Character Portrait image: Smoke, the Fire Genasi by Cherubiel


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