Blessing of the Storm
When Kahiga awakes
And then the sky shall unfold, as it hath done when life arrived in world,
Kahiga the Great shall awake, as he hath done when water came to land.
Islands like Ironfoot shall behold, as the portal opens to netherworld,
Then we shall see the mountains quake, as the judgement of our good comes to end.
The Awakening of Kahiga, holy text of the Shrine of the Mountains
Historical Basis
Why does magic exist? Why is there no evidence of life, no fossils below twenty meters of digging? Why are oral legends from peoples hundreds of miles apart almost completely the same? Needs further investigation.
– Historian-Lieutenant Amesire
- The current residents of Ironfoot live in an archipelago within the Seas of Steel, which is itself on the planet 82 Eridani e, about twenty light-years from Earth.
- Approximately a million years ago, humanity immigrated to this planet after a massive interplanetary war. However, they found it uninhabitable due to lack of water.
- However, they were too far from Earth to turn back: they decided to use their mothership as a gravity tractor to bring icy asteroids on collision courses with the planet. However, that awoke Kahiga, who wanted to sleep without asteroids pummeling his planet, so he created the Seas of Steel and went back to sleep.
- The humans, scared, decided to dump their flora and fauna onto the newly-terraformed world. They also put hundreds of memory-wiped humans in, to re-witness the evolution of their species. Then they left for the planet's L5 point.
- Now, a million years later, the humans have evolved somewhat. They are still identifiable as modern-day humans, and have built medieval-level cities, but some have evolved to exploit the luck-fluctuations from the sleeping Kahiga.
Near-universally accepted.
Creation Myth
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This article has a couple of "woah wait what?" moments, for sure. XD To start with: wait, what, people in your world are actually from earth? They used space-craft and super-science to terraform the world? Don't get me wrong, those are *fascinating* ideas, but it feels like the rest of your world doesn't incorporate any of this stuff... Which is a shame, because I think you could craft an incredibly interesting world out of all of this! Are you planning on writing in this sort of stuff into the rest of the world? Ancient space-craft, out-of-control super tech.. Anything like that? It's a bit jarring to go from creator gods and demigod conflicts to "20 lightyears from Earth": I really didn't see that coming. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, as I think there's some really interesting stuff you could do with it all. I look forward to seeing what you will do with it! :D
Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Yep, I'm going to incorporate the gods and the humans with super-tech into this eventually. Right now, my world is set in the middle ages, so not much is going on. When they go into space they will have a big WTF moment when they realize there is a satellite at L5 point. And yes, eventually Kahiga will awake. That will be fun.