Ares Shogun, God of War

Ares, exceeding in strength, chariot-rider, golden-helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer, Saviour of worlds, harnessed in bronze, strong of arm, unwearying, mighty with the spear, O defender of Olympos, leader of the righteous men

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

Shogun of the Olympian Army, Master of War, Heir to the Throne, Ares

Divine Domains

  • War and BattleAres, the esteemed god of war, held dominion over the tumultuous landscapes of battlefields and the vast legions of armies. Beyond his association with conflict, Ares also wielded a paradoxical influence over peace; when appeased, he acted as a deterrent against the ravages of war.
  • Sacking and Defense of WorldsIn the cosmic tapestry of Ares' divine influence, he played a dual role as both the god who initiated planetary sackings and the formidable defender of besieged worlds. His omnipotence was invoked in both the conquest and protection of entire celestial bodies.
  • Rebellion and Civil OrderAres, the divine arbiter of civil disturbance, fueled the flames of riots, rebellions, and uprisings. Paradoxically, he also assumed the mantle of the guardian of civil order, standing as the patron deity of ancient police forces and armed guards tasked with maintaining societal harmony.
  • Violence and RageThe god Ares presided over the primal emotions that fueled violence—nurturing the seeds of hatred and rage. Yet, in a twist of divine irony, individuals seeking control over their violent impulses turned to him for guidance, invoking his name in moments of internal strife.
  • Courage and ManlinessAt the core of Ares' divine essence lay his rulership over courage and manliness, qualities emblematic of valor on the battlefield. Simultaneously, he governed their antitheses—fear, terror, and cowardice—symbolizing the dual nature of martial prowess and its intrinsic vulnerabilities. In the cosmic order, Ares stood as the unwavering deity, presiding over the intricate balance between strength and vulnerability.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sacred Animals
  • The Red-Scaled Serpent
  • The Vulture and Owls (portents of war, sedition and ill-fortune)
  • The Dogs of War
  • The Colchian Wyrm and the Ismenian Wyrm1
Divine Symbols and Attributes
  • Peaked Warrior's Helm (worn or held)
  • Shield, Spear, and Sword in Sheath
  • Depicted as a youth with a tunic

Tenets of Faith

  1. In the crucible of battle, find the symphony of existence. Through strife, the cosmos attains balance.
  2. As iron sharpens iron, so too does adversity refine the spirit. Strengthen your resolve in the fires of challenges.
  3. In the heart of battle, let your deeds resound like thunder. A warrior's legacy is etched in the annals of eternity.
  4. Wield the blade of discernment and shield of integrity. Let wisdom guide your strikes, and honor be your unyielding defense.
  5. Acknowledge the cosmic dance of conflict. Each battle is a celestial choreography, and warriors are the dancers of destiny.
  6. In the chaos of war, recognize the patterns of fate. The strategic mind unveils the geometric dance of victory.
  7. In the stillness before battle, find the quietude within. A tranquil mind amid chaos is a weapon unmatched
  8. Conquer not merely worlds but the vices within. Let the spoils of victory be the virtues of the soul.
  9. Assemble your comrades in the shield wall of brotherhood. Strength is magnified when united, and the bond of warriors is unbreakable.
  10. The war drum beats ceaselessly. Stay vigilant, for the battle never truly ends. Ares' faithful are the eternal sentinels of cosmic order.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Invulnerability: The power to be completely immune to all forms of physical harm on any/all levels. The user is immune to any/all forms of physical damage and harm regardless of its type or level of power, unable to feel physical pain, and is immune to bleeding or loss of limb. The user is also immune to Damage Manipulation if related to physical harm to the body. Unless the user is Immortal, the only way to kill the user would be to affect them on a deeper level than just the material body, such as the mind, emotions, or soul.
  • Absolute Weapon Proficiency: The power to possess maximum and limitless mastery in weapon wielding. Users have reached the pinnacle of armed fighting prowess. They know everything about fighting with a weapon and can surpass any masters of armed combat of any form, having complete knowledge of their wielded weapon whether they be unknown, nigh impossible to master, or forbidden, and can also create their forms of armed combat to throw off their enemies.
  • Teleportation: The power to instantaneously move from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. Users can teleport; moving instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transferring matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light speed, warping space, or using quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system.
  • Shapeshifting: The power to alter one's form and appearance. Users can change their shape, size, color, density, texture, cellular composition, and/or atomic composition to mimic qualities, impersonate entities, amplify abilities, and/or traverse environments. The origins of this power play a significant role in their capabilities and limitations; altering oneself on a cellular, atomic, and/or conceptual level will permit varying degrees of alteration; while methods that defy the laws of reality, such as magic, will most likely keep to their own set of conventions. Users with greater degrees of control are more than likely capable of using their bodies by unpredictably functioning as a perpetually reconstructing all-purpose appliance and/or employing near-indomitable deception in their strategies. Assuming the identity of distinguished or unsuspecting subjects allows for easier access to prohibited areas, superior persuasion, and potent espionage, depending upon the user's power and skill to imitate likenesses.
  • Weapon Summoning: The power to summon a weapon from anywhere. The user can summon any weapon/weapons to wherever the user is located.
  • Absolute Immortality: The state of being absolutely unkillable and imperishable. Users are absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are absolutely self-sustained and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are either immune to mental and spiritual damage or will always flawlessly recover from them. Any injuries the user suffers will immediately heal, even if the user's body is blown up, disintegrated or completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level and even if the user is completely erased, they will still return to life. Alternately, some users are absolutely immune to all harm, and can never die from any causes. Either way, they are unerasable. The users completely transcend the concept of death itself, though many users transcend both the concepts of life and death.


Family Ties

  • Zeus | Parent
  • Hera | Parent
  • Hephaestus | Sibling
  • Eileithyia | Sibling
  • Hebe | Sibling
  • Hermonia | Lover
  • The Amazons | Offspring
  • Aphrodite | Lover
  • Eros | Offspring
  • Anteros | Offspring
  • Phobos | Offspring
  • Deimos | Offspring
  • Chryse Soleymani | Lover
  • Phlegyas Soleymani | Offspring
  • Enyo | War-Wife
  • Enyalius | Offspring
Enyo was an Olympian deity, a minor goddess of war, and a Lt. General under Ares. She, along with four other minor War deities, made up the Vanguard of Ares, exceptionally powerful and skilled warriors. Enyo had the demigod hero Enyalius who served as a Dragon Knight under King Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King during the Great War in Heaven.
  • Sulfúkkaun Iarlabankidottir | War-Wife
  • Thrax Ariesson | Offspring
Sulfúkkaun was a Jötnar War-Wife of Ares and bore him his son Thrax the War-Torn. He was a member of his father's War Cult and served at his side as one of his trusted swords. He was brutally slain during the Great War in Heaven and Ares immortalised him as the Thraxian constellation in Midgard.
  • Harpina | Lover
  • Oenomaus Rubilis | Offspring
On the small moon of Pisa, Ares fell in love with the water Nymph Harpina and sired a single son, whom Harpina named Oenomaus. He would grow to become King of Pisa and wed Princess Evarete Zografopoulos, a descendant of Perseus. They had several beautiful children together when Oenomaus was struck with a vision, a fated sign that his Son-By-Law would slay him and take his throne. Obsessed and paranoid, Oenomaus would have every suitor who came to petition him for the hand of his daughter Princess Hippodamia killed. The wandering Prince Pelops, son of Tantalus, would alone evade this fate when given a warning by Hippodamia herself. Pelops challenged Oenomaus to a test of games for his life, and Oenomaus accepted, not knowing that Lord Poseidon had given Pelops divine aid. Ultimately, Oenomaus would die at the hands of his Son-By-Law and Pelops did come to sit on the Throne of Pisa.
  • Pelopia Zarakis | Lover
  • Cycnus Zarakis Banopoulou | Offspring
Pelopia was a handmaiden to the Banopoulou nobility of the planet Arakis Prime during a large system-wide rebellion. The nobility she called masters were of the Cult of Ares and when Pelopia was used as a Mortal offering to the gods, Ares blessed her with a son, whom her masters took and named Cycnus, their demigod prince. Cycnus was raised as a wealthy prince without discipline or morals and when he became a man was known as bloodthirsty and cruel. He ruled his inherited kingdom violently and treated all guests with great wickedness. He was eventually slain by the mythical hero Heracles.

  1. Wyrms, like serpents, have no wings or limbs, and consequently, they are incapable of flight. These creatures move with a serpentine grace and possess hard scales and venomous fangs in addition to their fire-breathing abilities. They are known for their many eyes, which add to their mystique and aura of danger. The Colchian Wyrm was sent by Ares to protect the Golden Fleece at the feet of Yggdrasil and the Ismenian Wyrm guards the sacred temple of Ares on the Thebian homeworld.

Divine Classification
Deva (Olympian God)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Shogun of Mt. Olympus
  • God of War and Courage
  • War Deva
  • Guardian of Agriculture
Aligned Organization
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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