Durandal, the Mythical Sword of Invincibility

"Forged at the Infinite Foundry, the longsword Durandal had a long and slender dirty-gold blade with Ásgardian Runes engraved onto it. The long two-handed wooden hilt ended in a golden tip and jewels were embedded in the guard and hilt. Though a seemingly dull and boring weapon, this priceless blade is the envy of kings."

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Invincible Sword
Durandal is made from a dense alloy, Ásgardian Ore, forged by the weird and malicious craftsman, Weyland, in the fires of Múspellsheimr and the ice of Niflheimr in The Foundry of ∞. The weapon is indestructible, impervious to any form of damage, speculated to outlive reality itself.
One of the Sharpest Blades in Reality
When old Weyland forged the sword, he used a Tooth of St. Peter the Gatekeeper to "bind" the sword together with the very idea of "cutting" or "sharpness". This makes Durandal one of the sharpest swords in reality and capable of cutting through almost anything.


Weyland (or Wayland) the Smith was a Jötunnar smith famed for producing the Reigard, a series of mythical weapons of great power born in the Foundry of Infinity. Durandal was one of his greatest works and a weapon feared throughout creation for the fatal wounds it could inflict on beings.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
1.1–2 kg (2.4–4.4 lb)
100–140 cm (39–55 in)
Raw materials & Components
  • Ásgardian Ore; A special type of material that can be naturally mined on almost every Realm within Ásgard, exclusively. Produces high-quality steel for weaponry and armaments capable of withstanding far more punishment than Mortal metals. Provides natural defense against divine wrath.
  • Ýggdrasilian Wood: Wood harvested from Yggdrasil directly by unknown means. This timber has queer metaphysical attributes, such a material can only be worked on by a smith who is a master of their craft.
  • Tooth of St. Peter the Gatekeeper: Born as Simon Hérisson, St. Peter was one of the mythical Swords of The House of the 12 Swords, known as the Bearer of the White Key. When he was killed, several of his teeth survived, becoming powerful Blessed Artifacts. When used, the teeth of St. Peter can be used to bind or unbind anything to or from any other thing.
  • The Blood of St. Basil the Great: Lord Basil was a Lesser Sword of the 12 Sword House and an exceptional philosopher and writer. Only 3 vials of his Holy blood survived his death, and when invoked, they bestow the Blessing of the Needy onto items or people. The Needy Blessing helps to bend causality to bring what a person needs most to them at the precise moment that they need it.
  • A Strand of Hair from DENIS of Paris: St. DENIS was a Lesser Sword of the 12 Sword House. While DENIS was killed, his head remains animated, and hairs plucked from his head, with both his permission and his blessing, will grant the user the survive even fatal wounds or events so long as their head remains in one piece.
  • A Vestige of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the infinite metaphysical force that radiates out from the Holy Multiverse, a sort of personification of the domain of the Gods. Imprints or certain aspects of the Holy Spirit can be imbued or enchanted to give items or people Holy Magic.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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