Familiar Summoning

The 10-Tailed Magical Beasts of Fable

The 10 Great Magical Beasts are the most powerful Familiars a Mage can ever hope to summon and are only second to Hecate herself in terms of Magical power and ability. Even the One Tails, regarded as the weakest of the Greats Beasts, would dwarf any other Familiar that is not a Tailed Beast. They will rarely be summoned at all as they would demand an immense amount of Natural Energy to sustain themselves even partially in the 3rd Dimension. They do however select certain Mages to receive boons and Champion them at times. But they are often engaged in their politics and care little for the domain of Man.


Familiars are beings of the 5th Dimension composed entirely of Mana (Yin) and obey a completely different law of physics and existence. They have historically been used by Mages to give Form to their own Magic and Spells. The form is the physical or visual shape of a spell or type of Magic, this was done because Magic, by nature, is a very abstract and unconventional practice, it is different for everyone and thus everyone approaches it in a wholly unique and different way. And thus Familiars were put into action, formless entities who, through eons of serving as the Form of Magic for Mages, have come to be defined by these Forms.
Familiars form a Summoning Contract with a Mage signed in blood, the details are to be decided between the two parties privately. Failure to uphold the Contract or breaking it altogether will result in Magical sanctions. Familiars will then serve as the basis of Magic for the Mage, allowing them to easily "build" their spells and form their Magic once they have the understanding that comes with their Contract. Magic is a deeply visual art, you can only bring something into creation if you know what it is. This Magic is made stronger when the actual Familiar is Summoned and used in conjunction with the Mage to create a devastating power team.
Familiars are not needed for Magic and many Mages refuse to employ Familiars at all for various reasons.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Mana Excess Manifestation
Familiars constitute entities entirely comprised of Mana (referred to as Yin) in the absence of Natural Energy (referred to as Yang). Consequently, when a Mage calls upon a Familiar, the Mage must be adequately prepared to absorb their energy. Generally, Mages opt to summon a Familiar only after expending a substantial portion, if not all, of their personal Magical Energy reserves. While the abrupt infusion of Mana necessitates subsequent conversion into usable Magical Energy through Natural Energy, this process can be expedited through a Familiar.
The reliable manifestation of a Familiar within our realm hinges upon their capacity to blend their own Yin essence with the Yang essence of their Summoner, given their inherent lack of a mechanism to harness Natural Energy. As a result, certain Mages might undertake the gamble of employing Yin (unrefined and hazardous magical energy) in their spellcasting endeavors, thereby enabling their Familiar to absorb some surplus Yang from the Mage. However, such a strategy should only be contemplated if substantial benefits arise from retaining the Familiar in this domain. Alternatively, one could simply embrace the surplus Yin, amalgamating it with their own Yang to rejuvenate their magical prowess.


The Goddess of Magic, Hecate, created Fable, the 5th Dimension and is a creature of it. The first of her creations were the 10 Great Magical Beats, and it was from them that all other Familiars were brought into existence. Familiars draw their power (Mana) directly from Fable which is infinite, although each Familiar is only composed of so much Mana. The source of all Mana is Hecate herself who is one and the same with Fable.

Familiar Summoning

Familiars are beings of the 5th Dimension composed entirely of Mana (Yin) and obey a completely different law of physics and existence. They have historically been used by Mages to give Form to their Magic and Spells. The form is the physical or visual shape of a spell or type of Magic, this was done because Magic, by nature, is a very abstract and unconventional practice, it is different for everyone and thus everyone approaches it in a wholly unique and different way. Thus Familiars were put into action, formless entities who, through eons of serving as the Form of Magic for Mages, have come to be defined by these Forms.
Familiars form a Summoning Contract with a Mage signed in blood, the details are to be decided between the two parties privately. Failure to uphold the Contract or breaking it altogether will result in Magical sanctions. Familiars will then serve as the basis of Magic for the Mage, allowing them to easily "build" their spells and form their Magic once they have the understanding that comes with their Contract. Magic is a deeply visual art, you can only bring something into creation if you know what it is. This Magic is made stronger when the actual Familiar is Summoned and used in conjunction with the Mage to create a devastating power team. Familiars are not needed for Magic and many Mages refuse to employ Familiars at all for various reasons.

  • Mana Excess Manifestation

Familiars constitute entities entirely comprised of Mana (referred to as Yin) in the absence of Natural Energy (referred to as Yang). Consequently, when a Mage calls upon a Familiar, the Mage must be adequately prepared to absorb their energy. Generally, Mages opt to summon a Familiar only after expending a substantial portion, if not all, of their personal Magical Energy reserves. While the abrupt infusion of Mana necessitates subsequent conversion into usable Magical Energy through Natural Energy, this process can be expedited through a Familiar.
The reliable manifestation of a Familiar within our realm hinges upon their capacity to blend their own Yin essence with the Yang essence of their Summoner, given their inherent lack of a mechanism to harness Natural Energy. As a result, certain Mages might undertake the gamble of employing Yin (unrefined and hazardous magical energy) in their spellcasting endeavors, thereby enabling their Familiar to absorb some surplus Yang from the Mage. However, such a strategy should only be contemplated if substantial benefits arise from retaining the Familiar in this domain. Alternatively, one could simply embrace the surplus Yin, amalgamating it with their own Yang to rejuvenate their magical prowess.

Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Articles under Familiar Summoning


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