
The power to conjure anything.

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford | Conjuration Article on the Superpower Wiki
Conjuration is a magical art that involves the summoning, calling forth, or creation of beings, energies, or objects through magical means. Practitioners of conjuration, known as conjurers, can bring forth entities from other planes of existence, or even summon and control elemental forces. Conjuration is a versatile and powerful school of magic that allows spellcasters to manipulate and interact with the fabric of reality. The practice of conjuration typically requires a deep understanding of the desired entity or force being summoned. Conjurers must be knowledgeable about the characteristics, nature, and potential risks associated with the beings they call upon. They employ rituals, spells, sigils, and incantations to establish a connection and draw forth the desired entity or energy.


Conjuration is a mystical practice that empowers individuals to summon, create, or manifest a wide array of entities, objects, spirits, demons, deities, or elemental forces to fulfill their desires or commands. This supernatural art encompasses the act of invoking these conjured subjects through the use of incantations, charms, or magical spells. It is deeply rooted in tradition and remains relevant in contemporary magical practices.
A significant facet of conjuration is its versatility, with applications extending to both teleportation and summoning. Teleportation enables users to instantaneously move from one location to another without traversing the space in between. This remarkable ability can be achieved through various means, such as propelling atoms or molecules at light-speed, warping space itself, or employing quantum superposition to rearrange subatomic components. While teleportation may initially appear as a convenient travel tool, it possesses formidable offensive potential, effectively serving as a spatial attack. The increased movement speed and expanded distance coverage it provides can be harnessed creatively by skilled combatants and strategists.
Furthermore, teleportation serves as the foundation for a plethora of superpowers, all revolving around the concept of manipulating the movement or travel of subjects. In its most extreme manifestation, users can traverse different dimensions, and planes, or even transcend time itself.
Summoning, on the other hand, allows users to transport people, creatures, or objects to a desired location. This can be achieved through basic teleportation, dimensional travel, portal creation, or other mystical means. Sometimes, these summonings are the result of pre-established contracts, forging a connection between the summoner and the summoned entity. However, advanced practitioners may not be bound by such contracts and possess the capability to summon virtually anything, including formidable beings or "familiar spirits." This level of mastery typically demands strong mystical connections to the realms where these entities reside. The range of summonable beings is vast, encompassing fairies, angels, demons, animal spirits, and much more.
It is essential to note that summoning is not without risks. A summoning ritual gone awry can lead to a range of misfortunes, with the summoned entity potentially causing harm to the summoner or others involved in the process.
At its core, conjuration revolves around the art of moving objects, beings, creatures, or tools from one place to another. Accomplished mages who have mastered this art can store their conjured items within a pocket dimension, a separate realm for safekeeping. The specific characteristics of these pocket dimensions, including their size and capacity, are unique to each mage. Various methods exist for accessing these pocket dimensions, such as openings or areas on the mage's body that can draw objects in, magical bags or satchels capable of holding infinite items, floating portals, or simply reaching behind or into objects to retrieve the desired item. Some mages even possess the ability to perform item exchanges with their pocket dimensions, swapping one item for another with ease.

Side/Secondary Effects

  1. Limited Knowledge: The conjurer's ability to conjure is limited by their knowledge of what can be summoned. Lack of information or understanding about certain entities or objects can hinder their effectiveness.
  2. Summoning Cost: Summoning powerful beings or objects may come at a price, such as sacrificing something of equal value or trading part of the conjurer's essence or lifespan.
  3. Dependency on Tools: Some conjurers may require specific tools, artifacts, or rituals to perform their conjurations. Losing or damaging these items can render the power useless.
  4. Interdimensional Interference: Manipulating other dimensions may attract the attention of entities or forces from those dimensions, resulting in unwanted interactions or conflicts.
  5. Magic Drain: Conjuration may deplete the user's magical reserves over time, making them vulnerable to other magical attacks or rendering them unable to perform further conjurations until their power replenishes.
  6. Entity Rebellion: Summoned entities, particularly powerful or independent ones, may resist the conjurer's control or refuse to obey commands altogether. This can lead to confrontations and loss of control.
  7. Time Constraints: Conjuring complex entities or performing extensive teleportation can consume a significant amount of time, making it impractical for urgent situations.
  8. Spatial Limitations: The conjurer may be limited by the physical space available for the conjured objects or entities, making it impossible to summon certain things in cramped or crowded environments.
  9. Dimensional Instability: Manipulating other dimensions can lead to unintended consequences, such as creating rifts or instability in the fabric of reality. This can result in unpredictable events and dangers.

Magical Summoning Conjuration

Conjuration is a mystical practice that empowers individuals to summon, create, or manifest a wide array of entities, objects, spirits, demons, deities, or elemental forces to fulfill their desires or commands. This supernatural art encompasses the act of invoking these conjured subjects through the use of incantations, charms, or magical spells. It is deeply rooted in tradition and remains relevant in contemporary magical practices.
A significant facet of conjuration is its versatility, with applications extending to both teleportation and summoning. Teleportation enables users to instantaneously move from one location to another without traversing the space in between. This remarkable ability can be achieved through various means, such as propelling atoms or molecules at light speed, warping space itself, or employing quantum superposition to rearrange subatomic components. While teleportation may initially appear as a convenient travel tool, it possesses formidable offensive potential, effectively serving as a spatial attack. The increased movement speed and expanded distance coverage it provides can be harnessed creatively by skilled combatants and strategists.
Furthermore, teleportation serves as the foundation for a plethora of superpowers, all revolving around the concept of manipulating the movement or travel of subjects. In its most extreme manifestation, users can traverse different dimensions, and planes, or even transcend time itself.
Summoning, on the other hand, allows users to transport people, creatures, or objects to a desired location. This can be achieved through basic teleportation, dimensional travel, portal creation, or other mystical means. Sometimes, these summonings are the result of pre-established contracts, forging a connection between the summoner and the summoned entity. However, advanced practitioners may not be bound by such contracts and possess the capability to summon virtually anything, including formidable beings or "familiar spirits." This level of mastery typically demands strong mystical connections to the realms where these entities reside. The range of summonable beings is vast, encompassing fairies, angels, demons, animal spirits, and much more.
It is essential to note that summoning is not without risks. A summoning ritual gone awry can lead to a range of misfortunes, with the summoned entity potentially causing harm to the summoner or others involved in the process.
At its core, conjuration revolves around the art of moving objects, beings, creatures, or tools from one place to another. Accomplished mages who have mastered this art can store their conjured items within a pocket dimension, a separate realm for safekeeping. The specific characteristics of these pocket dimensions, including their size and capacity, are unique to each mage. Various methods exist for accessing these pocket dimensions, such as openings or areas on the mage's body that can draw objects in, magical bags or satchels capable of holding infinite items, floating portals, or simply reaching behind or into objects to retrieve the desired item. Some mages even possess the ability to perform item exchanges with their pocket dimensions, swapping one item for another with ease.

Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Articles under Conjuration


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