King Pán, Patriarch of the Satyrs

Lord of Arcadia, Patriarch of the Satyrs, and God of Nature, Pán

Divine Domains

  • Nature
  • The Wilderness
  • Shepherds
  • Flocks
  • Mountain Winds


  • The Hollow Reed Pan Flute
  • A Golden Mountain Goat

Physical Description

Special abilities

Magical Arts
Mahābhūta Transformation
Throne World & Barrier Techniques
Familiar Contracts
Inherited Magical Technique

The Eight Magical Arts

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic. Mana Cells recover at a rate that is 2x slower than what they were collected. If it took your Cells 10 minutes to collect x amount of Magic, you will need to wait 20 minutes until you are back at full capacity.

Mana Cells develop naturally and are what allow beings to tap into Mana from the 5th Dimension, the amount of Mana you can process into useable Magic is defined by how high your MC Count is (Mana Cell Count). It also depends on how efficient one is with processing their energy and their transmutation. For example, Person X's Mana Cells may take in 10 Jk. of Mana but may only have an Actual Yield of 2 Jk. in terms of Magical Energy. This will contrast with Person Y who may have a conversion rate of 10 Jk. of Mana to 7 Jk. of Magical Energy. Mana Cell Count and Magical Energy Yield are the biggest factors when it comes to determining how much Magic one has access to.
Once the body has Magical Energy, it travels upon a route of 7 metaphysical gates known as the Seven Tubaki Genshin, which act as regulators of the Mage's magical energy. These Gates are self-imposed limiters for the safety of the Mage in question. Learning how to open all Seven Tubaki Genshin is essential to make full use of 100% of your full power, this is known as Opening all Seven Gates. But just as important is learning to close them on command. Putting 100% of your power into every action you take with Magic will only completely burn through the energy your Mana Cells collected. The sign of a great mage can use Magic in a controlled and disciplined way.

Magical ArtDescription
DivinationDivination is a magical art and practice that involves seeking knowledge, insight, or guidance through supernatural or mystical means. Divination is used to gain information about the past, present, or future, as well as to uncover hidden truths or understand the deeper aspects of a situation or individual's life. It is often employed as a tool for making decisions, predicting outcomes, or gaining spiritual insight. It is important to note that divination is not an exact science and does not guarantee absolute predictions or outcomes. The interpretation of divinatory tools and methods is subjective and can vary based on the individual practitioner and the specific circumstances involved. Divination should be approached with an open mind and used as a tool for reflection, self-discovery, and gaining insight rather than relying solely on it for decision-making.
NecromancyNecromancy is a magical art that involves the manipulation and interaction with death, the deceased, and the energies associated with the afterlife. It is often depicted as the study and practice of dark and forbidden magic, as necromancers deal with taboo subjects and can control or communicate with the spirits of the dead. Necromancy encompasses a wide range of practices and abilities. Some necromancers specialize in divination and communication with spirits, seeking knowledge or guidance from the deceased. Another aspect of necromancy involves the reanimation or manipulation of dead bodies or skeletal remains. Necromancers can also employ spells or rituals to manipulate death energy, draining the life force from living beings or harnessing the power of death itself.
ConjurationConjuration is a magical art that involves the summoning, calling forth, or creation of beings, energies, or objects through magical means. Practitioners of conjuration, known as conjurers, can bring forth entities from other planes of existence, create illusions or manifestations, or even summon and control elemental forces. Conjuration is a versatile and powerful school of magic that allows spellcasters to manipulate and interact with the fabric of reality. The practice of conjuration typically requires a deep understanding of the desired entity or force being summoned. Conjurers must be knowledgeable about the characteristics, nature, and potential risks associated with the beings they call upon. They employ rituals, spells, sigils, and incantations to establish a connection and draw forth the desired entity or energy.
EnchantmentEnchantment is a magical art that involves imbuing objects, creatures, or locations with magical properties or abilities. Enchanters harness mystical energies to infuse an item or being with magical essence, enhancing its attributes, granting it special powers, or altering its nature. Enchantment can make objects more potent, provide protection, enhance abilities, or even bestow sentience upon inanimate objects. The process of enchantment typically involves the use of spells, rituals, and incantations. Enchanters draw upon their knowledge of magical principles and the specific properties of the object or creature they seek to enchant. They channel and direct magical energies into the target, imbuing it with the desired enchantment.
IllusionIllusion is a magical art that involves the manipulation of perception, creating sensory experiences that are not based on physical reality. Illusionists use spells, tricks, and subtle manipulations to deceive the senses, altering what individuals see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Through their mastery of illusion magic, practitioners can create convincing illusions, deceive others, and shape their perception of the world. Illusion magic often requires a deep understanding of perception and psychology. Illusionists study how the mind processes sensory information and exploit its tendencies to create convincing illusions. They employ techniques such as misdirection, suggestion, and the manipulation of subtle cues to deceive the senses and make the illusion seem real.
EvocationEvocation is a magical art that focuses on the manipulation and control of elemental energies and forces. It involves the summoning and commanding of spirits, creatures, or energy manifestations to achieve various effects. Evocation is often associated with the direct manipulation of raw power and the ability to unleash destructive or transformative forces. Practitioners of evocation, known as evokers, harness the elemental energies present in the world around them or tap into metaphysical realms to bring forth and direct these forces.
AlchemyAlchemy is a mystical and ancient magical art that combines elements of science, philosophy, and magic. It is often associated with the transformation of base metals into precious ones, such as turning lead into gold, but alchemy encompasses much more than just material transmutation. Alchemists seek to understand the fundamental nature of matter, energy, and the universe, aiming to unlock hidden knowledge and achieve spiritual and physical transformation.
AbjurationAbjuration is a magical school or art that focuses on protective and defensive magic. It involves the use of spells and rituals to ward off and negate harmful effects, banish or repel creatures, and create barriers of protection. Abjuration magic is often associated with shields, barriers, and dispelling magic. Abjuration spells and rituals often require concentration, focus, and a deep understanding of the magical energies involved.
As a Demigod, Pán has innate control over all five Lower Mahābhūta. He also possess a natural affinity for several Upper Mahābhūta, including Vanaspati (Wood) and Lohita (Metal).

Mahābhūta Transformation

Magic is a deeply personal affair for each Mage who practices it and in this way all Magic is unique. This brings us to the idea of the Mahābhūta, the Great Elements.

  1. Prithvi (Earth): Prithvi represents the element of earth and is associated with solidity, stability, and physicality. It is the element that makes up the solid objects and substances in the physical world.

  2. Ap (Water): Ap represents the element of water and is associated with liquidity, flow, and cohesion. It is the element that makes up liquids and fluids.

  3. Tejas (Fire): Tejas represent the element of fire and are associated with heat, energy, and transformation. It is the element that gives rise to heat, light, and energy.

  4. Vayu (Air): Vayu represents the element of air and is associated with movement, circulation, and mobility. It is the element that makes up gases and the breath of life.

  5. Akasha (Ether or Space): Akasha represents the element of space or ether and is associated with the concept of space as the container of all other elements. The element provides the space for the other elements to exist and interact.

A mage's Dharma is their Way of living true to their self and the universe, and each person possesses a natural affinity to one of the Mahābhūta. This connection allows them to convert their Magical Energy into an element and release it from their body via spells and techniques. Inversely, they have a Mahābhūta that they are naturally predisposed to be terrible at manipulating, this is related to their Adharma.
These 5 are the Lower Mahābhūta, and any combination of 2 or more of them are known as the Upper Mahābhūta, which are considerably harder to make and perform as they demand an intimate awareness and knowledge of the newly created Mahābhūta to be cast. However, they are more than worth the time and skill needed to master. Lower Mahābhūta are effective and powerful, to be sure, but they do not offer much in the way of creativity or unique applications. However, Upper Mahābhūta is wholly unique, just like the Mage's magic. For an example, take Vidyut (Lightning).

  • Vidyut (Lightning): Vidyut represents the elemental fusion of Tejas (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether). It manifests intense energy, mobility, and the dynamic interaction of elemental forces within the ethereal space of the cosmos. Lightning is born when the fiery essence of Tejas, symbolizing energy and transformation, collides with the ever-moving currents of Vayu, embodying movement and circulation. This cosmic dance of elements occurs within the vast expanse of Akasha, the space that unifies and harmonizes all elemental existences.

  • Shivam (Ice): Shivam represents the harmonious fusion of Ap (Water) and Vayu (Air) elements, giving rise to a substance that embodies the essence of liquidity and movement frozen in time within the vast expanse of Akasha (Ether). It is the manifestation of the delicate dance between water's fluidity and air's mobility, preserved within the boundless space of the cosmos.

  • Vidyut (Lightning): Vidyut represents the elemental fusion of Tejas (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether). It manifests intense energy, mobility, and the dynamic interaction of elemental forces within the ethereal space of the cosmos. Lightning is born when the fiery essence of Tejas, symbolizing energy and transformation, collides with the ever-moving currents of Vayu, embodying movement and circulation. This cosmic dance of elements occurs within the vast expanse of Akasha, the space that unifies and harmonizes all elemental existences.

  • Tatva (Lava): Tatva represents the intense fusion of Prithvi (Earth) and Tejas (Fire), a volatile partnership that births the molten, seething substance known as lava. It is the manifestation of extreme heat, raw energy, and the transformative power of fire, bound within the solid embrace of the earth.

  • Vanaspati (Wood): Vanaspati represents the harmonious union of Prithvi (Earth) and Vayu (Air), giving rise to the living essence of the natural world. It is the manifestation of growth, flexibility, and the delicate balance between solidity and movement.

  • Lohita (Metal): Lohita represents the fusion of Prithvi (Earth) and Tejas (Fire), resulting in the creation of metallic substances. It is the manifestation of strength, durability, and transformation, where the solidity of the earth succumbs to the fiery essence of Tejas, giving rise to versatile and enduring materials.

  • Rakta (Blood): Rakta represents the living essence of sentient beings, embodying the unique combination of elements within the body. It is the manifestation of life, vitality, and the intricate interplay of Prithvi (Earth), Ap (Water), Tejas (Fire), and Vayu (Air) elements within the bloodstream.

Users can create, shape, and manipulate elements. Elements are the rudimentary, simplest, or essential part of which any material thing consists of. Elements are irreducible and compose other (usually physical) things. Various combinations of elements can be used to create other things. For example, Ice could be thought of as a combination of Water and Air to produce a solid. Regardless of the specific elemental paradigm in use, users of Elemental Manipulation may be able to affect things composed in part of their element. See Mahābhūta Transformation.

Throne World, As Above So Below

Throne Worlds is a type of Barrier Technique that creates a Pocket Dimension from the Mage's very Soul in real space. This Throne World creation allows a Mage to return from any manner of death unharmed so long as they are not killed while within their Throne or so long as their Throne is not destroyed. The Throne World is a very real place that exists within Yggdrasil in some capacity. And since the destruction of a Throne destroys a Mage's soul which is what allows them to perform Magic in the first place, one must take certain steps to ensure they protect themselves correctly.
Thrones primarily exist so that a Mage can be brought there when they die to be remade and healed before leaving, and due to the risks of a Throne being destroyed or being killed while in a Throne, many mages do not bring it to them, but it is possible if the situation becomes dire. This is known as Throne World Manifestation, the name is misleading as nothing is being manifested but rather they are moving an entire pocket dimension from wherever it was to wherever it currently is. While Mages gain incredible magical amplifications while in their Throne World, understandably most do not manifest their Throne unless forced to.
A Mage can be forced to manifest their Throne if an enemy Mage employs Regression Magic to force the Throne to regress to its point of origin, i.e., the Mage who created it. This is also risky, as the Mage can be killed in this dimension, but now their magic has been amplified. Additionally, if a Throne is under siege or threat of siege, a Mage may be compelled to save it by bringing it to them, incurring any risks of their current situation as well. Thrones are incredibly complex techniques to use and failure to fully understand them and yourself will result in death or soullessness. Refer to Throne World, As Above So Below for more information.
The Valkyries And Shikigami Of Throne

When a Throne World is created, the soul of a Mage is delivered from the cosmos back to their Throne where they can later return to the cosmos at a later point in time. This process is controlled by Valkyries, which are being created from the soul of the Mage, shadows of their master who exist only to deliver their soul from the Shinigami to their Throne. The Valkyries of your Throne are just as powerful as your soul and how many a Mage can conjure depends on the power of the Mage themselves. The Valkyries of a Mage's Throne are unique to them and only exist so long as both their master's soul and Throne do as well. Additionally, should a Valkrie be felled by a Shinigami in the process of delivering the soul of their Lord, they too will rematerialize in Throne, but if they are killed in Throne, that is true death.
Shikigami are the native beings of the Spiritual Planes and naturally occur wherever souls and spirits do, including Throne Worlds. Shikigami of this type are not obedient to the master of the Throne but neither are they inherently hostile. Binding Contracts can be made between a Mage and the Shikigami of their Throne to act as secondary Familiars however it is easier to Conquer them with the power of the Soul. If a Mage's Soul is powerful enough, they can Conquer lesser Shikigami and force them to submit to their whim. Powerful Mages can use parts of their Soul to create Shikigami of their design.
Mantle, The Dimensional Storage

A Throne World has pseudo existence, in the sense that, unlike base Barrier Techniques that are cast and cease to exist when uncast, a Nirvana always exists in some capacity and as such can be used as an external storage for a Mage. These Dimensional Storage spaces are commonly used to house weapons or items or devices that a Mage either won't or cannot carry on their person or leave elsewhere. When called forth, great magical limbs, like arms, manifest from the user holding the desired object. These are called Mantles and the number of Mantles a Mage can manifest dictates how many objects they can house within their Nirvana. The number of Mantles a Mage possesses is determined by the nature of their Throne World and the Throne World itself is just a manifestation of their Dharma.
  • The Nine-Tails Contracts: Pán is a familiar face in the court of the mythical Nine-Tails in the 5th Dimension and has earned Reynard's favor. Pán can summon the Nine-Tails, tap into his immense Magical power, and employ his various Tricks to manipulate reality for his own gain. This also gives him access to the Nine-Tails Auspicious Tailed-Beasts Transformation. In this form Pán can influence cause and effect.

Familiar Summoning

Familiars are beings of the 5th Dimension composed entirely of Mana (Yin) and obey a completely different law of physics and existence. They have historically been used by Mages to give Form to their Magic and Spells. The form is the physical or visual shape of a spell or type of Magic, this was done because Magic, by nature, is a very abstract and unconventional practice, it is different for everyone and thus everyone approaches it in a wholly unique and different way. Thus Familiars were put into action, formless entities who, through eons of serving as the Form of Magic for Mages, have come to be defined by these Forms.
Familiars form a Summoning Contract with a Mage signed in blood, the details are to be decided between the two parties privately. Failure to uphold the Contract or breaking it altogether will result in Magical sanctions. Familiars will then serve as the basis of Magic for the Mage, allowing them to easily "build" their spells and form their Magic once they have the understanding that comes with their Contract. Magic is a deeply visual art, you can only bring something into creation if you know what it is. This Magic is made stronger when the actual Familiar is Summoned and used in conjunction with the Mage to create a devastating power team. Familiars are not needed for Magic and many Mages refuse to employ Familiars at all for various reasons.

  • Mana Excess Manifestation

Familiars constitute entities entirely comprised of Mana (referred to as Yin) in the absence of Natural Energy (referred to as Yang). Consequently, when a Mage calls upon a Familiar, the Mage must be adequately prepared to absorb their energy. Generally, Mages opt to summon a Familiar only after expending a substantial portion, if not all, of their personal Magical Energy reserves. While the abrupt infusion of Mana necessitates subsequent conversion into usable Magical Energy through Natural Energy, this process can be expedited through a Familiar.
The reliable manifestation of a Familiar within our realm hinges upon their capacity to blend their own Yin essence with the Yang essence of their Summoner, given their inherent lack of a mechanism to harness Natural Energy. As a result, certain Mages might undertake the gamble of employing Yin (unrefined and hazardous magical energy) in their spellcasting endeavors, thereby enabling their Familiar to absorb some surplus Yang from the Mage. However, such a strategy should only be contemplated if substantial benefits arise from retaining the Familiar in this domain. Alternatively, one could simply embrace the surplus Yin, amalgamating it with their own Yang to rejuvenate their magical prowess.

Inherited Magical Technique

  • Command

  • Constant

  • Conditional

IMTs or Jutsu are manifest as 1 of 3 types, or Hybrid Types. COMMAND Types are Jutsu that must be manually turned on and off by the User via Magical Energy normally. CONSTANT Types are active 100% of the type from inception and normally don't consume Magical Energy. CONDITIONAL Types are Jutsu that only trigger once certain exterior or interior conditions have been set and/or met, Users typically are made aware of these conditions.

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.

Satyr Racial Traits
  • Nature Sense: The user possesses innate knowledge of plants, whether they are flowers, fruits, vegetables, and whether or not they are deadly, as well as animals, knowing and understanding them. The user would also understand the inner workings of places like volcanoes or what areas are safe or dangerous for people.
  • Supernatural Senses: Users's senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are super-unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe. They can see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground, and water.



Specialized Equipment

Metaphysical Artifacts
Firearms & Blades
Phantom Steed
Armor & Attire

Sword Arms, the Expression of Power

Sword Arms are metaphysical weapons, meaning weapons, items, or tools that have a physical form as well as an Astral Form and a Mental Form, allowing them to be wielded in dimensions and spaces other than the physical one. Sword Arms are created by beings and manifest a portion of their Power, a slice of their very Soul. Sword Arms are distinctly different from normal weapons or tools that are enchanted with Magic or empowered to have metaphysical qualities. Sword Arms are full manifestations of a Mage's Power, the physical form of something so abstract and elusive, ideas made real. Sword Arms contain exactly the amount of Power that they were made from and certain attributes can be imprinted upon them.
From this explanation, a Mage might question why they would ever want to decrease their Power. Why not just keep it all to themselves and forego the Sword Arm entirely? There is no one answer and what answers exist are different to different degrees for each Mage. Some Mages may wish to enter Realms where beings of a certain Power > x are not permitted entry, and thus they weaken themselves to exist there. In this same vein, some Mages will possess various Magical Forms or Evolutions, they may tie these transformations and the power associated with them to a Sword Arm. Thus, when they call upon the Sword Arm, they can immediately transform and gain a Power boost. Sword Arms may also be employed to restrict the strain on the mortal form. The Soul is boundless but the body is not, push it too far, and it will burst, but safely deploy and separate large parts of your power and you can wield it safely when needed. You can also acquire Sword Arms of other Mages and add their Power to your own. There can be any number of reasons or situations that creating a sword arm is needed, but it depends on the Mage.

Mahābhūta Transformation

Magic is a deeply personal affair for each Mage who practices it and in this way all Magic is unique. This brings us to the idea of the Mahābhūta, the Great Elements.

  1. Prithvi (Earth): Prithvi represents the element of earth and is associated with solidity, stability, and physicality. It is the element that makes up the solid objects and substances in the physical world.

  2. Ap (Water): Ap represents the element of water and is associated with liquidity, flow, and cohesion. It is the element that makes up liquids and fluids.

  3. Tejas (Fire): Tejas represent the element of fire and are associated with heat, energy, and transformation. It is the element that gives rise to heat, light, and energy.

  4. Vayu (Air): Vayu represents the element of air and is associated with movement, circulation, and mobility. It is the element that makes up gases and the breath of life.

  5. Akasha (Ether or Space): Akasha represents the element of space or ether and is associated with the concept of space as the container of all other elements. The element provides the space for the other elements to exist and interact.

A mage's Dharma is their Way of living true to their self and the universe, and each person possesses a natural affinity to one of the Mahābhūta. This connection allows them to convert their Magical Energy into an element and release it from their body via spells and techniques. Inversely, they have a Mahābhūta that they are naturally predisposed to be terrible at manipulating, this is related to their Adharma.
These 5 are the Lower Mahābhūta, and any combination of 2 or more of them are known as the Upper Mahābhūta, which are considerably harder to make and perform as they demand an intimate awareness and knowledge of the newly created Mahābhūta to be cast. However, they are more than worth the time and skill needed to master. Lower Mahābhūta are effective and powerful, to be sure, but they do not offer much in the way of creativity or unique applications. However, Upper Mahābhūta is wholly unique, just like the Mage's magic. For an example, take Vidyut (Lightning).

  • Vidyut (Lightning): Vidyut represents the elemental fusion of Tejas (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether). It manifests intense energy, mobility, and the dynamic interaction of elemental forces within the ethereal space of the cosmos. Lightning is born when the fiery essence of Tejas, symbolizing energy and transformation, collides with the ever-moving currents of Vayu, embodying movement and circulation. This cosmic dance of elements occurs within the vast expanse of Akasha, the space that unifies and harmonizes all elemental existences.

  • Shivam (Ice): Shivam represents the harmonious fusion of Ap (Water) and Vayu (Air) elements, giving rise to a substance that embodies the essence of liquidity and movement frozen in time within the vast expanse of Akasha (Ether). It is the manifestation of the delicate dance between water's fluidity and air's mobility, preserved within the boundless space of the cosmos.

  • Vidyut (Lightning): Vidyut represents the elemental fusion of Tejas (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether). It manifests intense energy, mobility, and the dynamic interaction of elemental forces within the ethereal space of the cosmos. Lightning is born when the fiery essence of Tejas, symbolizing energy and transformation, collides with the ever-moving currents of Vayu, embodying movement and circulation. This cosmic dance of elements occurs within the vast expanse of Akasha, the space that unifies and harmonizes all elemental existences.

  • Tatva (Lava): Tatva represents the intense fusion of Prithvi (Earth) and Tejas (Fire), a volatile partnership that births the molten, seething substance known as lava. It is the manifestation of extreme heat, raw energy, and the transformative power of fire, bound within the solid embrace of the earth.

  • Vanaspati (Wood): Vanaspati represents the harmonious union of Prithvi (Earth) and Vayu (Air), giving rise to the living essence of the natural world. It is the manifestation of growth, flexibility, and the delicate balance between solidity and movement.

  • Lohita (Metal): Lohita represents the fusion of Prithvi (Earth) and Tejas (Fire), resulting in the creation of metallic substances. It is the manifestation of strength, durability, and transformation, where the solidity of the earth succumbs to the fiery essence of Tejas, giving rise to versatile and enduring materials.

  • Rakta (Blood): Rakta represents the living essence of sentient beings, embodying the unique combination of elements within the body. It is the manifestation of life, vitality, and the intricate interplay of Prithvi (Earth), Ap (Water), Tejas (Fire), and Vayu (Air) elements within the bloodstream.

Users can create, shape, and manipulate elements. Elements are the rudimentary, simplest, or essential part of which any material thing consists of. Elements are irreducible and compose other (usually physical) things. Various combinations of elements can be used to create other things. For example, Ice could be thought of as a combination of Water and Air to produce a solid. Regardless of the specific elemental paradigm in use, users of Elemental Manipulation may be able to affect things composed in part of their element. See Mahābhūta Transformation.

Steeds from the Fields of Basil

A Phantom Steed is a metaphysical creature from the Fields of Basil who can be summoned virtually anywhere in existence on command by their master. Phantom Steeds are the common mounts of Mages and magically inclined beings for their long life spans and high intelligence. They can be summoned and dismissed on command with virtually little to no Magical Energy expenditure. They generally move at exceptional speeds, do not tire easily, and can run on a variety of surfaces that normal mounts cannot.

  • Thoroughbred: The original Phantom Steed, Thoroughbreds are large majestic horses with eight legs, they are capable of running on almost any solid or liquid surface.

  • Pegasus: A breed of Phantom Steed with great wings and magical durability. The Pegasus steeds could communicate via telepathy and possessed a limited form of telekinesis. In general, they are known to be petty and arrogant creatures, but unrivaled in speed and ability.

  • Bicorn: The Bicorn are the immortal children of Unicorns, Familiars from the 5th Dimension with one horn who could grant minor wishes and possessed immense magical energy. Bicorns have two curved and ringed horns growing from their head and while they lack wings, they can use their horns to open portals through space-time for transportation.

  • Hippokampos: The race of sea-horses is called the Hippokampos', horse-like beings with a lower fish half and small wings that can allow for gliding. In terms of moving underwater with exceptional speed, a Hippokampos is the best bet. Though they are known to be cunning and wily creatures.

  • Shâd'havâr: The Shâd'havâr are a race of steeds who descend from Queen Masdady, a Siren who used magic and the power of Lord Pḗgasos to create them. The Shâd'havâr are smaller than normal horses, closer size to ponies, who possess a single demonic horn, similar to a Unicorn, with which they can play enchanting music to lure beings in. Masdady created them as weapons of war for her people and since then they have been primarily used throughout the Unholy Multiverse.

  • Amon: Said to be queer and unruly, offspring of Pḗgasos Breeds and Thoroughbreds, a race of eight-legged winged steeds that stand much larger and taller than normal mounts. They have minor shapeshifting capabilities and telekinesis.


Inherited Magical Technique

  • Command

  • Constant

  • Conditional

IMTs or Jutsu are manifest as 1 of 3 types, or Hybrid Types. COMMAND Types are Jutsu that must be manually turned on and off by the User via Magical Energy normally. CONSTANT Types are active 100% of the type from inception and normally don't consume Magical Energy. CONDITIONAL Types are Jutsu that only trigger once certain exterior or interior conditions have been set and/or met, Users typically are made aware of these conditions.

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.


Inherited Magical Technique

  • Command

  • Constant

  • Conditional

IMTs or Jutsu are manifest as 1 of 3 types, or Hybrid Types. COMMAND Types are Jutsu that must be manually turned on and off by the User via Magical Energy normally. CONSTANT Types are active 100% of the type from inception and normally don't consume Magical Energy. CONDITIONAL Types are Jutsu that only trigger once certain exterior or interior conditions have been set and/or met, Users typically are made aware of these conditions.

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic.
All Magic is unique to the Mage who cast it, two Pyromancy Fire Ball spells cast by different Mages can be told apart by a trained eye. Magic is a very personal art, one linked to a Mage's Dharma. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, encapsulates the concept of living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It represents the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the intrinsic essence of their being. To adhere to one's Dharma is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unique path etched into the fabric of one's existence. In doing so, individuals unlock the dormant potential within themselves and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength.
Thus, repeated use of Magic over a long period within a bloodline that has a strong Magical potential, which is caused by many members of a bloodline using and learning Magic in obedience to their Dharma, yields an Inherited Magical Jutsu (IMJ). An IMJ or Jutsu is a Magical ability or power that a Mage inherits from their bloodline. Jutsu can be thought of as specific instructions or designs on the cellular structure of a Mage's Mana Cells that contain the unknowable secrets of the Jutsu. The source of a Jutsu is the bloodline and the bloodline is the source of the Jutsu, one informs the other, and both impact each other. If a bloodline stops producing Dharmic Mages, their Jutsu will slowly be bred out, inversely, an increase in Dharmic Mages will increase the number of heirs who are likely to inherit the Jutsu. And should Dharmic Mages from other established bloodlines be bred in, the two Jutsu will cancel each other out and a 3rd new one may eventually be born.


Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Satyr race began with the birth of Pan, God of Nature, a demigod son of Lord Hermes, God of Traveling, and the nymph Penelope, daughter of a Midgardian Kami known as Dryops. When Pan was born, his mother threw him into the ocean of her planet, but his grandfather Dryops took pity on the godling and saved him from drowning. Hermes witnessed this act and blessed Dryops with great fortune and wealth for all his years. Hermes took his son and raised him among the gods in the Holy Multiverse, eventually giving him Lordship over one of his many holdings, the Arcadian Realm. This Realm was a magical dimensional structure that allowed points from the 5th Dimension to naturally flow into it.


Pán was Lord of Arcadia, a minor divine holding in the Holy Multiverse that had rivers connecting into the 5th Dimension. Though a minor holding which only granted him a seat on his father's Small Council, he was granted much more honor after the Titan War. Pán was steward and Lord Protector of his Realm, though he was not often found on his throne. Arcadia was of little to no importance to hostile forces and when trouble did rear its ugly head, one of his numerous sons were left in charge to see to it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Pán Rends the Advance of the Titans on Olympus
Pán sired the Satyr race and ruled Arcadia for an age and a half. Pán had many adventures at his age, but his most famous exploit involved the Olympians' battle with the dreaded Typhoeus, End of Hurricanes. He was the son of the Abstract Gaia and the Abstract Tartarus, and he was a foulest creature. After the Titan Rebellion, Gaia bore Typhoeus out of love, pained from seeing her children the Titans defeated. Typhoeus was a winged giant, said to be so huge that his head brushed the stars. He had 200 hands consisting of 50 serpent-headed fingers each, he had 1 head of a man and 99 bestial heads (of bulls, boars, serpents, lions, and leopards) who each conjured the magical elements in full.
Typhoeus was the greatest threat to the Olympian Gods, a demonic creature of increasing power who forced his way into the Holy Multiverse to face the Gods, leading the once-defeated Titans who had escaped Tartarus. While Zeus faced and defeated the mighty Typhoeus by himself, it was Pán who was instrumental in keeping the Titans at bay. Pán released a terrible screech that would rend their forces asunder, scattering their numbers across creation. In this way, separated, the remaining gods could easily go about defeating and banishing the Titans back to Tartarus. Pán was named Titan-Render after this cataclysmic battle and earned the respect of many gods for his valor and power.


Family Ties

  • Laripha Hecaterides, Lady Wife
  • Eurynome Hecaterides, Lady Wife
  • Phalino Hecaterides, Lady Wife
  • Rhephila Hecaterides, Lady Wife
  • Polphymino Hecaterides, Lady Wife

Divine Classification
Demigod | Honored Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord of Arcadia
  • Patriarch of the Satyrs
  • God of Nature
  • Titan-Render
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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