Loki, the God of Mischief

"Trickster of the realms, Loki, guide with sly wisdom, May chaos find peace."

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Prince of Jötunheimr, God of Mischief and Magic, Father of Monsters, Agent of Khaos, Loki Laufeyjarson

Divine Domains

  • Magic
  • Tricks
  • Mischief
  • Thieves
  • Showmen

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Loki is in service to the Khaos Prince Mal'gollach and through his teachings has come to pursue the Twilight of the Gods, to bring about the 2nd Argument and usher in a new age of Khaos, and he will be the glorious Herald of a new God; the Formless Mother.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Khaos Magic
Users can utilize chaos-related magic; a type of magic that taps into and utilizes the chaotic forces of the universe, granting the user a chaotic form of magic that can utilize and reconstruct the probabilities as well as the very fabric of existence that are interconnected to reality, bestowing magical powers and mastery of spells that are are capable of warping the actualities of reality. At their fullest potential, the user can cause total chaos and destruction to the cosmos, even rewriting entire multiverses on a whim, making them virtually omnipotent because of the endless chaotic forces that exist in the cosmos. However, if left unchecked, the user can lose themselves to the very chaos they’ve invoked.
  • Immortality
Users possess immortality, a state where one has eternal life and is undying. They never age, are completely self-sustaining, free from all bodily necessities, and can survive virtually any kind of harm, remaining immune to all forms of decay. Any damage done to the user would either be regenerated or simply remain non-fatal. As a byproduct of having everlasting life, users may have an infinite reservoir of life energy that fuels the dynamic system of their immortality. When granted Godhood by the Allfather, Loki was allowed to partake in Iðunn's Exlir, a tonic made from magical apples grown by her (Iðunn) Clan. The brew allows Loki to become immortal but without regular dosage, he will subcomb to death at the end of his natural life.
  • Causality Manipulation
Users can manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how. There is no need for a "why" however, as the why of something is determined by causality itself, which is at the users' command, making it one of the few powers that reasonably don't need a reason. The causal alterations can be either specific or systemic. Specific alterations are momentary ones, naturally ceasing with their realization i.e. Absolute Wish. Systemic Alterations permanently change the causal structure of reality, enforcing new chains of fate upon it until the user decides otherwise. All forms of existence and phenomena rely on causality. Because of this, the power to manipulate it naturally overrides any other power put against it, as they all rely on causality to work.
  • Familiar Summoning: Reynard, the Nine-Tailed Fox
Loki has a contract with the Lord of the 9th Fable and the Great Den, Reynard Fox King Full of Tricks. Reynard is a cunning and sly trickster who is said to bring good fortune to thieves and showmen, which is perfect for Loki. Outside of his good fortune, Reynard gave Loki a number of his Tricks, Paracasual abilities, or attributes that can be employed to confuse and bamboozle others.
  • Jötunnar Physiology
  • Emotional Energy Manipulation
The power to control emotional energy, known as Emotional Matrix Manipulation, grants individuals the extraordinary capability to influence and harness the potent energy emanating from the emotions of all sentient beings across the universe. This encompassing ability enables them to not only manipulate but also shape the dynamic energy produced by the feelings and sentiments experienced by every living entity capable of emotional response.
With this power, users can manipulate the intensity, direction, and even the very nature of emotional energy. They possess the capacity to amplify or dampen emotional energy, effectively intensifying or soothing the emotional states of individuals or even groups. This skill extends to the alteration of the energetic composition, enabling them to transform negative emotional energy into positive, and vice versa.
Beyond mere manipulation, those who possess this power can bring emotional energy into the physical realm, converting these intangible emotional forces into tangible manifestations. This ability might manifest as ethereal constructs that embody the emotions they originate from, creating a bridge between the emotional and physical worlds.
  • Intangibility
The user can move through solid objects and ignore most physical effects in their way; the exact means of how this is done vary between slipping partially into other dimensions, being able to make their particles move between different particles, being a non-physical being of energy, vibrating their molecules into a new quantum frequency, etc. Regardless the user can ignore most attacks, physical dangers, and gravity. The user can also fuse objects into people, making them intangible/untouchable and unreachable. Advanced users have the ability to shift from phasing through objects to becoming solid. They could intentionally entangle people or objects within walls, or cause harm by making their hand solid inside a person's head, which could lead to the victim's death.
  • Invisibility
Users can render themselves unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in the visible spectrum. The user can move about an environment unseen by others and act without being observed. Some users can choose to let certain people see them while staying invisible to others. This kind of power can be used for stealth, causing chaos, and getting the upper hand against an opponent.
  • Fire Manipulation
Users can freely generate, shape, and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances lit, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. The user can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.
  • Shapeshifting
Users can change their shape, size, color, density, texture, cellular composition, and/or atomic composition to mimic qualities, impersonate entities, amplify abilities, and/or traverse environments. The origins of this power play a significant role in their capabilities and limitations; altering oneself on a cellular, atomic, and/or conceptual level will permit varying degrees of alteration; while methods that defy the laws of reality, such as magic, will most likely keep to their own set of conventions. Users with greater degrees of control are more than likely capable of using their bodies by unpredictably functioning as a perpetually reconstructing all-purpose appliance and/or employing near-indomitable deception in their strategies. Assuming the identity of distinguished or unsuspecting subjects allows for easier access to prohibited areas, superior persuasion, and potent espionage, depending upon the user's power and skill to imitate likenesses.



The Death of Baldr and the Onset of the Great War in Heaven
Loki and his wife Sigyn were among the few who made preparations for the End War, finding favor within the inner circle of the Morningstar himself. However, the Underworld sought to sit on the Almighty, and Loki sought to bring about Khaos and undo the whole of creation. It was Loki who conspired with the prophet Judas to raid the Abomination Vault and steal the Inverted Spear of Heaven and hid this information from both the Holy and Unholy Realms. When Judas killed Talos, the First Name of God upon the Almighty, he poisoned Yggdrasil itself and triggered the Holy Realms to declare war on the Unholy Realms, a premature armageddon. But the Allfather sees all.
THOR, Va'li, Baldr, and Heimdallr were sent to bring Loki before ODIN to answer for his crimes. Loki and his kin were pushed back to their Realm Holfsford when the four armies of the Sons of Odin fell on them. Loki and Sigyn were taken alive, with aid from his own daughters, the Valkyries Mávrökkeð, and Laufae. Prince Hírn and Vegr were cut down during the siege of Holfsford, but the sons of ODIN did not leave unmolested. Loki was prepared for such actions and had prepared countermeasures for all the sons of ODIN, even Baldr the Invincible. Using Khaos Magic, he murdered Baldr fulfilling an omen of the true End War.
Sigyn and Loki
Loki's punishment was severe, to match the crime. His son Váli was turned into a wolf and forced to murder his own twin brother Narfi, his entrails were fashioned into magical bindings and Loki was bound to a great stone under a mountain in Niðavellir. A serpent from the Misty Hills of Fable was placed above his head where its venom would leak onto his face forever. The lady Sigyn was free to go whenever she wanted, or she could remain with her lord husband and hold a shallow wooden bowl over his eyes to spare him some moments of pain. And so Loki was left while the Great War waged and long after, awaiting the day the last of the Seven Seals are broken and he is released.

Contacts & Relations

The Lokivara
The Khaos Prince Mal'gollach is one of subtle influence who holds power over Loki and is responsible for turning him into an Agent of Khaos. The Lokivara are a sect of the Temple of Khaos led by Loki who worships Mal'gollach now led by Angrboða. They believe in the fate of Ragnarök: Twilight of the Gods, the true End War that will bring about the destruction of The Imperium of Miðgarðr, the Æsir, the Holy Gods, all of creation will be born anew and Khaos will reign supreme. Sköll and Hati will consume the sun and moon and a new Age will grace the Realms, The time of Order has long since passed, now it is the dawn of Khaos, the advent of the 2nd Argument.

The Morningstar and the Court of the Underworld
Loki had close ties with Lucifer Morningstar and was counted among the trusted few of his inner Court of the Underworld for his invaluable intelligence and ingenuity when it came to Lucifer's plans for a Second Rebellion. However, with the Death of Talos, Loki's true goals were brought to light and Lucifer severed their relationship. While imprisoned by the Æsir for the murder of Baldr, Loki was granted very short respite in his dreams from his constant suffering, and in his dreams the Morningstar would be waiting to torment him there as well.

Family Ties

  • Útgarða Fárbauti (Lord Father)
  • Nál Laufey (Lady Mother)
  • Útgarða Helblindi (Younger Brother)
  • Útgarða Býleistr (Younger Brother)
  • Útgarða Leið (Younger Sister)
Fárbauti was wed to a Vanir Goddess and Battle Witch, Laufey the Just, a formidable woman who came from royal blood. Fárbauti was one of the Lords of the Útirlands and is recorded as being one of the strongest Jottunar in recorded history. Together they had Loki the trickster, the regal Helblindi, Býleistr, the son closer to his father than the rest, and little Leið sent to study Witchcraft in Vanaheimr.
  • Sigyn (Lady Wife)
  • Útgarða Narfi (First Born Son) (DECEASED)
  • Útgarða Váli (Second Born Son)
  • Útgarða Hírn (Son)
  • Útgarða Sönnló (Daughter)
  • Útgarða Mávrökkeð (Daughter)
  • Útgarða Vegr (Son)
  • Útgarða Ýtr (Son)
  • Útgarða Laufae (Daughter)
Sigyn was an Asynjur, a Maiden Æsir Goddess of high station, though not nobility, who served with the Valkyries under Queen Frigga. She and Loki were wed which returned his ranking as a Prince and brought great honor to Sigyn's Clan. Although they were wed for politics, Loki came to love Sigyn and she came to also share his rebellious vision for creation; the advent of the 2nd Argument. Sigyn bore her husband's twin sons, Narfi and Váli, the prodigy Hírn, the Asynjur Maiden Sönnló, the Valkyries Mávrökkeð, and Laufae, the poet Vegr and the Knight of Camelot, Ýtr.
  • Angrboða (Concubine)
  • Lokisson Fenrisúlfr (Son)
  • Lokisdottir Hel (Daughter)
  • Lokisson Jörmungandr (Son)
Lokis Gezücht
Angrboða is a Jotunnar of no renown thought to be of the blood of Echidna for her similar ability to only bear Cursed Children. Angrboða was a constant lover of Prince Loki up to his marriage to Sigyn. The first child she bore was the great Direwolf Fenrisúlfr, a cosmic being of great destructive potential that the Æsir took it upon themselves to bind the beast, in the process of which Prince Týr lost one of his arms. The second child was Hel, a woman closer to godhood than giants, who was banished to Niflheimr where she was not only able to survive the very concept of "cold" but usurped the Lord of Bones as ruler of the Kingdom of the Dead, renaming it to Helheim. The third child was Jörmungandr, the World Serpent, a being born wise beyond his age who is large enough to coil himself around Yggdrasil itself with his tail in his mouth.
  • Svaðilfari (Lover)
  • Sleipnir (Son)


Lady Sigyn, Shield Maiden of Queen Frigga


Towards Loki, the God of Mischief


Loki, the God of Mischief


Towards Lady Sigyn, Shield Maiden of Queen Frigga


Divine Classification
Demigod | Godling
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Trickster God
  • The Sly One
  • The Father of Monsters
  • The Flame-Hair
  • The Bound God
  • The Laufeyson
  • The Lord of Chaos
  • The Jester of Asgard
  • The Avenger of the Outcasts
  • The Bringer of Change
  • Prince of Jötunheimr
  • Son of Fárbauti & Blood of Laufey
Piercing Blue
Long Fire Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Cream White
250 Lbs.
The Lokites Clan Coat of Arms
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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