Merlin, the Prophet of Britannia

The God of Magic and King of Wizards, the Son of the Devil, Instrument of Destiny Merlin Constantineas

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Clairvoyance: The power to acquire information using sight outside the normal range of detection. Users can acquire information using sight outside the normal range of detection about an object, person, location, or physical event. Usually, they can also do so without the aid of their vision, allowing them to act when they are unable to use their eyes. Users would be able to detect beings/entities normally completely undetectable, like spiritual and psychic beings. Additionally, they can perceive sights and visual sensations from other dimensions and from past events, future events, or locations that are currently outside the range of normal human senses or vision. This also means that they can receive optical/visual sensations (i.e. itchy eyes, crying/watery eyes, rolling eyes, sharper vision, rapid blinking, blurry vision, blindness) from things outside the normal range of perception.
  • Supernatural Vision: The power to possess a sense of sight drastically beyond what is naturally possible. Users have a sense of sight that is glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings of their universe because their capabilities are pushed to a super-human level. Allowing them to see kilometers away, see in all directions at once, see in the dark, see the faintest distinctions, and track things too fast for the normal eye.
  • Supernatural Hearing: The power to possess a sense of hearing drastically beyond what is naturally possible. The user's sense of hearing is glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed to a superhuman level. Allowing them to hear anything over incredible distances, hear things that are seemingly too quiet to be discernible as well as being able to hear sounds over an insane range of frequencies. Advanced users are even able to hear individual molecules/atoms and their movements, or even the supernatural/paranormal, including the activities of spirits or immaterial beings and creatures. This also allows them to acquire auditory information from even the future or past.
  • Magical Resonance: The Graeae are inherently attuned to magical energies. They can sense the ebb and flow of mystical forces, detecting the presence of spells, enchantments, and magical beings. This sensitivity makes them adept at navigating magical landscapes and understanding the intricate weave of arcane energies that surround them.
  • Psionics: The power to use mental/psychic-based powers, an inherently Esoteric Power that is fueled by Psychic Power. The users of this are psychics who possess a multitude of psychic abilities and powers in various forms such as; telekinesis, telepathy, extrasensory perception, teleportation, etc. The exact number of psychic powers a user can possess at once varies per user, the level of powers they’re able to generate, psychic family heritage, and natural evolution. All enable this particular ability to act as an umbrella power for all the powers connected to it using the same energy source.
  • Echolocation of the Soul: The Graeae possess a unique form of echolocation that transcends the physical realm. This metaphysical echolocation allows them to sense the essence of souls, discerning the purity, intentions, and spiritual resonance of individuals. It serves as a guide in their interactions, helping them form connections with those whose souls harmonize with the divine frequencies of their existence.
  • Gravity Manipulation: The power to manipulate gravity. Users can manipulate gravity, a natural phenomenon in which all things with mass or energy — including planets, stars, galaxies, and light — attract (or gravitate toward) one another. Gravity manipulation would allow one to increase or decrease gravity, be it the environment's gravity or individual objects. increasing gravity would cause everything in an area to become heavier, causing loose objects to propel to the ground and cause people to be immobilized or crushed depending on the amount of gravitation force applied. When doing the exact opposite (decreasing gravity), the user could achieve a similar effect to Zero Gravity since all objects would float upwards or allow the user to lift heavier objects with astonishing ease due to the decreased weight. With enough control and skill, one could attract or repel objects regardless of direction, achieving an effect akin to Telekinesis, ignoring or defying the laws of gravity altogether, allowing one to walk on walls or ceilings or manipulate orbital fields on anything. 
  • Supernatural Strength: The power to wield strength beyond what is possible within known laws of science. Users possess a supernatural strength. This incredible strength allows them to effortlessly lift massive vehicles, large airplanes, boulders, and even locomotives. Users can tear through the strongest metals as if they were mere paper. Offensively, depending on their strength, users have the power to send opponents flying for miles, create cracks in the lithosphere, or release a force of energy equivalent to nuclear weapons upon an entire city.
  • Shapeshifting: The power to alter one's form and appearance. Users can change their shape, size, color, density, texture, cellular composition, and/or atomic composition to mimic qualities, impersonate entities, amplify abilities, and/or traverse environments. The origins of this power play a significant role in their capabilities and limitations; altering oneself on a cellular, atomic, and/or conceptual level will permit varying degrees of alteration; while methods that defy the laws of reality, such as magic, will most likely keep to their own set of conventions.
  • Miracle Performing: The power to perform miracles. The user can perform miracles or supernatural feats and cause certain events to happen which are beyond human understanding. They can make a sudden interruption of the natural laws, beneficially change things, or simply cause wonderful and supernatural occurrences and phenomena. The user can use this power to survive catastrophic events, beating the odds. Miracles work in various scales and can have immediate effects like causing disasters to punish the wicked, healing the sick and dying, walking on water, turning water into wine, resurrecting the dead, bringing about peace in times of unending war, overcoming anything with a kiss, make the impossible possible, change the entire world around them through sheer force of will, etc.
  • Demonic Element Manipulation: The power to manipulate demonic elements. The user can manifest and/or control Demonic Elements. Satanic and Profane variants of the elements that can tempt, corrupt, and grievously damage or wound other people, things, and even the user themselves. Due to their demonic nature, whether natural and intrinsic or infused/attained, these elements are fundamentally wicked, and wither and rap at the mind and morals of individuals using or affected by them.
  • Absolute Immortality: The state of being unkillable and imperishable. Users are immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, are self-sustained, and, as their mind and soul are as immortal as their biological bodies, they are either immune to mental and spiritual damage or will always flawlessly recover from them. Any injuries the user suffers will immediately heal, even if the user's body is blown up, disintegrated, or destroyed to the sub-atomic level, and even if the user is completely erased, they will still return to life. Users are immune to all harm, and can never die from any causes. Either way, they are unerasable. The users completely transcend the concept of death itself, though many users transcend both the concepts of life and death. Also, the power cannot be removed, erased, destroyed and manipulated by any means.

Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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