
The power to utilize magic involving the dead, death-force and/or souls.

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford | Necromancy Article on the Superpower Wiki
Necromancy is a magical art that involves the manipulation and interaction with death, the deceased, and the energies associated with the afterlife. It is often depicted as the study and practice of dark and forbidden magic, as necromancers deal with taboo subjects and have the ability to control or communicate with the spirits of the dead. Necromancy encompasses a wide range of practices and abilities. Some necromancers specialize in divination and communication with spirits, seeking knowledge or guidance from the deceased. Another aspect of necromancy involves the reanimation or manipulation of dead bodies or skeletal remains. Necromancers can also employ spells or rituals to manipulate death energy, draining the life force from living beings or harnessing the power of death itself.


Necromancy, a mystical and potent art, grants its practitioners extraordinary abilities tied to the realms of death and the manipulation of life forces. These practitioners fall into two categories: those endowed with magical abilities and those who harness powers related to death, the death force, and souls. Within this spectrum, they can wield their skills for purposes both benevolent and malevolent, or even opt for a more neutral path.
One of the central facets of necromancy is the power to commune with the deceased. This can manifest in two distinct forms: summoning the spirit of the departed as an apparition or resurrecting them bodily. This communication serves multiple purposes, including divination, allowing practitioners to foresee future events or uncover concealed knowledge.
Resurrection, in various forms, is a recurring theme in necromantic practice. The range of this power spans from raising shuffling, mindless corpses to resurrecting fully conscious beings. The most formidable necromancers can even transform the living into obedient undead minions, effectively sidestepping conventional forms of combat by turning adversaries into mindless zombies under their control.
Many practitioners of necromancy find ways to defy death itself. Some opt to become undead creatures, while others circumvent their own mortality through supernatural means. This speaks to the versatility of necromancy as an art, encompassing a myriad of applications.
  • Life-Force Manipulation: a closely related concept, that enables practitioners to shape and control the fundamental force sustaining life in the universe. This personal life force provides them with unparalleled abilities, transcending the limitations of ordinary beings. Physical, spiritual, and mental powers converge in the mastery of this force, granting users formidable capabilities.
  • Death-Force Manipulation: in contrast, delves into the essence of death, which pervades all mortals. This force represents the antithesis of life, inducing decay, withering, and eventual demise. Those who command this power can sense and manipulate the essence of death, extending their influence over decayed matters and even seeking assistance from the deceased.
A pinnacle achievement within the necromantic practice is the attainment of Lich Physiology. Liches are undead beings who have undergone an arcane transformation, typically driven by a desire for eternal life. This transformation binds their intellect to their reanimated corpse, resulting in a unique form of immortality. Liches are often depicted with cadaverous, desiccated bodies, sometimes skeletal in appearance. They wield dominion over lesser undead creatures, employing them as both soldiers and servants. A defining characteristic of some liches is the presence of a phylactery, an item infused with their soul, ensuring immortality as long as it remains intact.

Side/Secondary Effects

  1. Ineffectiveness Against Mechanical Entities: As previously noted, robots and mechanical beings remain entirely impervious to the workings of necromancy. Their lack of souls or life forces renders them immune to all aspects of necromantic manipulation. Attempts to control or reanimate them yield no results, as the fundamental principles of life and death simply do not apply to these entities.
  2. Resistant Souls: Some individuals possess naturally resilient souls that are inherently resistant to necromantic influence. These souls may be marked by extraordinary strength or purity, making it exceedingly difficult for necromancers to establish control over them or manipulate them in any way. Such individuals can effectively resist attempts at resurrection or mind control.
  3. Death's Embrace: Those who have willingly embraced death as a natural part of existence may be entirely immune to necromantic forces. Such individuals might have made peace with their mortality, finding comfort in the idea of passing on to the afterlife. Consequently, necromantic efforts aimed at communicating with them, resurrecting them, or otherwise interfering with their eternal rest are futile.
  4. Powerful Protection Charms: Some individuals, particularly those who anticipate encounters with necromancers or who possess knowledge of the dark arts, may wear powerful protection charms. These charms are imbued with defensive spells that actively ward off necromantic incursions. They can prevent the raising of the dead or any attempts at communication with the deceased.
  5. Sacred Grounds and Objects: Certain places or objects hold sacred significance and provide protection against necromantic forces. Cemeteries consecrated by powerful rituals, holy relics, or consecrated ground can deter necromancers from performing their rituals or exercises effectively. Attempting necromancy in such locations may lead to unpredictable and potentially dangerous consequences.
  6. Limited Range: Necromantic powers often have a limited range. Attempting to influence or communicate with the deceased across vast distances can be incredibly challenging and may require a great deal of energy and concentration. This limitation makes long-range necromantic activities significantly less effective.

Necromancy Magical Art

Necromancy, a mystical and potent art, grants its practitioners extraordinary abilities tied to the realms of death and the manipulation of life forces. These practitioners fall into two categories: those endowed with magical abilities and those who harness powers related to death, the death force, and souls. Within this spectrum, they can wield their skills for purposes both benevolent and malevolent, or even opt for a more neutral path.
One of the central facets of necromancy is the power to commune with the deceased. This can manifest in two distinct forms: summoning the spirit of the departed as an apparition or resurrecting them bodily. This communication serves multiple purposes, including divination, allowing practitioners to foresee future events or uncover concealed knowledge.
Resurrection, in various forms, is a recurring theme in necromantic practice. The range of this power spans from raising shuffling, mindless corpses to resurrecting fully conscious beings. The most formidable necromancers can even transform the living into obedient undead minions, effectively sidestepping conventional forms of combat by turning adversaries into mindless zombies under their control.
Many practitioners of necromancy find ways to defy death itself. Some opt to become undead creatures, while others circumvent their mortality through supernatural means. This speaks to the versatility of necromancy as an art, encompassing a myriad of applications.

  • Life-Force Manipulation: a closely related concept, that enables practitioners to shape and control the fundamental force sustaining life in the universe. This personal life force provides them with unparalleled abilities, transcending the limitations of ordinary beings. Physical, spiritual, and mental powers converge in the mastery of this force, granting users formidable capabilities.

  • Death-Force Manipulation: in contrast, delves into the essence of death, which pervades all mortals. This force represents the antithesis of life, inducing decay, withering, and eventual demise. Those who command this power can sense and manipulate the essence of death, extending their influence over decayed matters and even seeking assistance from the deceased.

A pinnacle achievement within the necromantic practice is the attainment of Lich Physiology. Liches are undead beings who have undergone an arcane transformation, typically driven by a desire for eternal life. This transformation binds their intellect to their reanimated corpse, resulting in a unique form of immortality. Liches are often depicted with cadaverous, desiccated bodies, sometimes skeletal in appearance. They wield dominion over lesser undead creatures, employing them as both soldiers and servants. A defining characteristic of some liches is the presence of a phylactery, an item infused with their soul, ensuring immortality as long as it remains intact.


Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Articles under Necromancy


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