Magical Energy

The manipulation of reality through spells and incantations.

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Puruṣārtha, the Objective of all People

Purushartha is the fundamental building block of a SOUL and is what forms their Magic. It is described as the objective of a being, their internal compass, the blueprint of their very existence; the Objective of all Peoples. Purushartha is composed of four parts.

  1. DHARMA (righteousness, moral values): The heading or constitution of a being. It is the pursuit and execution of one's nature and true calling, thus playing one's role in a cosmic concert.

  2. ARTHA (prosperity, economic values): This leg signifies the "means of life", activities, and resources that enable one to be in a state one wants to be in. Artha incorporates wealth, career, activity to make a living, financial security, and economic prosperity.

  3. KAMA (pleasure, love, psychological values): The enjoyment of the life one has built via their objective. It signifies desire, wish, passion, emotions, the pleasure of the senses, the aesthetic enjoyment of life, affection, or love, with or without lustful connotations. Love and enjoyment without violating dharma (moral responsibility), artha (material prosperity), and one's journey towards moksha (spiritual liberation).

  4. MOKSHA (liberation, spiritual values, self-actualization): Emancipation, liberation, or release. It is the liberation of Saṃsāra (cyclicity of all life, matter, and existence).

Magic is the ultimate expression and demonstration of a Mage's true self, who they are, and what they are beyond flesh and bone. Magic is so personal that no one method to learn it exists, some take years to learn in a single school while others are born masters of all 8 arts, the same magic from two identical mages can produce wildly different outcomes. Thus, a true mage can never become a great mage by following another's path, they must walk their path, and they must obey their Objective. Just as a star, radiant and undaunted, shines at its brightest when it follows its destined course through the cosmos, so too does a mage's power reach its zenith when in sync with their Purushartha.
Conversely, Adharma, its shadowy counterpart, represents a discordant existence, where actions and motivations deviate from one's true nature. Adharma arises from the discord between a person's external desires and their inner essence. It weaves a web of confusion, obscuring the path to self-realization and power. When a mage succumbs to Adharma, their magical abilities wither, shackled by the weight of inner turmoil and dissonance.
Alabaster Runes

The SOUL is the essence of a person, and who they are, and in the same way an icon can be used to invoke certain ideas or things, the Alabaster Rune of a person can be used to invoke the person. These Alabaster Runes can be used in any number of ways for any number of reasons for a variety of effects.

  • Alabaster Runes can be implemented into spells for greater effect of spells.

  • These Runes can be given to other Mages as a way to "lend power" or even give copies of their Soul

Alabaster Runes can also be inscribed upon a Soreseal, an artificial eye relic which, when bearing a person's Alabaster Rune, can serve as a powerful enchantment. The eyes of a person are said to be the windows into the SOUL, the very tools by which one can perceive reality and be perceived in return. Thus, the eyes of mages are valued as precious things, not for containing Magic, but for containing a glimpse into the very SOUL of a Mage. It is this glimpse that can give another mage an even more profound understanding of other Mages. It is not uncommon for lovers to exchange eyes when wed together so that they may fully understand one another perfectly.



Magical Synergy

When Mages study, train, fight, and travel alongside each other for a prolonged period and share a deep emotional bond, they develop something called Magical Synergy, where their own Magic begins to collide with each other and produces very interesting results.

  • COMPLIMENTARY MAGICAL PERFORMANCE is a type of synergy where the magical power, process efficiency, and potency of Mana Cells and Magic itself are amplified or significantly complimented.

  • COLLABORATIVE MAGICAL APPLICATIONS are when Magical Traits, aspects, or even parts of Inherited Magical Techniques are shared between Mages for a certain period. This can lead to IMT being mutated or developed further from their original scope, allowing them to take on new applications altogether.


Side/Secondary Effects

  • Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE)
Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), also known as Arcane Degeneration Syndrome, is a chronic and progressive magical affliction resulting from the prolonged utilization of magical energies within individuals known as mages. The disease stems from the deterioration and depletion of specialized cellular structures known as mana cells, which serve as conduits for the storage and distribution of magical energy throughout the mage's body. As mages engage in extensive and continuous manipulation of magical forces over an extended period, their mana cells gradually undergo cellular decay, leading to the insidious onset of MCE. The gradual breakdown of these vital structures impedes the efficient flow and regulation of magical energy within the affected individuals.
SYMPTOMS: Symptoms of Mana Cell Exhaustion manifest both physically and magically. Mages afflicted with MCE experience pronounced fatigue and exhaustion, often accompanied by diminished overall physical endurance. The degeneration of mana cells results in a progressive weakening of the mage's musculature, leading to compromised motor coordination and reduced physical prowess. Moreover, the disease disrupts the delicate balance of magical energies, causing erratic and unpredictable fluctuations in spellcasting capabilities. Mages may suffer from arcane flux, characterized by unstable and unreliable magical manifestations, making spellcasting hazardous and potentially hazardous for both the mage and their surroundings.
As Mana Cell Exhaustion advances, mages become increasingly susceptible to the effects of magical energy, experiencing heightened sensitivity and vulnerability. Spellcasting can trigger intense pain, energy surges, and in severe cases, temporary loss of control over their own magical abilities. While the exact etiology of MCE remains under investigation, it is postulated that extended exposure to magical energies results in the progressive degradation of mana cells, impairing their capacity to effectively store and distribute magical energy. The cellular decay observed in MCE leads to an imbalance in the intricate network of magical forces within the mage's body, contributing to the observed symptoms and manifestations.
TREATMENT: The treatment for Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE) involves harnessing the principles of Yin and Yang energies, which are essential components of magical energy. Through a technique known as Re-Convergence, mages can separate the Yin (Mana) and Yang (Natural Energy) energies and then reunite them, acting as a restorative process for their magic. By purifying themselves through Re-Convergence, mages can cleanse their magical essence, effectively curing conditions such as MCE. Learning the intricacies of the Yin Yang Paths and mastering Re-Convergence is a challenging endeavor, but it is essential for mages aspiring to become Eight Arts Mages. The knowledge and application of these techniques play a crucial role in ensuring the restoration and preservation of a mage's magical abilities, as well as safeguarding their overall well-being in the face of magical ailments and challenges.


The Eight Magical Arts

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic. Mana Cells recover at a rate that is 2x slower than what they were collected. If it took your Cells 10 minutes to collect x amount of Magic, you will need to wait 20 minutes until you are back at full capacity.

Mana Cells develop naturally and are what allow beings to tap into Mana from the 5th Dimension, the amount of Mana you can process into useable Magic is defined by how high your MC Count is (Mana Cell Count). It also depends on how efficient one is with processing their energy and their transmutation. For example, Person X's Mana Cells may take in 10 Jk. of Mana but may only have an Actual Yield of 2 Jk. in terms of Magical Energy. This will contrast with Person Y who may have a conversion rate of 10 Jk. of Mana to 7 Jk. of Magical Energy. Mana Cell Count and Magical Energy Yield are the biggest factors when it comes to determining how much Magic one has access to.
Once the body has Magical Energy, it travels upon a route of 7 metaphysical gates known as the Seven Tubaki Genshin, which act as regulators of the Mage's magical energy. These Gates are self-imposed limiters for the safety of the Mage in question. Learning how to open all Seven Tubaki Genshin is essential to make full use of 100% of your full power, this is known as Opening all Seven Gates. But just as important is learning to close them on command. Putting 100% of your power into every action you take with Magic will only completely burn through the energy your Mana Cells collected. The sign of a great mage can use Magic in a controlled and disciplined way.

Magical ArtDescription
DivinationDivination is a magical art and practice that involves seeking knowledge, insight, or guidance through supernatural or mystical means. Divination is used to gain information about the past, present, or future, as well as to uncover hidden truths or understand the deeper aspects of a situation or individual's life. It is often employed as a tool for making decisions, predicting outcomes, or gaining spiritual insight. It is important to note that divination is not an exact science and does not guarantee absolute predictions or outcomes. The interpretation of divinatory tools and methods is subjective and can vary based on the individual practitioner and the specific circumstances involved. Divination should be approached with an open mind and used as a tool for reflection, self-discovery, and gaining insight rather than relying solely on it for decision-making.
NecromancyNecromancy is a magical art that involves the manipulation and interaction with death, the deceased, and the energies associated with the afterlife. It is often depicted as the study and practice of dark and forbidden magic, as necromancers deal with taboo subjects and can control or communicate with the spirits of the dead. Necromancy encompasses a wide range of practices and abilities. Some necromancers specialize in divination and communication with spirits, seeking knowledge or guidance from the deceased. Another aspect of necromancy involves the reanimation or manipulation of dead bodies or skeletal remains. Necromancers can also employ spells or rituals to manipulate death energy, draining the life force from living beings or harnessing the power of death itself.
ConjurationConjuration is a magical art that involves the summoning, calling forth, or creation of beings, energies, or objects through magical means. Practitioners of conjuration, known as conjurers, can bring forth entities from other planes of existence, create illusions or manifestations, or even summon and control elemental forces. Conjuration is a versatile and powerful school of magic that allows spellcasters to manipulate and interact with the fabric of reality. The practice of conjuration typically requires a deep understanding of the desired entity or force being summoned. Conjurers must be knowledgeable about the characteristics, nature, and potential risks associated with the beings they call upon. They employ rituals, spells, sigils, and incantations to establish a connection and draw forth the desired entity or energy.
EnchantmentEnchantment is a magical art that involves imbuing objects, creatures, or locations with magical properties or abilities. Enchanters harness mystical energies to infuse an item or being with magical essence, enhancing its attributes, granting it special powers, or altering its nature. Enchantment can make objects more potent, provide protection, enhance abilities, or even bestow sentience upon inanimate objects. The process of enchantment typically involves the use of spells, rituals, and incantations. Enchanters draw upon their knowledge of magical principles and the specific properties of the object or creature they seek to enchant. They channel and direct magical energies into the target, imbuing it with the desired enchantment.
IllusionIllusion is a magical art that involves the manipulation of perception, creating sensory experiences that are not based on physical reality. Illusionists use spells, tricks, and subtle manipulations to deceive the senses, altering what individuals see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. Through their mastery of illusion magic, practitioners can create convincing illusions, deceive others, and shape their perception of the world. Illusion magic often requires a deep understanding of perception and psychology. Illusionists study how the mind processes sensory information and exploit its tendencies to create convincing illusions. They employ techniques such as misdirection, suggestion, and the manipulation of subtle cues to deceive the senses and make the illusion seem real.
EvocationEvocation is a magical art that focuses on the manipulation and control of elemental energies and forces. It involves the summoning and commanding of spirits, creatures, or energy manifestations to achieve various effects. Evocation is often associated with the direct manipulation of raw power and the ability to unleash destructive or transformative forces. Practitioners of evocation, known as evokers, harness the elemental energies present in the world around them or tap into metaphysical realms to bring forth and direct these forces.
AlchemyAlchemy is a mystical and ancient magical art that combines elements of science, philosophy, and magic. It is often associated with the transformation of base metals into precious ones, such as turning lead into gold, but alchemy encompasses much more than just material transmutation. Alchemists seek to understand the fundamental nature of matter, energy, and the universe, aiming to unlock hidden knowledge and achieve spiritual and physical transformation.
AbjurationAbjuration is a magical school or art that focuses on protective and defensive magic. It involves the use of spells and rituals to ward off and negate harmful effects, banish or repel creatures, and create barriers of protection. Abjuration magic is often associated with shields, barriers, and dispelling magic. Abjuration spells and rituals often require concentration, focus, and a deep understanding of the magical energies involved.

The Anatomy of Magic
A Spell is composed of three attributes, that being Sigils, Skript, and Arrays. Sigils are used to represent basic and abstract concepts while the Skript language is used to tell the Sigils what to do. The composition of both is called an Array, separated based on how many Sigils it can hold;
  1. Monogram; Spells that allow for (1) Sigil
  2. Diagram; Spells that allow for (2) Sigils
  3. Trigram; Spells that allow for (3) Sigils
  4. Quadgram; Spells that allow for (4) Sigils
  5. Pentagram; Spells that allow for (5) Sigils
  6. Hexagram; Spells that allow for (6) Sigils
  7. Septagram; Spells that allow for (7) Sigils
  8. Octagram; Spells that allow for (8) Sigils
  9. Nongram; Spells that allow for (9) Sigils
  10. Decagram; Spells that allow for (10) Sigils
The Arrays move to the maximum of 10 because there are 10 Tailed Magical Beasts who rule the 5th Dimension, making 10 a Magical Number that can enhance spells, adhering to this logic applies reasoning to Magic and allows for greater performances. Layering tens on top of powers of tens is a popular spell structure because of its complexity and usability.

The Yin Yang Re-Convergence

Mana (Yin) + Natural Energy (Yang) yields Magical Energy, and this process is done passively within the body via fusion. However, an educated Mage can reverse this process via fission to separate them once again. The Yin Path allows for an abundance of Mana within the body. This Raw Magical Energy is far more potent and significantly more powerful than Refined Magical Energy but flesh and blood bodies cannot sustainably handle this kind of power. The Yin Path can be used to cast Magic that would normally require an immense amount of energy or release it in the form of an Evocation spell. The Yang Path removes Natural Energy from Mana and can be used to import an excess of Natural Energy into the body, diminishing a Mage's own Magical Energy. This can be useful if someone is trying to cloak their Magic Signature or mimic someone else's.
Re-convergence is a technique of the Yin Yang Paths that separates the energies and then rejoins them together, acting as a sort of hard reset for your Magic. This is useful if a Mage has been poisoned with a Magical affliction linked to their Magical Energy, allowing them to purify themselves. It can also be used to cure Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), the most common sickness that can kill your ability to use Magic. Yin Yang Paths are difficult to learn, but doing so is vital to becoming an Eight Arts Mage.
Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE), also known as Arcane Degeneration Syndrome, is a chronic and progressive magical affliction resulting from the prolonged utilization of magical energies within individuals known as mages. The disease stems from the deterioration and depletion of specialized cellular structures known as mana cells, which serve as conduits for the storage and distribution of magical energy throughout the mage's body. As mages engage in extensive and continuous manipulation of magical forces over an extended period, their mana cells gradually undergo cellular decay, leading to the insidious onset of MCE. The gradual breakdown of these vital structures impedes the efficient flow and regulation of magical energy within the affected individuals.
The treatment for Mana Cell Exhaustion (MCE) involves harnessing the principles of Yin and Yang energies, which are essential components of magical energy. Through a technique known as Re-Convergence, mages can separate the Yin (Mana) and Yang (Natural Energy) energies and then reunite them, acting as a restorative process for their magic. By purifying themselves through Re-Convergence, mages can cleanse their magical essence, effectively curing conditions such as MCE. Learning the intricacies of the Yin Yang Paths and mastering Re-Convergence is a challenging endeavor, but it is essential for mages aspiring to become Eight Arts Mages. The knowledge and application of these techniques play a crucial role in ensuring the restoration and preservation of a mage's magical abilities, as well as safeguarding their overall well-being in the face of magical ailments and challenges.


The Source of Magic

Magic is the combination of Mana + Natural Energy, Yin with Yang, creating something new. Mana (Yin) is actually what the 5th Dimension is made up of and is what we would consider Raw Magical Energy. When beings from the 3rd Dimension and lower channel Mana through their Mana Cells, they are passively mixing it with Natural Energy (Yang) a form of otherwise useless energy that all beings emit. Natural Energy acts to dilute the Mana, allowing lower beings of flesh and blood to wield it, called Refined Magical Energy, or just Magic. Mana Cells recover at a rate that is 2x slower than what they were collected. If it took your Cells 10 minutes to collect x amount of Magic, you will need to wait 20 minutes until you are back at full capacity.
Mana Cells develop naturally and are what allow beings to tap into Mana from the 5th Dimension, the amount of Mana you can process into useable Magic is defined by how high your MC Count is (Mana Cell Count). It also depends on how efficient one is with processing their energy and their transmutation. For example, Person X's Mana Cells may take in 10 Jk. of Mana but may only have an Actual Yield of 2 Jk. in terms of Magical Energy. This will contrast with Person Y who may have a conversion rate of 10 Jk. of Mana to 7 Jk. of Magical Energy. Mana Cell Count and Magical Energy Yield are the biggest factors when it comes to determining how much Magic one has access to.
Once the body has Magical Energy, it travels upon a route of 7 metaphysical gates known as the Seven Tubaki Genshin, which act as regulators of the Mage's magical energy. These Gates are self-imposed limiters for the safety of the Mage in question. Learning how to open all Seven Tubaki Genshin is essential to make full use of 100% of your full power, this is known as Opening all Seven Gates. But just as important is learning to close them on command. Putting 100% of your power into every action you take with Magic will only completely burn through the energy your Mana Cells collected. The sign of a great mage can use Magic in a controlled and disciplined way.


Related Deity/Higher Power
Material Components
  • Grimoire
Grimoires are objects that have been enchanted to contain pre-made Magic to be easily deployed at a later indefinite time without all of the complexities of Magic holding them down. Grimoires can come in a number of different sizes, shapes, and colors, but all of them serve this purpose.
  • Types of Materials
Nynir stifles or blocks Magical Energy, best to avoid them. Minur has no measurable effect on energy flow, quite common. Uru boosts or enhances Magical Energy flow. All types of Metals, Ores, Wood, and materials are classified as NYNIR, MINUR, or URU substances, based on how well, if at all, they allow for the flow of Magical Energy.
  • Ink Azure
A special type of blue ink can be applied directly to the skin of a person much in the same manner spells are written onto Grimoires / Prayerbooks for ease of casting at a later time. This Ink Azur on the body is primarily used for things like Enchantments or Wards / Seals, as once cast, they will retain their magical attributes for long periods of time. Meanwhile, things like offensive spells can only be used once before they will need to be "recharged".
The primary use of Ink Azur, like any Grimoire or Prayerbook, is to simply streamline the spell-casting process. Spells can be cast quickly from these, and even faster from the body directly. And like other written and "charged" spells, making use of these markings does not deplete your own Magical Energy supply. However, these Spells will 'corrode' over any given period of time, forcing the Mage in question to bathe in a Cirlian Spring to have them removed and reapply them later. Ink Azur is a reasonably common item to be found in most civilized worlds and Realms.
Applied Restriction
Limits of Magical Energy All beings are born with a certain amount of Magical Energy they can safely circulate through their body without inducing harm. This general rule is measured as Sai = "Small/ Less", Gon = "Everday/ Often", and Zel = "Greater/ Lot". This is their LIMIT and differed from person to person, decided at birth. Bloodlines can play a role here, children from two ZEL parents will likely have a ZEL LIMIT. In the event that more energy than what a Mage can handle is needed, they enter a state of being known as LIMITBREAKING. Do not do this, LIMITBREAKING can cause cellular decay, organ failure, mental instability, madness, and in some extreme cases, burn your body up entirely, leaving nothing but ashes and screams. Stay within your LIMIT and work with what you were given.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria



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