The 22 Words of Power

Twenty-two Words bright, Enlightenment's pure insight, Paths of wisdom's light

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford


  1. Fool: The ability to see through deception and illusions, allowing the individual to perceive the truth behind any facade.
  2. Magician: Mastery over transformation and transmutation, enabling the individual to change one form into another, both physically and metaphorically.
  3. High Priestess: Knowledge of hidden or esoteric truths, granting the ability to access and interpret ancient and cryptic knowledge.
  4. Empress: Control over the forces of creation and growth, including the ability to foster life and abundance in their surroundings.
  5. Emperor: Command over order and structure, allowing the individual to shape and govern the world according to their vision.
  6. Hierophant: The power of spiritual guidance, including the ability to connect with and influence the beliefs and values of others.
  7. Lovers: The capacity to forge profound connections and partnerships, enabling individuals to create strong bonds and unity.
  8. Chariot: Control over personal willpower and determination, granting the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve one's goals.
  9. Strength: Mastery of inner strength and courage, making the individual unyielding in the face of adversity.
  10. Hermit: Profound insight and introspection, allowing one to uncover hidden knowledge and truths within themselves.
  11. Wheel of Fortune: Control over destiny and fate, granting the power to manipulate the course of events in one's favor.
  12. Justice: The ability to restore balance and fairness, ensuring that just outcomes prevail in any situation.
  13. Hanged Man: Mastery of perspective and seeing things from new angles, giving the individual an advantage in problem-solving and decision-making.
  14. Death: The power of transformation and rebirth, enabling individuals to embrace change and renewal.
  15. Temperance: Control over balance and harmony, granting the ability to bring peace and equilibrium to any situation.
  16. Devil: Influence over desires and temptations, allowing one to either resist or manipulate the desires of others.
  17. Tower: The power to bring down the old and make way for the new, creating radical change and upheaval.
  18. Star: The ability to inspire hope and guidance to others, illuminating their paths with wisdom and optimism.
  19. Moon: Mastery over the realm of dreams and the subconscious, giving the individual insight into hidden truths and the power to influence dreams.
  20. Sun: Control over enlightenment and revelation, granting the individual the power to reveal the truth and dispel darkness.
  21. Judgement: The ability to make profound judgments and decisions that shape the course of events and the fate of others.
  22. Worlds: The capacity to perceive the interconnectedness of all things and transcend the limits of space and time, allowing the individual to have a profound impact on the universe and the lives of others.

Buddhas could serve as mentors and spiritual guides to those who seek their wisdom. They can help others on their own paths to enlightenment by sharing their knowledge and experiences. Buddhas might possess the ability to heal physical and spiritual ailments, emphasizing their compassion and willingness to alleviate suffering in the world. These enlightened individuals may choose to live modest lives, emphasizing the importance of inner wealth and wisdom over material possessions. Buddhas could be entrusted with preserving and passing down sacred texts and teachings, ensuring the continuity of spiritual wisdom.
They may work to foster a sense of community, unity, and harmony among people, promoting love and compassion as essential principles. Buddhas can be called upon to mediate conflicts and disputes, using their insight and wisdom to bring about peaceful resolutions. Some Buddhas might take on the role of silent observers, choosing to watch over the world and intervene only when necessary, embodying a sense of balance and detachment. Buddhas may also express their wisdom and teachings through various forms of art, such as poetry, music, and visual arts, inspiring and elevating culture and society.


The Crowns of Enlightenment
With mastery of each of the 22 Words, the Learner of Words gains an esoteric crown encircling their forehead in a fashion similar to a halo. Each of the 22 Words relates to a certain color and to obtain mastery over all 22 Words is to obtain the Rainbow Crown, proof of enlightenment. The Crown cannot be observed by beings who are not walking the path of Enlightenment.


At the heart of this cosmic paradigm lies a profound duality, encapsulated by the twin principles of Dharma and Adharma. These principles, revered not only by individuals but also by mages who harness the arcane energies coursing through the cosmos, serve as the very foundation of power and personal growth. Dharma, a term as ancient as the stars themselves, represents a guiding light toward living in harmony with one's true self and purpose. It signifies the alignment of one's actions, choices, and intentions with the core essence of their being.
To follow one's Dharma is to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, an odyssey through which individuals embrace the unique path etched into the fabric of their existence. Just as a star shines at its brightest when it follows its destined course through the cosmos, a mage's power reaches its zenith when it is in perfect harmony with its Dharma. In this alignment, individuals unlock dormant potentials and tap into the wellspring of their inner strength, much like a star radiates with undaunted brilliance.
In stark contrast, Adharma, the shadowy counterpart of Dharma, symbolizes discord and disharmony in one's existence. It arises when actions and motivations deviate from one's true nature, creating a web of confusion that obscures the path to self-realization and power. For mages, succumbing to Adharma results in the withering of their magical abilities, as they become shackled by the weight of inner turmoil and dissonance.
The significance of Dharma and Adharma extends beyond personal development. As a mage aligns more closely with their Dharma, their connection to the arcane energies of the universe deepens. This leads to exponential growth in their magical prowess, making them attuned to the cosmic currents and capable of wielding magic with precision and finesse. Conversely, those ensnared by Adharma witness a diminishing of their magical potential, as their growth as mages becomes stagnant due to inner disharmony.
Enlightenment, a higher state of consciousness, is the key to understanding the profound impact of one's behavior on oneself and others. It involves refraining from destructive actions and seeing beyond the illusions projected by the mind. This state of awareness leads to the cessation of disturbing emotions like anger, hatred, greed, and jealousy, as they no longer find fertile ground in the absence of confusion.
Achieving enlightenment requires several critical components, including ethical self-discipline, the ability to concentrate and avoid distractions, wisdom to discern between helpful and harmful actions, and emotional balance cultivated through positive qualities like love and compassion. This transformation goes beyond finding inner peace; it opens the door to perceiving the interconnectedness of all things and the best ways to help others.
In the pursuit of full enlightenment, one transcends the limitations of projection and becomes a fully enlightened Buddha. As a Buddha, they have unlimited energy, perfect communication with all beings, and an understanding of everything. Their love, compassion, and concern for every being are boundless, and they work tirelessly to benefit others without expecting anything in return. They are free from anger and impatience, embracing all beings as if each were their beloved child.
Although an enlightened Buddha cannot eliminate others' suffering, they can guide and teach, setting an example for others to follow. To traverse the path to full enlightenment, one must accumulate an immense reservoir of positive karma by selflessly benefiting others and striving to understand reality without projecting delusions onto the world. Enlightenment culminates in an insight into transcendental truth through the 22 Words of Enlightenment, fragments of the name of God Almighty. Learning all 22 Words is to speak the name of God and become a Buddha, free from the cycle of suffering known as Saṃsāra. The enlightened individual comprehends their true nature and adheres to their Dharma, transcending space and time to stand outside the realm of creation.

Applied Restriction
The 22 Words of Enlightenment are fundamental concepts, each composed of 36 Syllables, which represent the lessons through which a being comprehends and learns the essence of that Word. These Syllables serve as the building blocks of understanding, allowing individuals to unravel the depth of each Word. The process of mastering all 36 Syllables is a profoundly personal journey, unique to each individual. No two people will traverse this path in the same way, and their comprehension and interpretation of these Syllables will invariably differ. This intrinsic diversity in the learning process reflects the intrinsic nature of these teachings, adapting to the distinct experiences and perspectives of each learner.
Some beings may possess a limited number of Words, having acquired them by emulating the teachings of an original Buddha without fully grasping their profound meaning. While these partially learned Words can bestow similar effects, they do so to a significantly lesser degree. This highlights the importance of genuine comprehension and interpretation in fully harnessing the power of the Words.
Furthermore, the time required to master all 36 Syllables of each Word, as well as all 22 Words, is subject to considerable variation among individuals. This temporal distinction is intricately tied to one's Dharma, their way of life, and alignment with their true self within the grand tapestry of existence. Each person's unique journey, experiences, and choices will influence the pace and depth of their enlightenment, emphasizing the inextricable connection between one's personal path and their mastery of the Words of Enlightenment.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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