The Gorgṓn, the Snake-Haired Children of Phorcys

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford

Basic Information


  1. Serpentine Foundation: At the core of the Gorgon's anatomy lies a serpentine foundation. Their lower bodies are elongated and limbless, resembling the sinuous coils of serpents. The skin, adorned with iridescent scales, provides a natural armor that not only protects them but also adds to their hypnotic allure. The muscular structure is finely tuned for swift and fluid movement, allowing the Gorgons to navigate their surroundings with unparalleled agility.
  2. Limb Configuration: Rising from their serpentine lower halves, the Gorgons sport a total of four arms. Each arm is endowed with a sinewy strength, capable of both delicate manipulations and powerful strikes. The arms are arranged in pairs, emerging just below the humanoid torso, giving the Gorgons a unique and formidable advantage in both combat and intricate tasks.
  3. Humanoid Torso: Above the serpentine coils, the Gorgons possess a humanoid torso. This upper body structure accommodates vital internal organs and houses the nexus of their central nervous system. The torso seamlessly integrates with the serpentine lower body, allowing for a harmonious coordination of movements between the serpent and humanoid components.
  4. Serpentine Tresses: One of the most iconic features of the Gorgons is their hair, which consists of smaller serpents. These serpentine tresses move with a life of their own, possessing a symbiotic relationship with the Gorgon. Not only do they contribute to the Gorgon's mesmerizing presence, but they also act as both sensors and defenders, striking at potential threats with venomous precision.
  5. Internal Systems: The internal anatomy of the Gorgons is a marvel of biological engineering. Their circulatory system efficiently pumps a unique venom through their veins, enhancing their predatory prowess. A respiratory system, adapted to both terrestrial and aquatic environments, allows the Gorgons to thrive in a variety of habitats. Additionally, their reproductive system is complex, featuring a combination of viviparous and oviparous traits.

Genetics and Reproduction

The genetic blueprint of the Gorgons is predominantly serpentine, with a remarkable predisposition towards female genetic expression. In a departure from traditional Mendelian genetics, where male and female offspring are produced with equal probability, Gorgon reproduction skews in favor of females. This proclivity plays a pivotal role in shaping the population dynamics of the species, fostering a higher representation of the Gorgon matriarchy.
Gorgons engage in sexual reproduction, necessitating the presence of both male and female individuals. Mating rituals are intricate and involve a complex interplay of visual displays, pheromones, and tactile interactions. Once a suitable mate is identified, copulation occurs, leading to the fertilization of the female's eggs. The hallmark of Gorgon reproduction is the strategic laying of eggs. Unlike live-bearing species, Gorgons opt for an oviparous approach, laying a clutch of eggs in carefully chosen locations. The number of eggs per clutch varies, ranging from as few as two or three to as many as 30, reflecting the adaptability of the species to diverse ecological niches.
A typical Gorgon will undergo the egg-laying process approximately 2-3 times throughout its entire lifetime. This measured reproductive strategy aligns with the Gorgons' long lifespan and contributes to the sustainability of their populations. Eggs that have been laid will be placed in advanced incubators to ensure the health of the child for a standard amount of time.
The Gorgon gestation period unfolds within the protective confines of the alien nest, spanning several extraterrestrial weeks. Influenced by atmospheric conditions, including temperature and atmospheric composition, this period adapts to the demands of different cosmic habitats, ensuring the survival of the Gorgon offspring.

Growth Rate & Stages

  1. Hatching (0-5 years): Gorgṓn life begins as an egg, carefully laid in a chosen location by the mother. The hatching process takes approximately 3 to 5 years. Hatchlings emerge with a size ranging from 1 to 2 feet in length, exhibiting muted colors that gradually intensify as they mature.
  2. Juvenile (6-20 years): During the juvenile stage, Gorgons experience rapid growth, reaching lengths of 5 to 8 feet within the first decade. Their agility and coordination improve significantly during this period as they adapt to their serpentine form. Colors become more vibrant, and the first signs of unique markings appear on their scales.
  3. Young Adult (21-100 years): Young adults continue to grow, with lengths ranging from 10 to 15 feet. This stage marks the maturation of their reproductive capabilities. Gorgons actively engage in mating rituals, and females begin laying clutches of eggs. Their vivid colors and intricate markings become more pronounced, reflecting the individuality of each Gorgṓn.
  4. Prime (101-250 years): The prime of a Gorgṓn's life is characterized by peak physical condition and heightened predatory prowess. At this stage, they reach their maximum length of 15 to 20 feet. The hypnotic abilities of their serpentine tresses are at their most potent. Many Gorgons assume leadership roles within their communities, contributing to the species' social dynamics.
  5. Mature Adult (251-369 years): As Gorgons enter their mature adult phase, they begin to exhibit signs of aging. Their growth stabilizes, and some may experience a gradual decrease in size. Despite these changes, their wisdom and experience make them valuable members of Gorgṓn society. The vibrant colors may fade slightly, but the markings on their scales tell stories of a lifetime.
  6. Elder (370 years and beyond): The elder stage marks the final chapter of a Gorgṓn's life. While they retain their wisdom and unique characteristics, physical decline becomes more noticeable. Movement may become slower, and scales might lose some luster. Elders often take on advisory roles, sharing their knowledge with younger generations. The transition from elder to the end of life is gradual, and Gorgons maintain their dignity and respect throughout this process.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of the Gorgṓn race closely mirror those of their serpent-like foundation, emphasizing carnivorous tendencies and an efficient hunting strategy. Adapted to a diverse range of cosmic environments, Gorgons have evolved a keen sense of predation to sustain their long and thriving existence. Gorgons are obligate carnivores, relying exclusively on a diet of meat to fulfill their nutritional requirements. The primary sources of sustenance include a variety of cosmic creatures, ranging from smaller terrestrial beings to aquatic species, depending on the specific ecological niche of the Gorgon population.
Gorgons lack traditional teeth for chewing, and instead, they rely on a powerful set of jaws to swallow their prey whole. This efficient method allows them to consume large portions of their catch, promoting efficient digestion and ensuring they extract maximum nutritional value from each meal. Gorgons showcase dietary adaptations based on the specific cosmic environment they inhabit. Those residing in aquatic realms may prey upon cosmic fish or sea creatures, while those in terrestrial environments may target land-dwelling beings. The Gorgon's ability to adapt their diet to the available resources contributes to their widespread success across different celestial landscapes.

Biological Cycle

The Gorgṓn's biological cycle is marked by a fascinating process known as shedding or ecdysis, a vital aspect of their physiology that occurs between four and 12 times a year. This cyclical shedding plays a crucial role in the maintenance and renewal of their skin, contributing to their overall health and adaptability to changing environmental conditions.
  1. Preparatory Phase: As the shedding cycle begins, Gorgons enter a preparatory phase where their skin undergoes subtle changes. The outer layer starts to loosen, and a specialized secretion is produced to facilitate the separation of the old skin from the underlying scales. During this phase, Gorgons may display altered behaviors, such as increased restlessness or a temporary decrease in activity.
  2. Ecdysis Event: The ecdysis event itself is a remarkable spectacle. Gorgons find secluded areas where they can safely shed their skin without interference. The process is initiated by the Gorgon actively rubbing against rough surfaces, such as rocks or tree bark, to encourage the gradual peeling of the old skin. The serpentine tresses play a significant role in this process, aiding in the removal of the old skin from the humanoid torso.
  3. Unveiling the New Skin: Once the shedding is complete, the Gorgon reveals a fresh, vibrant layer of skin beneath. The new skin is characterized by intense colors and pristine scales, showcasing the health and vitality of the individual. This phase is crucial for replenishing the protective iridescent scales that contribute to the Gorgon's natural armor.
  4. Post-Ecdysis Recovery: In the days following ecdysis, Gorgons enter a period of post-shedding recovery. During this time, they may exhibit heightened energy levels, increased appetite, and a renewed sense of agility. The shedding process not only refreshes their physical appearance but also enhances their overall well-being, allowing them to face the challenges of their dynamic environments with vitality.
The frequency of shedding is influenced by seasonal variations. In colder climates or during periods of reduced food availability, Gorgons may shed less frequently. Conversely, in warmer environments or during periods of abundant resources, the shedding frequency may increase. This adaptability ensures that the shedding cycle aligns with the Gorgon's specific needs and the demands of their ever-changing habitats.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The unique physiology of the Gorgṓn, particularly the mesmerizing snakes that replace traditional hair, has led to a range of uses, unintended byproducts, and exploitations throughout history. These aspects, while sometimes practical, have often been a source of contention and even outright condemnation by the Gorgṓn Kingdom.
  • Snakes as Independent Entities: One of the intriguing byproducts of Gorgṓn biology is the continued animation of their severed heads. Though the Gorgon's main body perishes upon death, the serpentine tresses retain a semblance of life, allowing them to writhe and move independently. Some have harnessed this macabre quality for entertainment, creating exotic displays where Gorgon heads are showcased as living artworks or even employed in mystical performances.
  • Weaponization of Petrification: Throughout history, unscrupulous beings have exploited the potent petrifying gaze of Gorgon heads as weapons. Severed heads, manipulated to unleash their deadly ability, have become sought-after tools of war or instruments for personal gain. However, such practices are vehemently condemned by the Gorgṓn Kingdom, viewing them as disrespectful violations of their deceased kin. Possession or utilization of such weapons can lead to severe consequences, including death, for those caught by the vigilant Gorgon authorities.
  • Artistic and Alchemical Applications: The beautifully intricate patterns and vibrant colors of the Gorgon's serpentine tresses have inspired artists and alchemists alike. Shed snakeskin, once carefully harvested and treated, becomes a prized material for crafting exquisite garments and artifacts. Alchemists, intrigued by the mystical properties of Gorgon biology, have experimented with incorporating their scales and venom into potions and magical concoctions, albeit with varying degrees of success.
  • Cultural Symbolism: Gorgon heads, with their formidable history and deadly reputation, have become potent symbols in various cultures. In some societies, they are revered as protectors against malevolent forces, while in others, they are feared symbols of doom and destruction. This cultural significance has occasionally led to the unjust exploitation of Gorgon imagery for personal or political gain, further straining relations with the Gorgṓn Kingdom.
  • Ceremonial Practices: Certain arcane rituals and ceremonies involve the use of Gorgon heads as focal points, believing that the residual energy within the serpentine tresses can enhance the potency of magical endeavors. While some practitioners approach these rituals with respect, others exploit the severed heads for dark and nefarious purposes, leading to tensions between the Gorgṓn Kingdom and practitioners of mystical arts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male Names
  1. Phustraeus
  2. Tharriton
  3. Keiarleas
  4. Visytion
  5. Xuspagos
  6. Disetheus
  7. Discoeus
  8. Dudarus
  9. Derion
  10. Ralceus
  11. Muxaumas
  12. Zintys
  13. Chestres
  14. Xolios
  15. Reiris
  16. Theldetus
  17. Thildoeis
  18. Xintyrus
  19. Zirias
  20. Mulaemon
Female Names
  1. Dusda
  2. Kogge
  3. Chinca
  4. Hivea
  5. Phognea
  6. Phanceva
  7. Rolelda
  8. Dogniso
  9. Xambrale
  10. Zosora
  11. Thiano
  12. Dava
  13. Phozy
  14. Pheiaro
  15. Mode
  16. Chisose
  17. Dulesa
  18. Phuggava
  19. Ronulea
  20. Phordeixe

Beauty Ideals

Iridescent scales, adorned with a myriad of colors across the cosmic spectrum, are celebrated as a pinnacle of beauty among the Gorgṓn race. The vibrancy and luminosity of these scales not only contribute to their natural armor but also serve as a captivating display of individuality. Gorgons with scales that shimmer with a dazzling array of hues are often admired for their unique and alluring beauty. The serpentine tresses, composed of smaller snakes, are more than a defensive mechanism—they are a symbol of beauty and mystique. The way these living strands move with a life of their own, contributing to the Gorgon's hypnotic presence, is considered an art form. Intricate patterns and vivid colors on the tresses are highly prized, with Gorgons often adorning them with cosmic jewelry as a further expression of beauty.   The ability to captivate with a gaze is a central aspect of Gorgon's beauty ideals. A mesmerizing stare, often accompanied by the undulating movement of their serpentine lower bodies, is considered a powerful and enchanting trait. Gorgons hone the art of eye contact and hypnotic allure, using it not only for communication but also as a form of visual expression. Cosmic-inspired tattoos and markings on the humanoid torso further enhance Gorgon beauty. These intricate designs, often unique to each individual, tell stories of their lineage, experiences, and achievements. The application of these cosmic tattoos is considered both a rite of passage and a form of self-expression, adding to the richness of Gorgon's aesthetics.

Gender Ideals

Similar to certain snake species where females are often larger and more powerful than males, Gorgṓn society places a premium on prowess and dominance. Female Gorgons, with their sinewy strength and imposing presence, are typically viewed as symbols of power and leadership. Gorgṓn communities, particularly those ruled by the three sister queens, reflect a matriarchal hierarchy. The queens hold positions of paramount authority, guiding the destiny of their queendoms with wisdom and strategic acumen.

Courtship Ideals

Male Gorgons engage in elaborate displays of strength, agility, and visual appeal to attract potential mates. These displays may involve intricate movements, vibrant colorations, and the use of their hypnotic abilities to create mesmerizing patterns, reflecting the courtship strategies observed in certain snake species. The proclivity of Gorgon's reproduction towards female genetic expression further reinforces the importance placed on females within their society. The strategic laying of eggs and the subsequent nurturing of offspring contribute to the perception of females as the primary architects of the Gorgon legacy. Gorgṓn mothers engage in cooperative maternal care, where experienced females mentor and assist younger mothers in raising their offspring.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Death Right Customs
In the solemn moment when two Gorgṓns are ready to embark on the journey to the afterlife together, they ceremoniously reveal themselves and meet each other's gaze. This profound exchange of looks initiates a transformation, turning both individuals into stone statues. These sculptures are then reverently arranged amidst vibrant greenery, creating Gorgṓn burial grounds that resemble a serene garden adorned with statues and flowers. It is taboo to destroy these statues intentionally or to vandalize them.


Two primordial Sea Gods once laid together, Kētṓ, Goddess of Sea Monsters, and Phorcys, God of Fishermen and Trade, and from their union came two races of Mortals.
  1. The Graeae: A race of all female beings with snow-white hair who could never die from old age or sickness.
  2. The Gorgṓn: A race of serpentine beings with snakes for hair who could turn any being into stone.
The Gorgṓn are the focus of this article and moving forward the Graeae can be put out of thought. The Gorgṓn were given the planet Libyē by their parents and came to be ruled by three great sister queens, Queen Sthenṓ the Mighty Hunter, Queen Euryálē the Wandering Knight, and Queen Médousa the Guardian Light. They were known as the Gorgṓn Queens and ruled the Libyian System for an age and a half. Their rule came under threat of a wandering warrior, Sir Perseús the Destroyer, a mighty demigod born of the Skyfather ZEUS, King of Olympus. Perseús and his knights waged war on the Gorgṓn and alone did battle against the famed sister queens. Perseús was victorious, and beheaded Queen Médousa, transforming it into a magical artifact. Queen Euryálē and Queen Sthenṓ were defeated but escaped with their lives and little of their people survived the carnage in the system. Perseús named himself King and established his own dynasty, the Perseid dynasty, renaming planet Libyē to planet Mycenae.   The Gorgṓn became a wandering people without a home, enemies of the newly formed Perseid Dynasty. However, the Gorgṓn were not forgotten by their creators, Mother Kētṓ and Father Phorcys, who ordered the Archons to create a Realm for the Gorgṓn in the Mortal Multiverse and named it Sarpedon. Phorcys went to Skyfather Zeus for justice concerning the actions of Perseús, Zeus would not cut down one of his own sons, but yielded in giving Sarpedon a protector. He took Prince Orion the One Who Rises, a son of Euryálē, and transformed him into a constellation, a being made up of 87 stellar bodies, set to protect the Realm forever from foreign powers. The Gorgṓn were now safe in their new home and gave rise to their first lord, King Chrysáoros, He Who Bears a Golden Sword, son of Médousa.
The son of King Chrysáoros, a farmer named Geryone, did not inherit the throne, instead letting it pass to Princess Maetholo of the Sthenid Dynasty, the line established by Queen Sthenṓ the Mighty Hunter. Maetholo had a son, Prince Sthunthus II, and he had a daughter, Queen Nimyria the Huntress. Nimyria established political ties with the Reyes Clan who was creating a new noble House, dubbed The Wilde Hunt, and agreed to serve under their authority if the Reyes Clan helped them bring ruin to Perseids. The Perseid Dynasty was already cracking from within and without civil unrest, loss of succession, and overwhelming foreign adversaries. The Reyes Clan and the Queendom of Sarpedon laid waste to the Perseids and their kingdom, scattering the descendants of Perseús to the wind. Perseús himself, imprisoned in the Emerald Maze some decades before, was ignorant of the fall of his domain and powerless to do anything regardless. Mycenae was returned to its original name, Libyē, and the Libyian System was brought under the command of the Sarpedon Queens. And thus, the Wilde Hunt was created. Prince Geryone, son of King Chrysáoros and grandson of Queen Médousa, did not inherit the throne of Sarpedon from his father, as mentioned earlier, instead became a farmer. The Sthenid Dynasty would, before the defeat of the Perseids, establish a colony in Jötunheimr where Greyone would wed a Jötnar, Hrórnsóglau. This colony would come to be named Mt. Erytheia, and the Gorgṓn who came with Greyone would interbreed with the Jötnar to birth a new species, the Slythornians. Their tale is beyond the confines of this text but it is important to note another split in the Gorgṓn species line.

Historical Figures

  • Queen Aix the Coming Storm, Fierce and Terrible
Aix Hoktaemon was a demigod daughter of the deity HELIOS and a half-Gorgṓn mortal woman, Blodeuwedd Hoktaemon, who would come to be known as one of the earliest Queens of Libyē, responsible for leading the effort to conquer and colonize the remaining 8 planets in the star system into the Libyian Queendom, establishing the Aixnid Dynasty. During a celestial event known as the TITANOMACHY, the Titans sought to usurp Skyfather Zeus, and Queen Aix unfortunately sided with the Titans, against the warnings of her Lord Father and her people. Aix was defeated by Zeus who made a cape out of her unbreakable hide and created the Aegis Shield which sported her head on it, giving the user great power. The Gorgṓn people never forgot this defilement of Queen Aix's body and this marked the first instance when the head of a Gorgṓn was used as the face of a shield, but surely not the last.
  • Queen Sthenṓ the Mighty Hunter
Sthenṓ was the middle sibling of her sisters and an excellent hunter, one of the best. Of the three Gorgons, she was known to be the most independent and ferocious, having killed more men than both of her sisters combined, a staggering number. Sthenṓ kept an expansive trophy room on Libyē filled with the petrified stone statues of her many victims, the ones who gave her the best hunt. When Perseús ravaged their kingdom, Sthenṓ led her people from Midgard to Sarpedon where she established her own royal lineage, the Sthenid Dynasty, as the only remaining sister. Sthenṓ would never rule again but resided herself to the royal Master of Arms in her old age and eventually to an advisor to her lineage.
  • Queen Euryálē the Wandering Knight
Euryálē was the oldest of the 3 sister Queens and the one who roamed the furthest. Euryálē was a Knight who led an expeditionary fleet across the Mortal Multiverse, and beyond, exploring distant lands and experiencing many cultures. After the fall of Libyē, Euryálē and her knights escort the surviving Gorgons to Sarpedon, shortly after embarking on a long journey to pursue Perseús who had already embarked on his next adventure. Euryálē was consumed with the chase and pursued him to the end of the Multiverse where she gave her life to imprison him in the Emerald Maze. All of her knights perished in this conflict and the history of her quest would not be undone until Perseús himself was released from the Maze and attempted to enact revenge on the Gorgon people.
  • Queen Médousa the Guardian Light
Médousa was the youngest of her sisters but was recognized as the first Queen of the Libyē System of historical note. Médousa usurped the previous dynasty and made herself queen, leading her queendom into a new age of exploration and colonization. She earned her epithet "Guardian Light" because of her policy on core and colony worlds, devoting many resources to defending both from hostile forces. While this spread her military thin across the expanse of her domain, she was by far the most favorite of the 3 Sister-Queens and the most loved. Médousa met her untimely end at the hands of the demigod Sir Perseús the Destroyer, her head was cut off and he used it to create a magical weapon of mass destruction, the MEDUSA Device. Médousa suffered a fate similar to that of Queen Aix but was later delivered from suffering by Billy The Hero who destroyed the device on his quest and released her soul.
  • Prince Orion the One Who Rises
Orion was the demigod son of Queen Euryálē and the divine God Lord Poseidon, King of the sea, God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and phantom steed. Orion was a giant, possessing the body and form of his divine father, he could command the sea of any planet he found himself on, and should you look into his eyes, he could turn you to stone. Orion was a notable hunter of the divine goddess Artemis, having journeyed with her across all of creation to hunt mythical beasts, even to the 5th Dimension. Though the circumstances were queer, Orion had offended the goddess on one of their hunts and was killed for his offense. However, after Kētṓ, Goddess of Sea Monsters, and Phorcys, God of Fishermen and Trade, created the Realm Sarpedon for the Gorgon people, they asked Zeus to give it a protector. Zeus went to the Dead Worlds, brought back the mighty Orion, and transformed him into a constellation, a being made up of 87 stellar bodies, set to protect the Realm forever from foreign powers. In his lifetime, Orion was said to have sired somewhere around 50 heirs with his wives Princess Meropê, daughter of Oenopion, and Lady Sídē, a handmaiden of the goddess Artemis.
  • King Chrysáoros, He Who Bears a Golden Sword
Chrysáoros was one of the sons of Médousa and the divine God Lord Poseidon, King of the sea, God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and phantom steeds, who survived the destruction of Libyē and relocated to Sarpedon. Chrysáoros is one of the only male rulers of the Gorgṓn race and is also counted among the greatest kings in history, thanks in large part to the peaceful life he and his people lived thanks to their new home guarded by their celestial protector. Chrysáoros bore a great magical sword that emitted a glowing aura when drawn, capable of commanding the Bifröst with ease. Near the end of his reign, he yielded the throne to the Sthenid Dynasty and departed the capital with his court and family to live a humble life as a farmer on the edges of Sarpedon. His descendants, known as the Chrysaorians, still rule and live in the Outlands of Sarpedon to this very day, they have a culture of humility and selflessness.
  • King Pḗgasos, Lord of the Fields of Basil
Pḗgasos was the other surviving son of Médousa and the divine God Lord Poseidon, King of the sea, God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and phantom steeds. Pḗgasos was a great magical steed with majestic wings, as swift as lighting and twice as fast. He was also immortal, unlike his brother, and inherited an extremely durable hide, similar to the scales on his mother's body. Pḗgasos would father the Pegasus race of horses, steeds who also bore great wings capable of swift flight, the Bicorne race, a subsect of the Unicons who possed wings and two curved ringed horns who did have immortality, the Hippokampos, a race of Sea-Horses with wings, and the Amon, a race of eight-legged winged steeds sired with Sleipnir. For his vast progeny and fame, Pḗgasos is often called the God of Horses and many people and societies view horses as sacred animals and icons of fertility.
  • Jarl Geryone the Shepherd
Greyone is the son of King Chrysáoros and Queen Callirhoe the Beautiful, an Oceanid Nymph, who lived in the outlands with his father's people. Greyone was an exceptional farmer but possessed skill with Magic and warcraft, bringing him to the attention of the Sthenid Dynasty who elected him to lead a group of Gorgṓns to Jötunheimr to establish a colony on their behalf. Commanded by the Queen, Greyone was placed in charge of some 170 thousand Gorgons, and they journeyed to Jötunheimr. Greyone would wed a Jötnar, Hrórnsóglau, and become the 1st Jarl of the new Kingdom of Erytheia, establishing the Greyonid Dynasty, who still rule Mt. Erytheia to this day.
  • Queen Nimyria the Huntress
Nimyria was of the Sthenid Dynasty who ruled Sarpedon and is remembered for leading the siege of the Mycenae Kingdom on the Perseids, revenge for the death of Queen Médousa ages prior. While she was successful, she is also less remembered for bringing Sarpedon into the fold of the Wild Hunt, a noble house of great power led by the Reyes Clan. The Wilde Hunt served the goddess Artemis, and they are oath-bound to forever be in pursuit of, or hunting, some prey, to pay the eternal tribute to Artemis. Nimyria was wed to Ruben Reyes to secure the loyalty and authority of the new growing superpower. The protection of the Wilde Hunt is what keeps the wider Gorgṓn people and empire safe from external threats.

Scientific Name
Phylum: Serpentidae, Class: Hypnotica, Order: Venenata, Family: Ophidogorgidae, Genus: Gorga, Species: Hypnotica (Simply Gorga Hypnotica of the Ophidogorgidae Family)
300 Standard Imperial Years (SIY)
Average Weight
300 to 600 pounds (136 to 272 kilograms)
Average Length
10 - 15 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Gorgṓn's serpentine foundation is adorned with a stunning array of body tints, offering a mesmerizing display reminiscent of the most vibrant snakes found in terrestrial ecosystems. These tints span the entire color spectrum, encompassing shades of orange, red, yellow, blue, and green, with the latter being particularly prevalent among the Gorgon population. The diversity of hues serves both practical and aesthetic purposes within the species.
  • Thermoregulation: The Gorgon's ability to adopt different body tints also plays a crucial role in thermoregulation. Darker hues, such as deep blues and blacks, absorb sunlight efficiently, aiding in heat retention during cooler periods, while lighter shades reflect excess heat, preventing overheating in warmer climates. This adaptive coloration ensures the Gorgons can thrive across a range of temperatures within their cosmically diverse habitats.
  • Markings and Designs: Each Gorgon possesses unique patterns and markings on its scales, adding a layer of individuality to its mesmerizing appearance. These markings vary in tint from their base color, creating intricate designs that serve both aesthetic and communicative functions. From elegant swirls to intricate geometric shapes, these markings not only contribute to the Gorgons' hypnotic allure but also convey information about their age, lineage, and even personal achievements.
  • Age-Related Changes: As Gorgons age, their body tints and markings may undergo subtle transformations. Younger individuals often exhibit more vibrant and contrasting colors, while elders may develop a more subdued and sophisticated palette. The intricate markings also evolve over time, reflecting the experiences and milestones of each Gorgon, creating a living tapestry of their personal history etched into their scales.
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

Articles under The Gorgṓn, the Snake-Haired Children of Phorcys


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