O Gorgónios Tómos: The Gorgonian Tome


The Gorgonian Tome stands as an exhaustive chronicle illuminating the rich tapestry of the Gorgon race, spanning their inception to the diverse trajectories of their development and histories. Crafted with meticulous detail, this sacred text serves multifaceted objectives within the cultural milieu of Sarpedon. Prompted by an intrinsic need to preserve the legacy of the Gorgṓn peoples, the Gorgonian Tome emerges as the quintessential "Book of Queens" in Sarpedonian lore. Its genesis lies in the collective desire to capture and immortalize the nuanced journey of the Gorgon race, weaving together threads of myth, cultural enlightenment, dynastic triumphs, and societal evolution.
The document's primary aim is to impart a comprehensive understanding of the Gorgṓn civilization, fostering a profound connection between successive generations and their ancestral roots. Through the delineation of distinct Books, each dedicated to pivotal epochs, the Gorgonian Tome seeks to convey the essence of Gorgon existence – from divine origins to the zenith of their societal achievements.

Document Structure


O Gorgónios Tómos: The Gorgonian Tome is also known as the Book of Queens to the people of Sarpedon, it is separated into different Books that detail the history of the Gorgṓn peoples.
  1. The Book of the Sea: The creation mythos of the Gorgṓn race and their origins.
  2. The Book of Enlightenment: A recount of the origins of Gorgṓn culture and society and their age of enlightenment.
  3. The Book of Fierce Storms: The creation of the Aixnid Dynasty, the conquering of the Libyian star system, and the defeat of Queen Aix the Coming Storm, Fierce and Terrible.
  4. The Book of Three Queens: The retelling of the Gorgṓnian Expansion, the legend of the three sister-queens Sthenṓ, Euryálē, and Médousa, the war with Sir Perseús and the founding of Sarpedon (New Libyē).
  5. The Book of Erytheia: Speaks of the removal of King Chrysáoros, the migration of the Chrysaorians, and the founding of the Sarpedon Outland Kingdoms. The tale of the settling of Jötunheimr and the founding of the Greyonid Dynasty in the new Kingdom of Erytheia. Also speaks of King Pḗgasos and his conquering of the Fields of Basil. The Tales of Prince Orion.
  6. The Book of Nimyria: How Queen Nimyria the Huntress reclaimed Old Libyē, snuffed out the Perseid Dynasty, and brought the Gorgṓns into the Wilde Hunt.

The Book of the Sea
The creation mythos of the Gorgṓn race and their origins.
Mother Kētṓ, Goddess of Sea Monsters, and Father Phorcys, God of Fishermen and Trade, are two Gods of Olympus who created the Gorgṓn race when they laid together in the sea of a blooming planet. From their union came a race of serpentine beings with four arms and hair of heads who could turn men to stone with their eyes. Father Phorcys named them the Gorgṓns and gifted them sentience and intelligence. Mother Kētṓ terraformed the planet to be ideal for them and taught them Magic. The First Nations of Gorgṓns soon arose and they named the planet Libyē.  
The Book of Enlightenment
A recount of the origins of Gorgṓn culture and society and their age of enlightenment.
The Gorgons developed incredibly fast when compared to other species thanks to the gift of intelligence and sentience from the Gods. The Gorgons established their society and culture, originally very religious and based around a strict, but unsustainable, warrior culture and caste system. This eventually led to serval planet-wide failed revolutions and nearly the total destruction of the planet followed by a "dark age" and the eventual renewal of the race, an age of enlightenment, social reform, and liberalism. This book ends with the establishment of the Phanid Dynasty and the start of the space age.  
The Book of Fierce Storms
The creation of the Aixnid Dynasty, the conquering of the Libyian star system, and the defeat of Queen Aix the Coming Storm, Fierce and Terrible.
The start of the Gorgon's age of heroes or legends during their space age. The book primarily features Aix Hoktaemon, Remembered as Queen Aix the Coming Storm, Fierce and Terrible. She was a Gorgon demigod daughter of HELIOS and born with incredible power. Aix would start a social movement on the planet that opposed the Gorgon's approach to diplomacy with the rest of the under-developed system that lacked the gifts of gods. Aix argued against modern religious doctrine and favored traditional rhetoric, that Father Phorcys and Mother Kētṓ created the Gorgons intentionally to rule over the rest of the system as the dominant life form. Aix and her warriors would usurp the Phanid Dynasty and re-introduce many of the outdated warrior-culture ideas back into modern society. Aix created the Aixnid Dynasty and violently conquered the rest of the star system with the superior Gorgon technology and industry, bringing 8 new planets under their command, and creating the Libyian Queendom. During a celestial event known as the TITANOMACHY, the Titans sought to usurp Skyfather Zeus, and Queen Aix unfortunately sided with the Titans, against the warnings of her Lord Father and her people. Aix was defeated by Zeus who made a cape out of her unbreakable hide and created the Aegis Shield which sported her head on it, giving the user great power. Aix's daughters, the Aixnities, fought each other for their mother's throne, creating the first system-wide civil war. It was eventually settled and the Princesses were either slain or imprisoned. Only Aix's son, the cripple Prince Muxaumas, remained, and he dissolved the dynasty entirely.  
The Book of Three Queens
The retelling of the Gorgṓnian Expansion, the legend of the three sister-queens Sthenṓ, Euryálē, and Médousa, the war with Sir Perseús and the founding of Sarpedon (New Libyē).
One night, a virgin Gorgon of unknown name and title who was not pregnant at the start of the day gave birth to three daughters, claiming to have been impregnated by the god Phorcys himself just hours beforehand. Regardless of the facts, the children, Sthenṓ, Euryálē, and Médousa, clearly had divine heritage and would change the course of the Gorgon race forever. A sort of cult would grow around the three sisters who were capable of many feats deemed Acts of God, this religious movement was recognized by the utmost religious authority who declared the three of them and their blood were of the direct lineage of Father Phorcys and thus had the Divine Right to Rule. Queen Médousa and her sisters would lead the Libyian Queendom out of their star system and on a massive colonization and exploration age, one wholly different from Queen Aix's dogmatic and violent crusades in ages past. Médousa was diplomatic-minded, she brokered many treaties and established many peaceful colonies on alien worlds with galactic superpowers. Queen Euryálē was an explorer who journeyed to the edges of Libyian Space, and far beyond with her expeditionary force. Not all parties wanted diplomacy, and many wanted war with the Queendom, and upon them, Queen Sthenṓ and her forces were unleashed, she loved war as much as her enemies loved their life, though her love proved stronger in the end.
However, another dark age soon fell on the Queendom, Sir Perseús the Destroyer, a demigod son of ZEUS and legendary heroic figure praised by The Muses, Goddesses of the Arts and Proclaimers of Heroes. Perseús and his knights amassed a staggering force and went to war against the Gorgons, aided by The Graeae, the White-Haired Daughters of Kētṓ, a cousin species of the Gorgon themselves. Perseús faced the three demigod queens alone and defeated them all, killing and objectifying the corpse of Queen Médousa. From her body sprang her son Pḗgasos, a magical winged horse, whom Perseús kept as a pet. Perseús shattered the Gorgon race, aided by many of the species from the Libyian home star system who still had scars from the Aixnid Crusades. The Gorgons were forced into a life of wandering, led by the defeated Queen Sthenṓ. Perseús named himself King and established his own dynasty, the Perseid dynasty, renaming planet Libyē to planet Mycenae. After the fall of Libyē, Euryálē and her knights escort the surviving Gorgons to Sarpedon, shortly after embarking on a long journey to pursue Perseús who had already embarked on his next adventure. Euryálē was consumed with the chase and pursued him to the end of the Multiverse where she gave her life to imprison him in the Emerald Maze.
The Gorgṓn became a wandering people without a home, enemies of the newly formed Perseid Dynasty. However, the Gorgṓn were not forgotten by their creators, Mother Kētṓ and Father Phorcys, who ordered the Archons to create a Realm for the Gorgṓn in the Mortal Multiverse and named it Sarpedon (New Libyē). Phorcys went to Skyfather Zeus for justice concerning the actions of Perseús, Zeus would not cut down one of his own sons, but yielded in giving Sarpedon a protector. He took Prince Orion the One Who Rises, a son of Euryálē, and transformed him into a constellation, a being made up of 87 stellar bodies, set to protect the Realm forever from foreign powers. The Gorgṓn were now safe in their new home and gave rise to their first lord, King Chrysáoros, He Who Bears a Golden Sword, son of Médousa. Chrysáoros ruled for a time as a regent until Queen Sthenṓ had successfully led as many Gorgons as she could to Sarpedon. Sthenṓ relieved Chrysáoros of his duties and once again became a Queen, creating the Sthenid Dynasty to rule Sarpedon (New Libyē).
The Book of Erytheia
Speaks of the removal of King Chrysáoros, the migration of the Chrysaorians, and the founding of the Sarpedon Outland Kingdoms. The tale of the settling of Jötunheimr and the founding of the Greyonid Dynasty in the new Kingdom of Erytheia. Also speaks of King Pḗgasos and his conquering of the Fields of Basil. The Tales of Prince Orion.
This book is a composite of minor tales and stories from across the dynasty, primarily concerned with stories featuring male Gorgons who do not often get the spotlight in Gorgonian history books. The Erytheia Book is widely disputed by many religious and historical Masters who question its relevance as they do not think it holds much narrative weight when referring to the entire history of the species. But it is considered important enough to record here. The book was originally its own document created by the more male-led Greyonid Dynasty which brought male representation to the history of their people. It was adopted into the O Gorgónios Tómos in an effort to bridge the two Kingdoms and reinforce the idea of unity.
The first tale speaks of King Chrysáoros, the oldest son of Queen Médousa, who came to inherit the throne of Sarpedon when it was first settled as a regent. He ruled for a time during which Queen Sthenṓ voyaged across Midgard to bring any remaining Gorgons with her back to Sarpedon. Chrysáoros was wed to an Oceanid named Callirhoe, with whom he sired a vast lineage of giants. Of them, only 14 are named, recorded as Mertarlar, Zrarurt, Strezrom, Vezes, Horan, Mozart, Semnurlam, Melkurt, Rhystorn, Greyone, Chrysothor, Chrysanthea, Rastrinad, and Haallavas.
Chrysáoros was the son of Lord Poseidon, God of the sea, and his lineage favored the genes of the gods as opposed to the Mortal genes of his mother. For this reason, he and his kin were seen as false rulers, and though his reign as King of Sarpedon was short and peaceful, he was not well-liked. The Gorgons, at this point in history, right after the war with the Perseid Dynasty and the persecution they suffered across Midgard, were becoming xenophobic and distrustful of alien species. The Chrysáoros rule came to an end when Queen Sthenṓ returned to establish the Sthenid Dynasty and relieve Chrysáoros of his duties. To his credit, Chrysáoros tried to remain among the dense population of Sarpedon, but the death of his wife turned to stone, convinced him otherwise.
Chrysáoros, his children and their families, the former members of his royal court, and many other loyal Gorgons would be dubbed as the Chrysaorians and migrated to the outermost lands of Sarpedon and settled them as the Outlands during the Chrysaorian Migration. The Chrysaorians founded the Outland Republic in the capital city of Calliroburg. To this very day, the Outlanders are referred to as Chrysaorians, a distinct ethnic group from the rest of Sarpedon, and conduct themselves with much sovereignty and independence.
The second tale speaks of Greyone, one of the sons of Chrysáoros who lived as a simple farmer in the Outlands when he was approached by the Sthenid Dynasty with a promising business and political venture. The Gorgons had recently established diplomatic terms with the Jötnar of Jötunheimr and were given a contract to a new settlement in the Jötunheimr Realm. Greyone was a candidate selected to lead the settlement, along with 135 thousand Chrysaorians and 35 thousand Gorgons. There are a few points that need to be spoken on to understand this.
Firstly, when mortal genetics are concerned with reproduction, Gorgon genes are dominant and will win out in dominating the other parent's genes 9 times out of 10. However, Chrysáoros was a demigod, son of Poseidon, and mortal genes will always submit to divine genes, which is why Chrysáoros could be mistaken for a walking giant and not a slithering Gorgon. Chrysáoros had a great number of children with his wife before her death, the exact number is debated, but it was at least 14 and as high as 31, and their children had families of their own, this continued for many years until the majority population of the Outlands looked more like giants than Gorgons, which only served to further separate the primary Gorgon population of the Realm. There were social and legal movements to separate Sarpedon into Lower and Upper Yards, and even segregation policies. A civil war was not long off in everyone's eyes.
Secondly, the Jötunheimr colony was more important than one might think. The Jötnar didn't really need this alliance, but the Gorgon did, and the Sthenid Dynasty understood this all too well. The Jötnar was a powerful ally to them in a time when the Gorgon people were becoming isolationist, a dangerous mindset to have which led to stagnation and economic depression. The Perseid Dynasty was still strong and were still sworn enemies, serval Perseid armadas had tried to penetrate Sarpedon already, but all were defeated by Orion. The Gorgons could not allow themselves to be boxed in and shattered by civil war, that would end them.
Thus the ruling Sthenid understood that two problems could be solved with each other. If a primarily Chrysaorian population with Gorgons established a successful Jötunheimr colony and improved relations with the Jötnar, a civil war could be averted and progress could start again for the Gorgon race. This much was explained to Greyone who agreed to lead the colony and travel to the land of the Jötnar. Greyone would wed a Jötnar, Hrórnsóglau, and become the 1st Jarl of the new Kingdom of Erytheia, establishing the Greyonid Dynasty, who still rule Mt. Erytheia to this day. As stated earlier, the kingdom of Erytheia composed this Book and possesses a unique culture compared to mainland Sarpedon.
Next is the tale of Prince Pḗgasos, the brother to Chrysáoros who sprang from the body of Médousa after Perseús slew her. Pḗgasos was a great stallion born with immortality and a hide as powerful as Gorgon scales. He had great wings on his back and was deemed the swiftest of mounts. He was owned and controlled by Perseús for a time until his aunt, Queen Euryálē, released him and set him free. Pḗgasos was to return to Sarpedon to be with his people, but he was a wandering soul and explored the Realms instead. Pḗgasos served many masters under many different banners for many years and earned many titles and honors. He is celebrated by the Gorgons for fathering five different species of phantom steeds and magical mounts.
  1. The Pegasus: The first was his own race, the Pegasus Race of winged horses who, like their forefather, had great wings and durability but were not immortal. The Pegasus steeds could communicate via telepathy and possessed a limited form of telekinesis. In general, they are known to be petty and arrogant creatures, but unrivaled in speed and ability.
  2. The Bicorn: The Bicorn are the immortal children of Unicorns, Familiars from the 5th Dimension with one horn who could grant minor wishes and possessed immense magical energy. Bicorns have two curved and ringed horns growing from their head and while they lack wings, they can use their horns to open portals through space-time for transportation.
  3. The Hippokampos: The race of sea-horses is called the Hippokampos', horse-like beings with a lower fish half and small wings that can allow for gliding. They move exceptionally fast underwater and are very common on planets covered in oceans.
  4. The Shâd'havâr: The Shâd'havâr are a race of steeds who descend from Queen Masdady, a Siren who used magic and the power of Pḗgasos to create them. The Shâd'havâr are smaller than normal horses, closer size to ponies, who possess a single demonic horn, similar to a Unicorn, with which they can play enchanting music to lure beings in. Masdady created them as weapons of war for her people and since then they have been primarily used throughout the Unholy Multiverse.
  5. The Amon: And finally, were the Amon, said to be the favorite children of Pḗgasos. They are the offspring of Pḗgasos and Sleipnir, a race of eight-legged winged steeds that stand much larger and taller than normal mounts. They have minor shapeshifting capabilities and telekinesis.
Pḗgasos is seen as an icon of fertility and family by many cultures for his numerous lineages and potent seed. He is the King of the Basil Fields, the Realm where Phantom Steeds reside, and has been a constant ally to the Gorgons of Sarpedon since.
The last tale is of Prince Orion, the Hunter, the only son of Queen Euryálē and the divine God Lord Poseidon. Orion was born as a giant thanks to the blood of his divine father, also granted the ability to walk on any surface, so long as he stood on "something", regardless of its size, he could walk on it effortlessly. Orion served as a Knight under his mother's command and on one mission he was dispatched to the planet Khios to settle a peace deal with the Lord of Khios, King Oinopion. While the diplomacy was successful, during the following celebration, Sir Orion was enchanted by Princess Merope's beauty, one of Oinopion's daughters, and in the morning, he was found with her. Oinopion was outraged by this disrespect and used dark arts to banish Orion directly to the Emerald Maze, outside of time and space.
Orion, now trapped in the maze, was fortunate to find himself near the Lemonos Foundry, an outpost for the Olympian deity Hephaestus, God of Fire and Smithing. Orion petitioned him for aid in swiftly returning home if it was within his power, which it was not. However, one of Hephaestus' sons (known as the Kabeiroi) known as Kedalion the Pure possessed queer attributes, one of them allowing him to come and go from the maze as he pleases. Kedalion has been missing and so Orion sets out to locate his key to survival. Kedalion was defeated by the Emerald Knights who were bringing him to Oz so that their Lord may learn the secrets of his body. Orion intervened and rescued Kedalion who returned him to Khios in Midgard, making Orion one of very few beings to leave the maze on command.
Now returned, Orion found the planet under siege from the Urinian Knights, his knightly order, for the supposed death of their master. Orion lifted the siege but demanded King Oinopion come out and face him in honorable combat. To his shame, Oinopion remained hidden beneath his grand cities and after Orion departed with his daughter Merope, Oinopion was usurped as King.
Orion would later serve under the goddess Artemis and learn to master archery under her teaching, becoming her best student. Accounts of his death vary greatly, but the common thread is that on a hunt, Orion had offended the Gods and was struck down for it. Afterward, his body was returned to his mother and later Zeus returned him to life as a constellation to protect the realm Sarpedon, where he remains to this day.
Princess Meropê, daughter of Oenopion, would have serval children with Orion, chief among them being the hero Hippologus and Earl Dryas, a Lord of the Tanagra Dominion. Tanagra is where Meropê and the remainder of her sisters and brothers would re-settle after being driven from Khios when their father was slain. The Light Elf Sídē would bear Orion's twin immortal daughters, Menippe and Metioche, who could return to life whenever they were killed through new bodies, stronger than the last. Finally are the Kephisides, the nymph daughters of a Midgard Kami, Lord Kephissos of the planet Cephissus, who bore Orion a total of 50 titanic sons dubbed the Orionites. They reside on the planet Cephissus under the authority of their grandfather.  
The Book of Nimyria
How Queen Nimyria the Huntress reclaimed Old Libyē, snuffed out the Perseid Dynasty, and brought the Gorgṓns into the Wilde Hunt.
The Book of Nimyria is the first Book of the Tome to be named after a Gorgonian Queen directly. The Wilde Hunt was a growing noble House of great power within Midgard led by the Reyes Clan. The Hunt served Lady Artemis, the Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, archery, and the moon. Artemis demanded that they always pursue and chase prey and hunt it as an eternal tribute to her, in exchange they would receive boons and divine favor from her. Queen Nimyria of the Sthenid Dynasty sought an alliance with the Wilde Hunt as the final step to secure Gorgon security in Midgard, and the Reyes sought the hunting prowess of the Gorgons, but before Nimyria agreed, she wanted to reclaim Old Libyē from the Perseid Dynasty.
When Perseús slew Médousa and sacked Libyē, he renamed it to Mycenae and set it as the heart of his new empire, led by his dynasty, the Perseid Dynasty. Perseús wed Princess Andromeda, daughter of Aethiopian King Cepheus, and with her had 9 children, each as legendary and powerful as their father. His seven sons were Perses the Son of Perseus, Alcaeus the Wandering Sword, Heleus the Founder of Helos, Mestor the Advisor, Sthenelus the Strength of Gods, Electryon the Saviour of Tiryns, and Cynurus the Founder of Laconia. His daughters were Gorgophone the Slayer of Gorgons and Autochthe the Hand that Remains Hidden. These nine siblings were the foundation of the Perseid dynasty and had they been united as advised by their mother, the Gorgon threat would have never returned.
The dynasty suffered from in-fighting social unrest and mismanagement of a staggering size. Each heir sought to carve out their own greatness to crawl from under their father's shadow, but it only led to division. Prince Electryon inherited the throne but was killed by the hero Amphitryon, son of Prince Alcaeus. The throne then went to Prince Sthenelus who tried to stabilize the dynasty with raw strength and fear tactics, earning him his epithet as nothing shorter than the strength of god was needed to keep them all together. He was succeeded by his son Prince Eurystheus, the last of the dynasty. Lord Hyllus, a Heracleidae (Descendants of Might HERACLES) slew Sthenelus and Eurystheus declared war on the entire Heracleidae bloodline and began striking them all at once.
The biggest problem here is that the Heracleidae are numerous and powerful, many backed by many divine gods, and not all of them were a part of the Hyllus plot. Thus, some serval 20-something kingdoms and queendoms and empires and sultanates and dynasties were now officially at war with the Perseid Dynasty. They converged on the enemy and shattered the children of the Gorgon Killer. This is how Queen Nimyria found her greatest enemy when she and the Reyes clan returned to the Libyian System. To conserve her own power, she went to the united Heracleidae and brokered an agreement to finance the war as well as back pay them for the original crimes Eurystheus committed and pay another hefty tribute on top of that to each Heracleidae for the right to lay claim to the Libyian system.
Nimyria did not find this deal agreeable, but she paid the outrageous sum because doing otherwise was twice as expensive. The Heracleidae were going to lay claim to the Libyian system and while she could fight them, she was not a formal member of the Hunt, and thus only had insignificant aid from the Reyes Clan and Sarpedon could not fight 20+ empires for their motherland. Most likely, the Heracleidae would turn their eye on Sarpedon and sack it as well. This deal put Nimmyria and her people in significant debt to the Heracleidae, but the reward was worth it. She allowed the Heracleidae to do all the heavy lifting and didn't lose a single starship, trooper, or knight. She conquered Old Libyē and the Libyian System effortlessly in the eyes of her people which made her very popular.
While the Perseid Dynasty was shattered, many of the grandchildren and grandchildren did survive and went on to establish the great noble Houses of various kingdoms, namely New Mycenae, Elis, Sparta, Messenia, and Om Persia. These kingdoms would come to form the foundation of the Imperium ton Perseídon (Imperium of the Perseids), a mighty empire spanning multiple galaxies that surpassed the original Perseid Dynasty 100 times over. The Imperium ton Perseídon would come to be the oldest and most powerful enemy of the Gorgon Queendom and have maintained a constant war with the Wilde Hunt in the name of this vendetta.
King Eurystheus was captured alive and slain by Nimyria, putting the final nail in the Perseid dynasty. With their motherland reclaimed, Nimyria re-established favorable surrender deals from the remaining natives in the star system, all of which would pay heavy reparations to the Sthenid Dynasty for their betrayal ages past. After the war, the Gorgons were formally brought within the Wilde Hunt and Nimyria was wed to Ruben Reyes, her new Consort. The Hunt is where the Gorgons remain to this day.

Historical Details


The genesis of the O Gorgónios Tómos, known colloquially as the Gorgonian Tome, is deeply entwined with the multifaceted tapestry of Gorgon's cultural, historical, and political landscapes. This sacred compendium, which now serves as a cornerstone of Sarpedonian heritage, emerged from a complex interplay of forces, each contributing to its unique character and purpose.
The Book of Erytheia, one of the constituent volumes within the Gorgonian Tome, offers a distinctive lens into the historical context surrounding the compilation of this monumental work. This particular book serves as a repository of tales and stories featuring male Gorgons, a demographic often overshadowed in mainstream Gorgonian historical narratives. In a society where the deeds of queens took precedence, the Erytheia Book sought to redress this imbalance, offering a platform to illuminate the lesser-explored contributions of male Gorgons throughout the dynastic epochs.


The original Gorgonian Tome was developed on Old Libyē by the majority Gorgon population, and it was well received at the time during the Book Of Enlightenment era. Things began to change during the writing of the Book Of Storms, where Queen Aix did not find the portrayal of her and her kin favorable and axed it from the official records, instead writing the Book of Aix herself to replace it. The Book of Aix is dangerously inaccurate and one-sided but remains the official record of the era until the death of Aix and the shattering of her dynasty. Her only surviving child, her cripple son Prince Muxaumas, would recover the Book of Aix in his later years and add a number of corrections and additions that have been deemed historically sound. This revised Book was named the Book of the Goat and later, Gorgonian historians combined the previous Book of Storms and the Book of the Goat into the Book of Fierce Storms, the official record of events.
During the 2nd Space Age under the leadership of the three Queens Sthenṓ, Euryálē, and Médousa, record-keeping was taken very seriously and done independently of the crown with the creation of the Eye of the Snake (E.S.) founded by Lady Phundriane, daughter of former Prince Muxaumas of the Aixnid Dynasty. The ES has a devotion to historical truth and was officially recognized by the Sthenid Dynasty, and it was the ES that fell responsible for resolving the record dispute with the Jarldom of Erytheia. The Greyonid Dynasty had its own historical records, the Erytheia Songs, which were a continuation of the Outlandish Tales, another variation of record-keeping maintained by the Chrysaorians of the Sarpedonian Outlands. The problem became more complex with the cultural and racial differences between both the Outlands and Erytheia, which were predominantly half-giant, versus the Sarpedon heartland, which was primarily full-blooded Gorgon. With threats of sedition and pressure from the Sthenid Dynasty, the ES was motivated to finally correct everything.
The critical difference between the histories was the focal point of historical figures and the exclusion of male Gorgons from the history books. The Literalists didn't want to change anything about the Book of Queens as it was a record of Gorgonian society led by their queens, not every significant figure. However, the Revisionists argued that that text was to tell the story of all their people, not just the Gorgonian female historical figures. The ES resolved to make all parties content with the Book of Erytheia which condensed serval historical accounts from both the Outlandish Tales and the Erytheia Songs into their own Book, ratified by the sitting monarch. The Literalists felt like it was a desecration of their text and the Revisionists were distraught that their histories were reduced to a party fun bag full of random stories, but both sides were somewhat satisfied, and a civil war was averted.

Digital, Holographic
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


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